
作者&投稿:钭怡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We are going camping on Yulong mountain this weekend. There are six persons in our group. We will gather together at our school gate at 8:00 on Saturday. We will start to climb the mountain at 8:30 and get to the top at 10:00 am. We will have lunch at the top of the mountain. After lunch, we will arrange some free activities , such as singing, dancing and game playing. We will return at 5:00 pm. In order to have a good time, every member of our group must prepare necessities by yourself, such as tent, sleeping bag, coat, water, food, and so on. I belive we are going to have a happy day.

Last week, our school had an intresting school trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan province. As everyone knows, it's difficult to get there. The trip took us more than 6 hours. It seemd that the time went very slow then.
As we climbed the mountain,we fed the lovely monkeys. It's very exciting, not boring at all. On the foot of the mountain it's very hot, but it's very cool on the top of the mountain. On the way up we were very lucky to take many beautiful pictures since the weather is sunny. The things were very expensive not cheap in the scenic area. The food were delicious. Happy time always goes fast, we liked the great school trip.


Study on puzzles I am a student, this year on the second grade of junior high school. In school, I have many difficulties in learning, because I am a student in residence, a month to go home, so sometimes I miss home, thus affecting the learning. Although, I study very hard, but let me not happy, my grades have been no progress, I may be learning the right way, so I will improve my way of learning, welcome friends to give me some suggestions, I will be indebted forever, I hope I can continue to progress, in the class come out in front. 学习上的困惑 翻译;我是一名学生,今年刚上初中二年级.在学校,我有不少学习上的困难,由于我是一名住校生,一个月才能回家一趟,所以有时我会想家,从而影响学习.虽然,我学习很努力,但是让我不开心的是,我的成绩一直没有进步,可能是我的学习方法不对,所以我会改进一些我的学习方法,欢迎朋友们给我一些建议,我会感激不尽的,我希望我能不断的进步,在班里名列前茅. 如果满意,望采纳,谢谢

The trouble in English studying
I thought i have studied English well before.But since the day that i went into the university,i change my mind.i could not read the most of words in my textbook,i could not understand what the teacher said,i could not remember new words,i could not get the answer when i did my homework and so on.
Am i lazy i'm not lazy in university.i remember new words everyday ,but forget them after sleeping.
Though i also can get a good mark in exams now,i feel i can't know about English well.Maybe i only can study how to pass the examination instead of knowing about English.this is the problem.
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一件难忘的事 这是发生在我身边的一件事,每当我在公交车上看到有人让座,我便会回忆起那件事。这件事既让我对自己感到十分惭愧,也让我对一位素不相识的人产生一种敬佩之情。那是一年前的一个星期日的上午,我上完学习班乘公交车去爸爸单位。我一上公交车,就赶紧抢了个空位子,看也不看,...


那一刻,我很 初中水平六百字,可以直接贴作文,也可以直接说怎么写。

因为,计老师的一番话,却让我意外地获得惊喜。 在一节语文课上,计老师告诉我们一个消息,说是《鲈乡新苗》征文活动开始了,感兴趣的同学可以交上一篇作文来参加。我听了,有些跃跃欲试。抱着试一试的心态,我决定参加。一回到家,我就忙开了,找材料,寻灵感,冥思苦想了半天,又打了好几遍草稿,才写出了一篇作文。

生命的出口 坐在窗边细细地品着一盏龙井,漫不经心地翻着一打报刊,感觉生活是如此美好。无意间翻到一篇令人触目惊心的报道:一名中学生跳楼自杀未遂,高位截瘫……我有几分颓然地倚在窗边,思考着生命为何会如此脆弱。这时,一只小黄蜂飞入屋内,转悠了两圈准备飞出去时,不料与玻璃撞个正着。我想,...


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