
作者&投稿:巧虏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、It's (half) (past) seven now.
2、(How) (much)is your English book?
3、(There) is (something) (worry)with my bike.
1、问和答(ask and answer)
3、soup→soul(心灵)、soap (肥皂)、coup(翻倒)

1.We went to the store yesterday.(划线部分提问)
_Where__ __did____ you ____go__ yesterday?
2.They had fun today.(一般疑问句)
___Did__ they __have___ fun today?
3.This is a basketball.(复数)
____These___ ____are______ __basketballs__
4.There are many players in a team.(同义句)
A team __has____ ___many___ players.
5.He can catch the ball.(否定句)
He __can't___ catch the ball.
( a )1.He want to see him very much. _wants___
( b )2.Jenny watched Danny to play ping-pong last Sunday.
A B C_playing
( b )3.Good food is good at your body ___for____
( c )4.Here are some food. _foods_______
( b )5.He brushes his tooths every night. __teeth______

Let me talk about my f(friend).In it there are four people.They are my grandmother ,my f(father),my mother an I.My motheris a f(firefighter).She can put out fires. I am a little f(fat).So I can't run f(fast).

Let me talk about my f(amily).In it there are four people.They are my grandmother ,my f(ather),my mother and I.My motheris a f(amer)(这个似乎不对).She can put out fires. I am a little f(at).So I can't run f(ast).

family 家庭
father 父亲
firewoman 女消防员
fat 肥
fast 快

Let me talk about my f(amily).In it there are four people.They are my grandmother ,my f(ather),my mother and I.My motheris a f(ireman)).She can put out fires. I am a little f(at).So I can't run f(ast).

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1.他很胖 He is (fat)(a)(lot) [注意是三个空 2.He never stops talking 3.He loves to tell joke 4.她的梦想一定会实现 Her dream must be come true.5.Everyone is tired,but nobody wants to stop to relax 6.There are some ___desks in the classroom A.nice long new...

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1.study English English is one of the most improtant subjects in Middle school Some students are not good at English because they think that it is hard to study . But I do not think so.Because I think that nothing is impossible if you set your mind to do it . At first ...

初一全科目课件教案习题汇总语文数学英语历史地理 19.You can ___she likes bananas a lot. A.look B.watch C.see D.to see 20.You are a teacher.What about ___? A.she B.Li Pin brother C.her D.your 21.There ___much ___on the table. A.is...bread B.is...breads C.are......

英语题目、高手进 谢谢
Students should obey__the__ _rules___ __of___school.3.他不在家而是去了上海 He didn't at home __instead__ _of___ _going___to Shanghai.4.我们为中国的数千年文化感到骄傲。We are__proud__ __of___our China's thousands of culture.5.大声朗读对学英语很有好处。Reading ...

1.Egypt is famous for (pyramid).—金字塔 2.Where can we have dinner?In the (canteen).3.Could you speak more (loudly)? I can'thear you clearly.4.Sometimes wants to see you (off).5.There were many parents in the (hall) before the parent meeting.—礼堂;大厅 6.The old...

这种题目目的是让学生去熟悉单词,答案不是唯一的,只要能说出原因,都是可以的,目的也就达到了。1 A great B boring C fun D think 答:1). D 析:前三个为形容词,think为动词。(注:其实fun是名词,但很多人都将它当形容词用了)2). B. boring是派生词,由动词bore+ing变化而来。

1.I want to make friends___ in china to learn chinese.2.please write to me soon___ thank you Jack Smith 动词填空 spend be wait call have like 1.hurry up.everybody ___is waiting___ for you 2.hai men __was___ out when i called her 3.it's six in...

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