
作者&投稿:戎安 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Snake(斯内克、蛇)是游戏《合金装备(Metal Gear)》系列中主要角色的一种称呼,多身为主角。Snake并不是一个人,而是多个角色,几乎每一作都会有以Snake为名的人物,是系列的核心之一。
其中Solid Snake、Liquid Snake、Solidus Snake是Naked Snake(big boss)的克隆体,Venom Snake则误认为自己是Naked Snake。

Solid Snake是MSX2版MG的最终敌人BIG BOSS的克隆体,诞生自1972年爱国者组织的魔童计划(Les Enfants Terribles),这是为了制造传奇战士BIG BOSS的代替品而创办的项目,索利德是隐性基因的继承者。
Liquid Snake是MGS第一部的最终BOSS,BIG BOSS的克隆体之一,与索利德·斯内克一同诞生于1972年的魔童计划,是显性基因的继承者。
索利达斯·斯内克(Solidus Snake),是《合金装备2:自由之子》的最终BOSS,BIG BOSS的完美克隆,具备显性和隐性的基因,诞生于魔童计划的1972年。


  潜龙谍影3中英双语全剧本(XIII)- -

  (Snake heads toward a field of white flowers. Suddenly, a distant nuclear
  blast goes off)

  Boss: Life' end... (drops the Davy Crockett) Isn't beautiful? It's almost tragic. When life ends, it gives off a final lingering aroma. Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die. I've been waiting, Snake, for a long time. Waiting for your birth, your growth, and the finality of today.
  Boss: 生命的尽头...不是很美吗?但这种美丽往往都是悲剧性的。当生命走到终点时,它会散发出最后的久久不散的芳香。光明对于那些即将死去的人来说仅仅只是黑暗赠与的最后礼物。我一直在等,Snake,等了很久了。等你出生,等你长大,等待着今天的终结。

  Snake: Boss, why are you doing this?
  Snake: Boss你为什么要这么做?

  Boss: Why? To make the world one again. The world used to be whole. But with the end of the Second World War, the Philosophers began to fight amongst themselves and the world was torn apart. The Cobras, my comrades who trained and fought alongside me, were torn apart as well. The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes. Ridiculous, isn't it? Yesterday's ally becomes today's opposition. And this Cold War? Think back... When I was leading the Cobras, America and Russia were fighting together. Now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st century. Somehow, I doubt it. Enemies change along with the times, and the flow of the ages. And we soldiers are forced to play along. I didn't raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other in battle. A soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends. So then what is an enemy? Is there such thing as an absolute timeless enemy? There is no such thing and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited. I will devote my skills to that purpose. And with the Colonel's money, I will achieve that end. Just as I once created the Cobras. They are my family. I may no longer be able to bear children but I still have a family.
  Boss: 为什么?为了让世界重新合为一体。世界本来是一个整体,但是二战结束后,“哲学家”们就开始相互争斗,这使得世界四分五裂。眼镜蛇部队,曾经和我一起训练和战斗的伙伴们也因此各奔东西。政治的怪癖和时间的变迁会让朋友变成敌人,就像风改变它的方向那样简单。很荒谬,是不是?曾经的同盟变成今天的对手。还有这场冷战?想想过去...当我带领眼镜蛇的时候,美国和苏联在一起联手作战,,但我怀疑他们现在彼此都会认为对方是21世纪的敌人。

