
作者&投稿:干腾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This article first introduces the history of emotional education, and then analyzes the effect of emotion in mathematics education..

We will find out what Dudley saw in Order of the Phoenix when he was attacked by the dementor.
·We will find out the true identity of R.A.B., though most fans are quite sure it's Sirius's brother, Regulus.
·We will see Viktor Krum again.
·We will find out a little bit more about Harry's Grandparents.
·We will find out what happened to Sirius' flying motorcycle, "but the real sleuths among us might be able to guess." Care to hazard a guess?
·Wormtail's life debt to Harry will come into play, somehow.
·We will find out what Lily and James did for a living. This piece of information is "important to a later plot." Possibly something Harry finds out during his visit to Godric's Hollow?
·The shroud that surrounds Snape will fall and we will see where his loyalties truly lie.
·One of Harry's classmates will go on to become a teacher, but it isn't "maybe the one you think, hint, hint, hint," and it isn't Ron, either. Our guess is Neville, but we'll see!
·We will find out something extremely important about Lily and James and it will have a direct effect on what Harry has to do. And no, conspiracy theorists, it's not that they were actually both working for Voldemort, an idea that sickened Ms. Rowling.
·We will see Dolores Umbridge again.
·We will see Rita Skeeter again. At the Edinburgh Book Festival, Rowling had this to say: "I actually quite like Rita. She is loathsome - morally, she's horrible - but I can't help admiring her toughness. She is very determined to do the job and there is something quite engaging about that. There is more to come on Rita."
·The last word of the book is "scar," though that may change with future edits.
·We will find out something "incredibly important" about Lily Potter.
·Harry's eye color will come into play. Also, JKR said that "he has his mother's eyes and that's very important in a future book."
·There is "more to the Sorting Hat" than what was presented in the first six books; we will "find out what it becomes" in book seven.
·Although Aunt Petunia is neither a witch nor a Squib, "there is a little bit more to her than meets the eye," and we will find out what that is.
·According to Jo, "one character got a reprieve, but I have to say two die that I didn't intend to die. A price has to be paid. We are dealing with pure evil. They don't target the extras, do they? They go for the main characters
根据从Jo那里得来的消息(靠,Jo又是何方神圣?难道JK Rowling中的J就是JO的简写?)“一个角色将会被判处死刑,不过我必须要说的是两个我本来没打算让他们死的人死了。代价是必须要付出的。我们是在对付真正的罪恶。他们没有针对额外的角色吧?他们是为了主角而死的(最后这句实在搞不懂什么意思,可能是上面翻译的那样,不过我看过一点哈七,还没看完,我知道在里面弗雷德和卢平都翘了,唉,我很喜欢弗雷德的!!)


•我们会找出什么达德利看到秩序的凤凰时,他遭到了守德蒙特. •我们会找出来的真实身份r.a.b. ,虽然大部分球迷都肯定它的天狼星的弟弟regulus . •我们将看到维克多克拉姆. •我们会找出来,多一点点对亨利的祖父母. •我们将看看发生在Sirius '飞摩托车 "但真正的侦探之间,我们也许可以猜想" 护理猜测? •wormtail生平债务Harry会起作用,或多或少. •我们会找出什么百合和詹姆斯没有自己的生活. 这项消息是"重要的一个情节后, " 可能有些亨利找出访问戈德里克的空洞? •裹尸布,免得snape会下降,我们将看到他的真正的忠诚所在. 派出一个哈利的同学将继续成为一名教师,但这并非是"也许是你想 暗示,示意,暗示" ,而不是罗恩,要么. 我们猜想是Neville ,但我们再看! •我们会找出一些极为重要的百合和詹姆斯,而且将有一个直接的影响是什么 Harry已经做的. 而NO ,阴谋论,但并没有说,他们其实是两种工作,为盒,这一想法厌恶女士链接. •我们将看到在Dolores umbridge . •我们将看到丽塔再度滑船. 在爱丁堡图书节,链接有话要说: "其实我很喜欢丽塔. 她是令人生厌的道德, 她可怕的,但是我不能不钦佩她的韧性. 她是非常有决心做好的,有 是相当搞一下. 还有的是来于丽塔. " •最后一个字的书是"伤疤" ,虽然这可能会改变未来的编辑. •我们会找出一些"极为重要"百合波特. •亨利的眼睛颜色便会发挥作用. 同时, jkr说, "他有他母亲的眼睛,这是非常重要,在未来的书" l存在的"多拣帽子" ,而不是象在首6书籍; 我们会" ,看看它变成了"图书7 . •虽然姑姑矮牵牛既不是一个巫婆,也不是嘲讽, "有一点点的,她比符合眼睛, "我们会找出是什么. •根据庄子" ,一个字有一种说不清, 但我要说两死,我并不打算死. 代价总是要付出的. 我们 正在处理纯恶. 他们不是针对演员,是吗? 去吃主角

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I will thank.

