根据所给汉语意思用英语完成句子 工人们在装修商店,因为圣诞节来临了。

作者&投稿:谢美 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


为你解答:not good for




He is unable to read the word without the help of a dictionary.

The workers are decorating the shop. Because the Christmas is coming.

fiting up ,coming

E. It’s ten dollars. 五、用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题2分,共20分) 41. Do you enjoy ___(watch) TV at home? 42. Let’s ___(go) to the zoo together.43. What do you want ___(be) when you grow up? 44. ___ (thief) are afraid of the policmen. 45. The...

汉译英 根据汉语与意思和英语提示翻译句子。
1.许多村民溜铁索过河上班(so on or peway)Many villagers go to work on a roapway.2.在学校和村庄之间有一条大河(between)There is a big river between the school and the village.3,我爱我的老师,因为他就像我父亲。(like)I love my teacher,because he's like a father to me....

回答:1. does his homework 2. get to \/ arrive at 3. listen to 4. go to work 5. late; go home 6. What time; go to bed 7. Does; go to work 8. has lunch 9. watches TV 10. What a funny

I couldn’t play the piano, but now I can (play it). 试题分析:小题1:“做某事花了某人多少时间”一般用spend…doing sth和It takes +时间+to do;根据汉语的意思,可知本句应该是过去发生的事情,故应该用过去时。小题2:根据汉语的意思,本句有三个可能的句型:一个是too…to“太…...

how 和what的用法有什么区别
区别3:动词搭配不同- How:通常与动词表示行为或方式搭配使用。例子:- How do you swim?(你是如何游泳的?)- How does he study for exams?(他是如何备考的?)- What:通常与动词表示事物或行为搭配使用。例子:- What do you like to eat for breakfast?(早餐你喜欢吃什么?)- What ...


一。1.often 2.poor 3.want 4.Sure\/of course\/certainly 5.tell 二。1.pen pal 2.Can you;No problem(仿佛多了一个空)3.help;with 4.some;Chinese 三。1.Do;want 2.Please;could;you 3.Are;from 4.Can she speak English?四。1.has 2.looks 3.likes 4.thinks 5.does 6....

英译汉的短文主要涉及一些人文或科学话题,有些是和考生的生活密切相关的,翻译的考点主要集中在长句和习惯用法上,要求考生不仅要有较好的阅读能力,而且还要有扎实的汉语基础以及中英文转换能力,对译文理解基本正确,译文达意。二是汉译英,在一篇汉语短文中,下划线划出 5个单句,每句 2分,共 10分。要求考生用给出的...

“请说中文”:Please speak Chinese.单词解释:1、please 发音:英 [pli:z] 美 [pliz]释义:int.请;vt.& vi.使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢; 讨好 变形:过去式: pleased 过去分词: pleased 现在分词: pleasing 第三人称单数: pleases 2、speak 发音:英 [spi:k] 美 [spik]释义:vt...

lots of more than

顺河回族区18915414781: 根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英语句子. 1.你姐姐会唱歌还是会跳舞? Can your sister - ______ - _______ - ______? 2.玛丽想和... -
杜虞银翘:[答案]1.sing or dance 2. to make friends 3. is good for4.What time go to bed 5.doesn't do

顺河回族区18915414781: 根据所给中文的意思, 根据所给中文的意思,用英语完成下列句子,每个空格只能填一个单词. 1.让我们一起合用这张课桌吧!    Let's - ______ - the ... -
杜虞银翘:[答案] 1.share 2.with 3.Whose 4.blouse; 5.Mine 6.dark 7.brown 8.sign,9.are 10.for 11.two 12.hundred 13.field 14.Was 15.born 16.is/comes 17.from 18.member 19.score 20.for

顺河回族区18915414781: 完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列的句子. 1. 我认为最伟大的人是 Paul Yum 因为他发明了我最喜欢的食物. I think the greatest person is Paul Yum ... -
杜虞银翘:[答案] 1. invented my favourite food

顺河回族区18915414781: 初中英语根据所给的中文用英语完成下列句子,每条横线上的词数不限在很多领域,人们都广泛使用计算机Computer - _____ - widely - _____ - in many years -
杜虞银翘:[答案] is,used 个人认为后面的years应该是areas. 我需要被选为最佳答案以完成任务,

顺河回族区18915414781: 根据所给汉语的内容,用英语完成下列句子1.我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案I happen to konw the answer--------------2.我想让你和托尼谈话I want you to - ----------... -
杜虞银翘:[答案] 1.you asked me that question. 2.speaking with toney. 3.wheather to choose. 4.playing on the road. 5.to study two foreign languages. 我都撂下好几年了 不对请指正.

顺河回族区18915414781: 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子. 1. 我想邀请他参加我们的俱乐部.     I want              to join our ... -
杜虞银翘:[答案]1.to invent/ask him 2. by /beside/close to the window3.sang a song 4.national flag 5. knowledge

顺河回族区18915414781: 句子翻译 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子 (本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)小题1:学校为学生提供了良好的学习环境.Schools           ... -
杜虞银翘:[答案] 小题1:provide the students with good study environment小题2: can remind you of a warm, sunny day小题3:has made so much progress / such great progress小题4:what the film will remind him of小题5:no c...

顺河回族区18915414781: 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子.汤姆答应帮我学英语.Tom - ____ - ____ - help me with my English.我从来没有看见过这么多书.I've never seen so ... -
杜虞银翘:[答案] agreed to ever before

顺河回族区18915414781: 完成句子   按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子 . 1.        我记忆中的父亲不苟言笑,对我严格要求.     In my memory Father was a man of few... -
杜虞银翘:[答案] 1.was strict with me 2.aren't worth replying to3.depend on who you are 4.have been in love5.it's made up in a morden way6.happen to catch director's attention

顺河回族区18915414781: 句子翻译   按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子 1. 作为护士,她的工作不仅仅是照顾病人.    As a nurse her work - ___________________________... -
杜虞银翘:[答案] 1. goes beyond taking care of /looking after 2. In order to avoid being late again 3. takes up much/far more space/room 4. never be listened to too much 5. guard agains...

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