  Boss: It was November 1st, 1951. I was in the Nevada desert participating in atomic testing. The name "Nevada" is derived from Spanish... "covered in snow"... "white as snow"... And snow is exactly what I saw in the that Nevada desert. It froze my blood white. Snake, you were an atomic test subject, weren't you? On Bikini Atoll. That's part of the reason I was drawn to you. You and I are alike. We're both slowly being eaten away by the karma of others. We'll never have the chance to die peacefully of old age. We have no tomorrow. But we can still have hope for the future. In 1960 I saw a vision of the ideal future from space. Three years earlier the Soviet Union had succeeded in launching Sputnik. The first manmade satellite in history, into orbit. This cam as a huge shock to the United States. In response, American threw everything it had into its own manned space flight project, the Mercury project. Even as the Soviets seemed poised to send their first man into space America was still experimenting with chimpanzees in rockets. The government wanted human data. So they secretly decided to send a human being into space. I was the one they chose. At the time they didn't have the technology to block out cosmic rays and whoever they sent up would inevitably be exposed to heavy radiation. That's why they chose me. After all, I had already been irradiated once. Of course, you won't find any of this in the history books. I could see the planet as it appeared from space. That's when it finally hit me. Space exploration is nothing but another game in the power struggle between the US and USSR. Politics, economics, the arms race - they're all just arenas for meaningless competition. I'm sure you can see that. But the Earth itself has no boundaries. No East, No West, No Cold War. And the irony of it is, The united States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion. In the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little celestial body called Earth. A world without communism and capitalism... that is the world I wanted to see. But reality continued to betray me.
  Boss: 1951年11月1日,我参与了在内华达沙漠进行的核试验。“Nevada”这个名字源自西班牙语,意思是“被雪覆盖,如雪洁白”,我也真的在内华达沙漠中看到了“白雪”,那让我血液都凝固了。Snake,你也参与在比基尼岛进行的核试验对吗?这也是我被你吸引的原因之一,你和我一样,我们都是被命运慢慢蚕食的人。我们绝无机会安详地老死,我们没有明天,但是我们仍可以对未来抱有希望。1960年,我从太空中看到了理想的未来景象。早在3年前苏联就成功的发射了Sputnik(史泼尼克号),世界上第一颗人造卫星进入轨道,美国对此非常震惊。作为回应,美国倾其所有来发展载人太空飞行计划——“水银计划”。不过直到苏联准备把他们的首位宇航员送上太空的时候,美国还在火箭里用大猩猩做试验。政府想要人类的数据,所以他们秘密准备将人送上太空。我就是他们选中的人,那时他们并不拥有能够阻挡宇宙射线的技术。无论谁被送上太空,都将受到强烈的辐射,这也是他们选择我的原因,毕竟我受过一次辐射。当然,你不可能找到有关这段历史的任何资料。我可以从太空中看到地球的全貌,当时我被深深的震撼了。太空探索只是美苏权力之争的另一场游戏,政治,经济,军备竞赛,都在进行着毫无意义的斗争,我想你也都看到了。但是地球本身是没有边界的,没有东方,没有西方,没有冷战。讽刺的是,美苏在太空计划和导弹竞赛上耗费巨资,却是为了达到同一个目的。

  Boss: In 1961, I was sent to Cuba to Bahia de Cochinos. It was part of a CIA-sponsored invasion under the guise of taking Cuban exiles back to their country. But the US government betrayed them. Our weak-kneed President held back their air support. Defenseless, the exiles were annihilated by the Cuban army. All I could do was watch in silence. I was set up by the very country I'd sacrificed to much for, by the very government I'd dedicated my life to defending. I was driven from the surface world and I went underground. Then two years ago, I faced The Sorrow - my old comrade - in battle. He was my friend. But one of us had to die. I was left with no choice. The Sorrow gave his life for me. There is no enmity between us. One must die, and one must live. That was the mission. The ones who gave me that mission were the Philosophers. Early in the twentieth century the true holders of power in the United States, the Republic of China, and the newly-formed Soviet Union, gathered together in a secret meeting that would later be known as the Wiseman's Committee. The secret pact they formed there marked the beginning of the Philosophers. But the last of the original members died in the 1930's. After that, the organization began to run out of control and the Wiseman's Committee degenerated into a mere shell of its former self. The Philosophers of today have no sense of good or evil. Their influence extends to countries and organizations involved in every aspect of every war. They have become war itself. That's how they operate. The sacrifices of war cause a shift in the times. This shift leads to renewed conflict and in turn triggers the next war. Like a nuclear chain reaction, each conflict sparks countless others, forming an endless spiral of war that will continue on for eternity. Do you understand what I'm saying, "Snake?" By consuming me and you the Philosophers intend to keep their cycle going forever. It was my father who explained all of this to me. He was one of them. You see, I am the last remaining child of the Philosophers. But after he revealed the truth my father was killed by that same shapeless, formless organization. And my father isn't the only thing the Philosophers have taken from me. In June of 1944, the Cobras and I took part in the landing at Normandy. We'd been given a top secret mission to locate and destroy enemy V2 rocket installations. I was pregnant at the time. The Sorrow was the father. I gave birth on the field of battle. A beautiful baby boy... but my child was snatched away from me by the Philosophers.
  Boss: 1961年,我被派往古巴的猪湾(Bahia de Cochinos),那是被CIA伪装成将古巴流犯送回祖国的入侵行动的一部分,可是美国政府出卖了他们,我们软弱的总统停止了对他们的支援,毫无防备的流犯被古巴军全部歼灭。我能做的只有默默的观望。我被这样一个为之牺牲太多的国家、这样一个为之用生命来捍卫的政府所欺骗,从此我便从幕前转到了幕后。

