
作者&投稿:陈安 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose realism, biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech, burlesque and irony have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and best-loved writers in English literature.[1]

Austen lived her entire life as part of a small and close-knit family located on the lower fringes of English gentry.[2] She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading. The steadfast support of her family was critical to Austen's development as a professional writer.[3] Austen's artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years until she was about thirty-five years old. During this period, she wrote three major novels and began a fourth.[B] From 1811 until 1815, with the release of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1815), she achieved success as a published writer. She wrote two additional novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both published after her death in 1817, and began a third, which was eventually titled Sanditon, but died before completing it.

Austen's works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the eighteenth century and are part of the transition to nineteenth-century realism.[4][C] Austen's plots, though fundamentally comic,[5] highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security.[6] Like those of Samuel Johnson, one of the strongest influences on her writing, her works are concerned with moral issues.[7]

During her lifetime, Austen's works brought her little fame and only a few positive reviews. Through the mid-nineteenth century, her novels were admired only by a literary elite. However, the publication of her nephew's A Memoir of Jane Austen in 1869 introduced her life and works to a wider public. By the 1940s, Austen was firmly ensconced in academia as a "great English writer", and the second half of the twentieth century saw a proliferation of Austen scholarship that explored many aspects of her novels: artistic, ideological, and historical. In popular culture, a Janeite fan culture has developed, centred on Austen's life, her works, and the various film and television adaptations of them.


Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, three hours after night in the town of Toscany Hills. Little is known about Leonardo Da Vinci's childhood.
He lived in the town of Finch with his mother before he was five years old and with his father, grandparents and uncle Francesco after 1457.
At the age of 15, he went to Florence to study art, grew up as a scientifically literate painter, sculptor, and became a military engineer and architect.
He graduated from the Italian Institute of Technology in 1482 and became a famous Italian architect and painter. He carried out creative and research activities in the noble court.
In 1513, when he moved to Rome, Rome was not a very pleasant place for Leonardo. He stopped there for a short time and met Michelangelo and other artists in Rome at that time.
But he did not reveal any artistic genius. He was basically studying magic tricks there, so that the Romans thought he was a wizard.
In 1516, Leonardo Da Vinci went to France, and finally settled in Ambvas. In his later years, he seldom painted and devoted himself to scientific research.
When he died, he left a large number of notes and manuscripts covering almost everything from physics, mathematics to biology and anatomy.





Zeus is the King of the Gods in Greek Mythology. Zeus was viewed as a king who oversaw the universe. In Hesiod's Theogony, he assigns the various gods their roles. In the Homeric Hymns he is referrred to as the chieftain of the gods. He is also called the "Father of Gods and men", according to Hesiod's Theogony. He ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus in ways representative as both a father as head of the family and a king. He was the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical "cloud-gatherer" also derives certain iconographic traits from the cultures of the Ancient Near East, such as the scepter. Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of two poses: standing, striding forward, with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty.
Zeus was the child of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest of his siblings. In most traditions he was married to Hera, although, at the oracle of Dodona, his consort was Dione: according to the Iliad, he is the father of Aphrodite by Dione. He is known for his erotic escapades. These resulted in many godly and heroic offspring, including Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Persephone (by Demeter), Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen, Minos, and the Muses (by Mnemosyne); by Hera, he is usually said to have fathered Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus。

生平 1852年10月9日,埃米尔·费歇尔出生于德国莱茵河附近的乌斯吉城,他的父亲劳伦兹·费歇尔是当地富有的企业家。埃米尔自幼勤奋好学,1869年以全班第一名的成绩毕业于波恩大学预科,1871年进入波恩大学,一年以后,又转入斯特拉斯堡大学学习,该校对于新入学的化学系学生要求很严,规定必须经过严格的无机化学和分析化学的训练。

荷马诗注释家引传说卡珊德拉与赫勒诺斯(Helenus)为双生。其家在阿波罗·提漠布里俄斯(Thymbraean)神庙祭祀庆祝,家人沾醉径去,将卡珊德拉与赫勒诺斯留在神庙。家人次日清醒,始至神庙寻找,见有神蛇以舌为二子洗耳,遂大惊叫,蛇潜入桂树枝间不见,卡珊德拉与赫勒诺斯遂得以预见未来。 预言能力来源另一...

