求该听力的原文 急!

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求2014年6月4级听力录音级原文 急急急~


这里是2014年的四级听力 文本和听力原文。

希望我的答案可以帮助到您 !如有疑问,不要怕麻烦请追问哦~如果满意,不要忘记采纳哟~您的采纳是我回答最大 的动力哦

是高一还是高二或高三?高二的31套1-5BCBBA 6-10AACCA 11-15ABAAA 16-20 BAABB
32套 1-5 AAABC 6-10CCBAB 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 CACBB

A: I hear the medi-Polage student in your class is working part time at the nearby supermaket.
B: Yes, he works on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from six to ten. And all day on Sunday.

A: Professor Clock said that the mid-term exam would probably the first fifteen lessons
B: really? I thought it only included those first four lesssons. Then I must spend the weekend to go over the rest of the lessons.

A: Where were you yesterday afternoon?
B: I were skiing for the first time. I got a wonderful feeling of the complishment after I’ve overcome some difficulties, such as the basic body reaction to ski.

A: what should I do after I get home?
B: first, remember to apply ice right away; secondly, don’t watsh your mouth today; tomorrow you should wash your mouth gently every three or four hours with sort water; don't be alarm if there is some bleeding. A little bleeding is normal after plating a tooth.
A: thank you.

A: The student dorm president wants to have a meeting each week.
B: She is going to kill me. She must pro-psycholohy mager by herself

A:Damn! My car is breaking down.
B: Pull over now.
B: Put the danger lights on.
A:I almost forgot.
B: What do we do now?
A:Waiting the car, call 911. we have a cell-phone
B: Right, what’re we going to do?
A:We have to wait for the police to find us. Never go out and walk on the highway.
B: Hey, the operator is asking where we are.
A:We’re on Sunny North off just pass Exit 64
B: They said they are on the way.
A:Hope they get here soon.

A:You don't very good, Ken. Are you feeling all right?
B: I did’t sleep very well last night. You see, I hurt my leg last night, when I trip over Jack during the football game.
A:Oh, I didn't know that. Does it still hurt?
B: No, the pain is gone but I am tired. I’ve got a report to you tomorrow, so I won’t go to bad early tonight either.
A:Well, We still need to do the sixth experiment in the lab. Are you ready to get started?
B: Yeah, I guess so.

A:Hey, Co, wait up.
B: Hi, May, how is everything?
A:Really good. I’ve been really busy all day. How about you? I haven't seen you for a whole month.
B: Yeah, today’s just been crazy to me too. I have been woriking like a mat man all day.
A:I know what you mean. I haven’t have a minute to relax all day.
B: That just is not enough time. I have’t even made a dant on my paper work.
A:It’s no joke, is it?I still got a ton of paper work to do too.
B: I have a million things to do today, and only managed to finish a few.
A:Wow, that way you’ll be a really old man before you have a job.
B: I feel like a old man already. I got to wait to go home.
A:Well, get to move on then.
B: Good idea.
A:See you tomorrow evenning.a

A:Well, John. Studying the gobal enviroment is a kind of hobit with me. I find it Very interesting
B: How so,Mary?
A:Well, I think it’s good to know what is happening. Just with the United States, there are many varite enviroments. For instances, Poviral enjoys a great climate all year round, but the living condition in deserts around Vaguse are very harsh. And the Smogent LA is polished by air pollution and water waper.
B: Hm…
A:Man is affecting the eviroment more and more. Dobit and camical waste are destroying our water. And we all know what sea is seen to domp layer
B: Yeah, the pollution in Beijing is alarming too.
A:Not just in Beijing. Many big cities aound the world have the same problem. I think earth-day should be everyday. We should all think golably and act lobaly.
B: Hm…
A:Well, time to get to work.
Get to you later.

You have different kinds of vocabularies. One is your speaking vocabulary, the words you use in everyday talk at home or at work. Another is your writing vocabulary, the words you use in notes, letters and reports, or any other kind of writing you do. It is some what larger, because you have to stop and find the right word. Your listening vocabulary is still larger, it consists of the word you understand more or less you hear them. Many of these words you may never use in speaking or writing. Your reading vocabulary is the largest. It is made up of all the words you recognice when you read them. You may not know the exact meanings of them. But you have an idea of what they mean. Your vocabularies don't stand still. they continue to grow as long as you have new experiences. You mean, New words in your study and in newspapers, and on radio and TV programmes. Of course, you need to do more than just meet them. You can get wet with any efford, just standing in the rain. The rain is oral word, you do have to make an efford.

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方官小儿:[答案] A:Do you have a computer game? B:No,I don't. A:Do you have a ping-pong bat? B:Yes,I do.

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方官小儿:[答案] Reporter: Welcome to The Teens Show,Mrs Rainbow.You use colours to help people change their moods and improve their ... 6 Well,I would like to try it,but what if the therapy doesn't work? 是这个么 你要是要课件和听力原文什么的 给我个邮箱我发给你...

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仪陇县19380956189: 急求听力原文,This is the VOA special English economics report.This week,economic worrys turned from
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仪陇县19380956189: this is Steve Ember with the VOA special english education report.about forty years ago.only five…后面是什么啊 求原文~坐等! -
方官小儿:[答案] "this is Steve Ember with the VOA special english education report.about forty years ago.only five..." this is Steve Ember with the VOA special english education report.about forty years ago,only five...

仪陇县19380956189: 急求雅思剑5、6、7、8听力的完整原文,谢谢! -
方官小儿: http://bbs.ieltschn.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=70&extra=page%3D1 这里有的哈.全部都可以下载

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