  (The Boss pulls off her cloak and opens the front part of her suit)
  (The Boss露出了胸前的蛇状伤疤)

  Boss: Look at this scar. This is proof that I was once a mother. I gave up my body and my child for my country. There is nothing left inside me now. Nothing at all. No hatred, not even regret. And yet sometimes at night I can still feel the pain creeping up inside me. Slithering through my body like a snake. I've never talked this much about myself before. Thanks... thanks for listening to me. I feel... content. Snake... (pulls out a radio) Commence the operation. (puts radio away) I raised you. I loved you. I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There is nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take is my life, by your own hand. One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survive will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle. I'll give you 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, MiGs will come and bomb the hell out of this place. If you can beat me in less than 10 minutes, you'll be able to escape in time. (loads Patriot) Let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Jack.
  Boss: 看看这条伤疤,它可以证明我曾经是一位母亲。我为祖国献出了身体和孩子,现在我已经一无所有了,什么都没了。没有仇恨,甚至没有遗憾。但有时候在深夜,我仍能感觉到痛苦在我的体内游走,就像蛇一样爬过我的身体。我以前从没有说过这么多关于自己的事情,谢谢...谢谢你能听我诉说,我感觉...很好,Snake...(掏出发报机)行动开始。我养育了你,我爱过你。我给你武器,传你本领,教你知识。我已经没有什么能给你了,唯一剩下能给你亲手拿去的,只有我的生命。一个必须生一个必须死,没有胜利,也没有失败,活下来的那个必须继续战斗,这是我们的宿命...活下来的人将继承 “Boss”的称号,而这个人将去面对永无止境的战斗。我会给你十分钟的时间,十分钟后这里将被米格战机夷为平地。如果你能在十分钟内打败我,你就可以及时逃生。让我们将这十分钟铸成我们生命中最伟大的时刻吧,Jack。

  Snake: Boss!
  Snake: Boss!

  Boss: You're a soldier! Finish your mission! Prove your loyalty! Face me!
  Boss: 你是一名军人!完成你的任务!证明你的忠诚!出手吧!

  (Snake has beaten The Boss. He approaches her and she gives him the microfilm)
  (击败The Boss,她给了Snake微型胶卷)

  Boss: Take this... keep it safe. It's our only hope. (hands him the Patriot)
  Boss: 拿着这个.......好好保存,这是我们唯一的希望。(把她的枪给了Snake)

  Snake: A Patriot... why are you giving me this?
  Snake: 一把爱国者...为什么要给我这个?

  Boss: Jack... Or should I say... Snake... You're a wonderful man. Kill me. Kill me now. Do it. There's only room for one Boss... and one Snake...
  Boss: Jack...或者我该叫... Snake... 你是个了不起的人,杀了我,现在就杀了我,动手吧。世界上只能有一个Boss...也只能有一个Snake...

