
作者&投稿:花斩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


第一个选择 subject,翻译为 学科, 科目,你喜欢哪个学科?

第二个,是对音乐,提问。音乐是自然学科的一门,选择 subject。

b 过去分词做定语。与The experience 是被动关系
b。Not having realized 是ing形式的完成形式,表示动作发生在主语动作之前。


2._____ has helped save the drowning girl is worth prasing.
A anyone B who C.whoever
Anyone can do that. 那事情谁都会做。
I never lend it to anyone. 我从来不把它借给任何人。
I’ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。
I won’t open the door, whoever you are. 不管你是谁,我都不会开门。

误:Anyone breaks this law deserves a fine.
正:Anyone who breaks this law deserves a fine.
正:Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine.


第一个选WHO 注意理解词义

1.favor(do me a favor表示“帮我一下”)2.milk(这瓶牛奶多钱?)3.come on:v. 突然产生, 要求, 成为...负担, 偶遇, 跟着来, 开始, 出台, 上演,快点,赶快.(有时候一个词有很多种意思,但要根据具体的意境来来理解词意。)4.the clothes section:衣服(直接翻译为衣服就可以了。)5.pi...

答案c、I’m a nurse.May I use your computer for a while?我可以用一下你的电脑吗?答案是:b、Yes, go ahead。好的,用吧。Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to ___ some money.在他去度假之前,他去银行取了一些钱。答案是:D,draw.提取 How can Jack be a...

6.--How far Is it from your home to school?--The minutes on foot. D is the correct answer;7.How many students in your school wear uniforms? 原题有误,student 应为students 7.Which student in your school wear uniform? 若原题的student无误uniforms应为单数uniform 8.第...

一、填空题(为什么要填这个答案):1.I was (regret)__when I learnt that he failed to pass the exam.我错填了regretted,正确答案是regretful.因为我想有I was surprised /excited at……2.Even if he needed money badly,he(never turn)__to his father for help.我错填了never turned...

1. Maybe he is friendly.(may be)=He may be friendly.3.Why did you call yourself "Nobody"? (What..for,name)= What did you name yourself "Nobody" for?3.Let's get out of the cave.(Don't stay)=Don't stay in the cave....

四道英语选择题,求详解1) I saw ___ UFO on my way home yesterday.It...
岁月流逝和结婚都是主动,排除CD,又2我们中的一半人都是复数,所以用have...,1,四道英语选择题,求详解 1) I saw ___ UFO on my way home yesterday.It could't be as big as ___ I saw the day before yesterday A,a; one B,an; that C.a; the one D;the ;it.2) The ...

1 The music will help (to relax).2 I have found that lost watch.(改为一般疑问句).Have you found that lost watch?3 You should finish all your homework (in half an hour). (对划线部分提问)How soon should I finish all my homework?4 It has been famou for its theatres ...

2.My brother joined the army three years ago.My brother take part in the army for three years .My brother has been a soldierfor three years 3.Staring at others is impolite .It’s impolite to stare at others .4.I hope that you'll have a wonderful holiday .I wish you a...

blindness 我分不出蓝色和绿色,因为我色盲。色盲 colour blindness children's 巧克力是孩子们的最爱,但是吃多了对身体不好。复数 名词所有格 impatient 我等了好长时间了,所以越来越不耐烦了。impatient,不耐烦 sleepy 昨晚我熬夜到十二点,所以现在我非常困。sleepy,困倦的 ...

3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 1.这是个倒装句,正常语序为The stones\/ on the road \/were \/what caused the accident .因为stone当石块讲时可数,又是复数,所以选were。2. 主语是All,“A but B”谓语由“A”决定,这是语法。3.Mathematics虽然看上去像是复数,Mathematics是“数学”...

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师卿血栓: 1因为前面是过去式,用了完成时态会变成过去的过去,句子的意思就不对了2这个是错综时间条件句,前面是虚拟语气,后面是陈述将要发生的事实

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师卿血栓: 1.The moon is ___the size ___the earth. A.one forty-nine....of B.one forty ninth...than C.one forth-ninth..to D.one forty-ninth..of 明确句意:“月球是地球的1/49那么大(不是九分之四而...

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师卿血栓: Since which year D

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师卿血栓: 1、Amuch +形容词比较级表示更加XXX2、B表示尽管...但是...的意思

海阳市19338117880: 两道英语题目.. -
师卿血栓: 第一题应该是B,broke 是说,如果你将着火了,你不可以打电话叫救火的. 第二题应该是elections,就是选举的意思.

海阳市19338117880: 两道英语题目
师卿血栓: 1He's trying to save their marriage 2unsuccessful ...failed ...abortive ...fail ...failful ...

海阳市19338117880: 两道英文题目
师卿血栓: Do the children go to school in the moring? The children don't go to school in the moring. Does she do the housework? She doesn't do the housework. ============================= 希望可以帮到你 记得采纳哦 谢谢!

海阳市19338117880: 两道英语题、
师卿血栓: 1、B rice是不可数的 2、fine

海阳市19338117880: 两道英语题目
师卿血栓: 1 what----subjects does he like? C other 2 Don not have a bike? 回答-------A yes,I do

海阳市19338117880: 两道英语题目
师卿血栓: over there, 指在那边, 用that ,那个 'd better 可用should代替

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