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I have good friends Lee, She is now 13 years old, and I am as big as she is a particularly quiet girl, usually not very talkative, and her hair long, very nice oh!


Not only am I outgoing and energetic but also I am optimistic and enthusiastic.I have a good command of English, which enables me to communicate with foreign friends well.想了解更多关于英语写作的技巧,点击下方蓝字注册外教课一节,免费欧美外教教你如何写出漂亮作文。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,点击蓝字即可免费学英语,跟着外教学习地道的英语表达!学英语,需要一个良好的学习环境,阿卡索外教网,专业外教一对一授课,性价比也是非常高的,课均不到20元,真的很划算,各位可以点击上述蓝字去试一下,专业外教+中教提供专业的一对一辅导。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

my friend and IMy name is John and I have a friend .

My good friend is Tommy.He is shorter and thinner than me.He’s good at basketball and he likes to eat meat.He likes to play games,too!

He is very generous.And sometimes he shares some food with me and lends me some books.He is very strong.

He lives in Xiangshan so he is good at swimming.He sometimes doesn’t do his homework after class so he has to do his homework in the evening.

We are friends so I accompany him to do it.We get along well though we sometimes fight each other.We are a good pair of friends.

my friend and I
My name is John and I have a friend .
My good friend is Tommy.He is shorter and thinner than me.He’s good at basketball and he likes to eat meat.He likes to play games,too!
He is very generous.And sometimes he shares some food with me and lends me some books.He is very strong.He lives in Xiangshan so he is good at swimming.He sometimes doesn’t do his homework after class so he has to do his homework in the evening.We are friends so I accompany him to do it.We get along well though we sometimes fight each other.We are a good pair of friends.

my friend and I
My name is John and I have a friend .
My good friend is Tommy.He is shorter and thinner than me.He’s good at basketball and he likes to eat meat.He likes to play games,too!
He is very generous.And sometimes he shares some food with me




心地善良 、聪明伶俐、善解人意、风趣幽默、思想开放、积极进取 、小心谨慎、正义正直、悲观失意、处事洒脱、异想天开、多愁善感 、淡泊名利、见利忘义、瞻前顾后、循规蹈矩、热心助人 、快言快语、少言寡语、爱管闲事、追求 *** 、豪放不羁 、见异思迁、积极负责、勇敢正义、聪明好学 、实事求是、务实实...


告诉他自己叫什么,很高兴能和你成为同学,以后你有什么不懂的可以来找我。同学之间的友谊是最纯洁的要懂得珍惜 3.可以说同学你好,欢迎你加入我们班级,很喜欢你咱们可以交个朋友吗?这样直接了当的说也很好,然后我们不要忘了问对方叫什么,一定要记住他的名字,不然显得会很不礼貌 ...



如下 :I have a good friend.我有一个好朋友。Her name is Lucy.她的名字叫露西。Lucy is friendly and kindly.露西很友好,热心。I like her very much.我很喜欢她。英语的起源与发展:(1)英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用...



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