Armed with knowledge.1.Vocational school is the basis of many of the people, skills and ability is not born, is in the study into form accumulation, knowledge is the premise of the ability, the ability to change by knowledge, in order to have a better career paths we now sho...

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Classroom corridor is not running, safety first is well Abide by the order of the stairs, the hubbub died down Jinjiao Shi Softly jog trot off corridors, up and down the stairs right at Up and down the stairs right onto the remarkable civilizations softly jog trot 100 good ...

therefore they continue to beg boss the chartering to give them, finally boss has to lend the ship they, and urges them: “do not arrive at the too far place.” they rented the boat to go to sea, they happy were paddling the boat, has forgotten boss's urge completely. Th...

可以这样译:随着科技的发展和社会的进步,教育越来越影响人们的生活。所以教师这个行业越来越受到人们的重视。With the development of the technology and the advancement of the society ,the education will influence\/effect people's life in a deeper and deeper way. so\/therefor, teacher as a ...

求英语高手帮我把中文译成英文 (手工翻译,拒绝机器软件翻译)
i am as the same as all others, mostly Pop music 不过现在基本上听的东西中也加入一些Rock,but now the music that i listen to will include some rock 什么元素都有听到.i have heard almost every single type 我学到了音乐中一些实质的东西.i have learnt some real things through music...


翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我翻译成英语吧! -
舌姬洛普: 1the school dining room is not neat and someone as a garbage dump ,the leftovers on the table ,the groud lost three let the more DuoRen from good habits ,Let the litter people clearing up the rubbish 4 posted ,calling string to their behavior,protect ...

翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我英文翻译~~~~下
舌姬洛普: 1.visit sb 2.self introduction 3.spend on doing sth 4.make the same mistake 5.ask for sick leave6.言之有理 7.修理好某物 8.做某事很积极(有情绪去做) 9.练习做某事 10.对某事或某物感到厌倦(疲劳) 希望你能采纳

翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我翻译 -
舌姬洛普: 换句话说,在新闻室文化里存在着能够为各种令人混头的新闻提供坚实基础和成熟的论述结构的惯常的故事生产线(或者故事系统).这儿的otherwise是副词,修饰confusing,主要是强掉多么的令人困惑

翔安区15872531397: 英语翻译高手帮我翻译!!
舌姬洛普: Dear young ladies (gentleman) thank you to my invitation, the supper I enjoy extremely, your kitchen skill is extremely good, which cake also extremely delicacy, you and does your family member relate very harmoniously, I like you extremely the family.Thanks you to my invitation.[www.langsky.com]

翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我翻译一下! -
舌姬洛普: Today I would like to give you a magic performance. First of all I would like to explain what I would do: I will later this coin from the mouth eat, from the back of his neck out. At...

翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我翻译成英语
舌姬洛普: Have you ever missed the things that already gone? When I hear the cicadas starting chirping for a long time which seems no stopping, I will always miss the lost summer as well as the days that keep my heart warm. Then I will cry with a smile (on my face),alone.

翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我翻译英语
舌姬洛普: 楼主你好 是You should know that our story is not a fairy.tale

翔安区15872531397: 英语高手帮我翻译
舌姬洛普: 1.I am waiting for you all the time. 2.I have been waiting for you so long. 3.Everytime I chat with you,I would prepare for a long time,but you always hide. 4.You don't have to do so,I won't chat with you. 望采纳.

翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我翻译一句英文
舌姬洛普: 你认为我会放弃,我反而会更加坚定

翔安区15872531397: 高手帮我翻译成英语吧!
舌姬洛普: 1.school cafeteria is not clean2 people refer to it as a garbage dump, throw the leftovers on the table, on the ground3 more people to develop good habits; make people clean up trash littering4 posted notices to draw attention to their own conduct, ...

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