
作者&投稿:相舒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Good morning everyone!
I'm very happy to introduce myself today. My name is Susan, I am 20 years old this year, I'm a freshman who i 'm from Guangzhou.I like to listen to music, watching tv.I like English very much. I hope I can pass the interview today, although my English is very poor, but I will work hard. I hope I can improve my English here, and I want to know more about western culture!Thank you!

1、简单的个人资料:Hello. My name is xxxxx. I came from xxx school, where I'm a xx year student at the moment. I'm xxx years old.

2、自己的特长,爱好,个人特色。I love xxxx, and have been practicing it since xxx years ago. I have a credit of level xxx in xxx. I used to perform in xxx. I represented my school to participate xxx in (year), and won xxx prize.

如:I love travelling. I have been to xxxx. / I'm interested in basketball. I play every afternoon and made lots of friends.

如:I'm enthusiastic about animals. I worked as volenteer in pet shops during my school holidays.


I think information technology will continue to play an immense role in the future. I wish to become a specialist in this area through my university study.

I always have passion in microbiology. I believe that I can help people by being a doctor or other medical professional.

I'm the only child in my family thus I have always been well looked after. Now I cannot wait to live on my own. That is to be indipendent.

I fanced travelling the world. Studying overseas gives me a change to see and feel the various people and culture, as well as many beautiful scenes.

I loved the culture and history of (the country 大学所在国家). It will be a wonderful experience to live in the country for a few year.


where are you from?
I am from , a beautiful city in Province.
how long have you lived there?
Fourteen years.
how do you like it? why?
I like it very much. First, My hometown is a very beautiful city with many scenic spots and historical sites. Second, the people are very honest and hospitable. Finally, my industrious parents are still live and work there.

do you live near here? where about?
No. I live in .
what do you think are the good points about living in this city?

could you tell us sth. about you family?

what does your family usually do for the weekend?

what do you think about living together with your parents?
I think that would be a very happy thing for me. I will have a chance to repay my parent’s fostering. And living together with parents make me feel warm from the kinship family.

do you have any hobbies?
I have wide hobbies. I like reading books because they can enrich my knowledge. I also like outdoors sports, including swimming, playing basketball and so on, because sports can strengthen my body and mind, and make me have adequate energy to study and work.
how did you become interested in the hobbies?

why do you choose to study at our institute?
First, there are many high-level postgraduate tutor in this institute; Second, there are many significant research task; Third, there are favorable treatment to students. All these aspects attract me to enter this institute to further study.

why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?
Because my foundation is still fairly weak, and if I don’t enhance myself by further studying now, I must lag behind the society in later work.
what are your favorite subjects?
Computer application, mainly including computer programming and image processing.
what kind of job did you do?
Computer administrator and programmer.
have you ever worked during the vacation?

why do you want to go back to study instead of going on with your work?

what qualifications are needed in order to do your job well?
These qualification mainly include: familiar with the structure of computer, adroitly operating computer, programming with one or several programming language.
what did you enjoy most about your campus life?

------future plans
what do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?
do you think english is important for your future plans? in what aspects is it important?

Good morning, my dear teachers:
I am very glad to be here for this interview today. First let me introduce myself.
My name is , years old. I come from , a beautiful city in province. I graduated from University in July, . In the past five years I have been.
I am very fond of computer and have spent most of my spare time on learning it. I have ever got the second-class awards twice in , respectively in 2000 and 2001. During my working years, I have . And due to my hard working, I was awarded many times by the company. Furthermore, I like English very much, because it can help me understand and communicate with the world. And in future’s study and scientific research work, English must be a powerful and absolutely necessary tool.
I have broad interests. I like reading books because they can enrich my knowledge. I also like outdoors sports, including swimming, playing basketball and so on, because sports can strengthen my body and mind, and make me have adequate energy to study and do research.
I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. If I am given a chance to further study and do research in this famous institute, I’ll do my best to acquire new knowledge and technologies, and apply them to the practical scientific research.


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屈琛迪非: 四川联合航空学院,面试空姐、空少、安检专业. 入学需要面试:身高、体重、视力、嗅觉、色觉、普通话、英语口语、形象、表达、政审等,学院会根据你的综合情况来录取你. 详细请登录: www.028hk.net 报名联系电话:028-66660056

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屈琛迪非: 参加美国校园面试对于学生来说是一个比较大的挑战,所以要做好充分 的准备.首先,需要孩子最大程度熟悉自己的申请材料,并根据面试问题准备好 回答素材,回答素材与申请材料中展示的内容要一致.其次,可以准备一些表现自己特殊能力的证明材料,如自己的手工作品、 一段乐器表演视频或其他的一些技能特长展示等.最后,去美国学校参加面试的学生一定要穿符合自己年龄、气质的正装.

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