  (Snake shoots and kills her. The lowers turn red and The Boss' horse comes by. The scar on The Boss' body turns into a silvery white snake and slithers away. One red petal falls into Snake's hand; he clutches it)

白水县13584234532: 请教游戏合金装备系列中 the boss 和 BIG boss 的关系 -
东治血塞: 1 那个孩子是OCELOT THE BOSS只是BIG BOSS的导师,但是他们的感情没那么简单.应该说是超过了普通的友谊也超过了普通男女关系.总之BIG BOSS非常尊敬THE BOSS.2 不知道你看的是恶搞版还是游戏中的过场动画.恶搞版是石头剪...

白水县13584234532: 合金装备中那么多SNAKE,哪个才是真 -
东治血塞: 本体是naked snake,也就是big boss,食蛇者,和平行者,原爆点的主角 以下三个都是NS的克隆体: solid snake,系列的主要主角 liqud snake,孪蛇的最终boss solidus snake,自由之子的最终boss 有一个不是big boss的克隆体,但作为其替身的snake:venom Snake,幻痛的主角 还有一个原本代号是snake,后来改名的人:raiden,自由之子的主角

白水县13584234532: 合金装备3主角是Snake吗 -
东治血塞: 楼上说的不对哦. 合金3是MGS系列的前传.主角代号NAKED SNAKE,也就是裸蛇,在3里完成了任务拯救了世界成为了BIG BOSS大统领,在4里的是他的克隆体,也是他的儿子,最后父子也相见了,那是SOLID SNAKE,SOLID之所以衰老是因为他中了狐煞病毒所以快速衰老了.顺带说一句,除了这两个以外还有两个SNAKE,也是克隆体,这个剧情极其复杂,如果从1开始到4一直玩的话就会明白了. BIG BOSS在4的最后在THE BOSS的墓碑前敬了一个军礼,看上去很衰弱,最后连雪茄都拿不住了,没怎么明白,而SOLID则是中了病毒时日无多,经历了太多选择了退隐,而且戒烟了.

白水县13584234532: 在合金装备中solid snake,雷电,big boss,the boss有什么关系?哪个才是主 -
东治血塞: 按理solid是主角,solid是big boss的复制人,big boss是the boss的学生也是徒弟,雷电是solid的友人.但是big boss的呼声一向很高啊,所以这个系列是没有主角的.只有单独作品的主角.

白水县13584234532: 合金装备.来解释下各代号名称.我有点乱__ -
东治血塞: 名称:SNAKE(也叫BIG BOSS.《合金装备3》的主角) 全称 Naked Snake(也是MGS4主角 SOLID SNAKE的遗传基因父亲)英勇神武,完成了无数艰难的任务. 被美国政府授予BIG BOSS的称号.但自从 THE BOSS(女老师)死后,对他...

白水县13584234532: 问下合金装备里面有个雷电和SNAKE有什么关系? -
东治血塞: 雷电是MGS2的主角,不过他的真正身份只是被“爱国者”挑选出来模拟影子摩西岛事件(MGS1的故事)中SNAKE的角色,可以说只是个棋子. 但是后来真正的SNAKE出现,帮助他解决了困难,两人算是合作关系.

白水县13584234532: 合金装备3里SNAKE的真名是JACK还是JOHN -
东治血塞: 真名是JACkJOHN DOE是无名氏的意思 也有说JOHN这个名字就像中国的张三一样是snake在玩山猫不过.... 雷电也叫JACK....

白水县13584234532: 合金装备人物问题 -
东治血塞: 合金装备有boss称号的只有2个人:特种部队之母The Boss和最伟大的战士Big Boss. 担任合金装备主角的有3个人:Solid Snake,雷电(Raiden)和Naked Snake(Big Boss) MGS1的主角是Solid Snake,系列的一贯的主角 MGS2是双主角...

白水县13584234532: 合金装备里斯内克和BIGBOSS到底是什么关系 -
东治血塞: big boss 是 solid snake的父亲.solid snake是big boss 的克隆儿子.big boss 年轻的时候代号是 naked snake.

白水县13584234532: 合金装备中Snake的关系
东治血塞: Nekad.Snake是未来的Big Boss,他有3个克隆体:Solid Snake,Liquid Snake,Solidus Snake,仅此而已,Solid Snake一直是主角

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