剑桥一流的地质学教授 亚当·塞治威克(Adam Sedgwick,1785-1873年,最早命名Cambrian寒武纪的人。“维多利亚时代”的人物 ,也就是过去大英帝国颇为辉煌时代的人物 。达尔文把《物种起源》第一版的书赠给塞治威克时给他的一封信 。达尔文在信中很客气地说 , 看法不同 ,但很希望听取他的意见 。另一封就...

生平简介:1943年考入之江大学教育系,在校期间即参加《莘莘》、《新生代》、 袁鹰《联声》报刊的编辑。1945年加入中国共产党,先后被分配在学生运动、文艺和宣传部门工作,长期在报社当记者、编辑。1954年加入中国作家协会。 历任《世界晨报》、《联合晚报》副刊编辑。建国后,《解放日报》文教组组长,《...


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艾真路成: (希腊语:Ζεύς,或Δίας),(英语:Zeus)天神,古希腊神话中最高的神,罗马神话中称朱庇特(拉丁语:Jupiter),为克洛诺斯(Κρόνος)与雷亚(Ρέα)所生的最小儿子. 希腊神话中的主神,第三任神王,是奥林匹斯山的统治者...

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艾真路成: Zeus (宙斯) The ruler of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus, and the god of the sky and thunder. Zeus was the child of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest of his siblings. He is married to Hera, the queen of the gods. He is often depicted either ...

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艾真路成: 宙斯(Zeus) 希腊神话中的主神,第三任神王,是奥林匹斯山的统治者.克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,掌管天界;以贪花好色著称,奥林匹斯的许多神邸和许多希腊英雄都是他和不同女人生下的子女.他以雷电为武器,维持着天地间的秩序,公牛和...

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艾真路成: Demeter was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea,and sister of zeus.She was the goddess of grain and the harvest.The Romans identified her with their goddess of the corn,Ceres.The Greeks and Romans held festivals and offered gifts to her,so that ...

柘荣县18527184464: 宙斯的英文名? -
艾真路成: “众神之父”宙斯 Zeus 宙斯是宇宙的司(斯)令,是外星系高级智慧人类. 宇宙的图片希腊语:Ζε????,或Δ??α?? 希腊神话中的主神,第三任神王,是奥林匹斯山的统治者.克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,掌管天界;以贪花好色著称,奥林匹...

柘荣县18527184464: 希腊神话人物的英文名字有四个单词的. -
艾真路成: Zeus 宙斯 万神之王,主管天空 Hera 赫拉 主管婚姻和生育,妇女的保护神 Iris 伊利斯 彩虹女神 Ares 阿瑞斯 战神 Gaea 盖亚 大地之母 Eros 厄洛斯 爱神 Rhea 瑞亚 时光女神 Thea 提亚 宝物、光及视力女神 Leto 勒托 暗夜女神 Eris 厄里斯 不和之女神 Hebe 赫柏 青春女神 Dike 狄克 公正女神 Auxo 奥克索 夏女神 Auge 奥格 晨光女神 Akte 阿刻忒 餐饮女神 Ceto 刻托 危险之海神

柘荣县18527184464: 关于宙斯(Zeus)我想了解一些关于宙斯的评论,英文的更好.谢谢
艾真路成: Zeus, the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea, he was the supreme ruler of Mount Olympus and of the Pantheon of gods who resided there. Being the supreme ruler he upheld...

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艾真路成: 希腊神话-十二主神 天神宙斯(Zeus): 克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子;掌管天界,他是众神之王,至高无上的主神天神.宙斯为天神克洛诺斯与瑞亚所生的最小的儿子,他与哥哥姐姐一起,同他们的父亲开战.经过十年战争,在祖母大地女神该亚的帮...

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艾真路成: 标准答案来了 宙斯: Zeus 米迦勒:Michael

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