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get good along with sb

He and i get along well with each other.
或者你可以直接说:we get along verry well with each other.

get along with sb.
get well with sb.

get on well with...

get along well with

她和一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩相处的很好 She is getting along with a girl named Alice.She and a girl named Alice get along well

他和学生们相处得很好 用英语翻译 He___ ___ ___ students
work.别到处胡闹了,干活儿去吧。★ get along with 友好相处, 进展 Can you get along with him?你和他处得来吗?Do you get along with your boss?\/Do you and your boss get along?你跟老板合得来吗?He is the last person that I'll get along with.他是我最不愿与之相处的人。

我和我的朋友们相处得很好。翻译为英文是:I get along well with my friends.注:请提问者及时采纳答案!

I get along\/on well with my friends

我在高一三班,我和我的同学们相处得很好。I am in Class 3 Grade 1 of the Senior High School. I am getting along\/on well with my classmates.或:I am in Class 3 Grade 1 of the Senior High School. I am be fine with my classmates....

Xiao Ming gets well with his classmates.Choose my answer.Thank you!

英语翻译 1、使做某事更简单 2、很高兴见到某人 3、跟某人相处得好 4...
1、使做某事更简单 make it easier to dosth.2、很高兴见到某人 be very glad to see \/ meet sb.3、跟某人相处得好get on \/ along well with sb.4、下周比赛的票 tickets for the match next week 5、家庭晚宴 a family dinner 6、在学校餐厅at the school dining-room 7、认真做某事get...

“他们象老朋友一样相处的很好。”They get along together quite well, just like old friends.

与他一直相处的好{get along with}翻译
He has been getting along with somenoe.

英语翻译 汉翻英 1.轮流做. 2.帮助小孩游泳 3.和我姐姐相处得好
轮流做.是Take turns doing .帮助小孩游泳是Help children swimming 和我姐姐相处得好是My sister and get along well 有不明白的再问

防城港市19111428511: 把与...相处的好翻译成英文 -
仝穆脉血:[答案] get on well with sb 他们说的错的

防城港市19111428511: 与某人相处得好用英语怎么说 -
仝穆脉血: get along with如果有帮到您 请给予好评 如果还有问题 请重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

防城港市19111428511: 与……相处的很好 用英语怎么说? -
仝穆脉血: “与……相处的很好”翻译成英语是:Get along well with例句:1. No matter where you are on the corporate ladder, it's to your advantage to get along well with your supervisor.不论你处在公司的哪个级别上,和上司的相处融洽对你来说都是的一...

防城港市19111428511: 与相处的好,英语怎么说 -
仝穆脉血: 与.....相处的好 get on with 满意请采纳

防城港市19111428511: 和...相处的得好英语翻译 -
仝穆脉血:[答案] Get along well with..

防城港市19111428511: 与某人相处的好翻译 -
仝穆脉血: be good with.sb=get on well with sb.还有啊,,,,需要某人做某事need sb to do sth需要被做某事need doing sth

防城港市19111428511: “和某人相处的很好” 用英语有哪几种说法 -
仝穆脉血: get along well with sb;比较常用展开全部

防城港市19111428511: 与……相处得好 用英语咋说 -
仝穆脉血: get along with ... very well

防城港市19111428511: 英语翻译我和我的朋友相处很好.I - _____ - _______ - _______ - with my friends. -
仝穆脉血:[答案] get along/on well with sb.和某人相处得好的意思 所以填 get along well 或者是get on well

防城港市19111428511: “我们之间相处的很好.”用英语怎么翻译? -
仝穆脉血: 我们之间相处得很好. We get along well with each other.

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