
作者&投稿:台崔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

在现实生活中,科学划分的界线正在变得模糊,并科技也再次趋近两个世纪前的“团结” --虽然积累的知识现在是非常更大的,也没有一个人敢奢望理解它的更多部分(比一小部分多)。

Apply with the development of PLC technology and their propulsion nowadays,PLC already becomes the system automation , informationize , long-range melt reach the intellectualized important pillar. As a result, studying PLC is integrated design of automatic system , an urgent demand of personnel being put into use and being maintained not only. The outcome may weave the program controller being that minitype computer art and relay routine control technique combine, is the new model controller sending out a felt on the sequential control basis getting up , is that a kind of is centering on microprocessor be used as digital control special use computer. Electromagnetism iron equipment except that the ironware is that in the nowadays large-scale factories , mines and enterprises middle is in common use, it applies to mine , dock , heat-engine plant , water , sugaring etc. broadly be not on magnetism material conveyer belt, be used to eliminate iron document in conveying up material , be protected a crusher thereby or be ground coal machine as well as safety improving the grade transporting material's. China energy Beijing heating and power plant conveys the quiet coal system 7 # belts central section two RCDB-14 type disk getting rid of an ironware , the anomaly adopt a logic to transport way alternately , controlling is complicated, since that whose control section still uses routine relay to control , the inside works a telephone switchboard is abnormal all over the place, relay quantity and kind gathering are also quite many , rates malfunction height , the job are as a result extremely not stable, charge if switching over to use PLC to be in progress to the person, whose stability will be of great rise. Be compared with routine relay under the control of , PLC is had weave Cheng Guan is nimble , easy modification of control logic, is under the control of powerful , the anti-interference ability is strong , reliability is advanced merit. As a result, PLC already has substituted routine's mainly in the automation field thinking that succeeding electric control , is applied broadly. Being superseded conveying the coal system disk with China energy Beijing heating and power plant getting rid of iron runs the main body of a book for the example , use MODICON685E type LC to realize whose alternately dyadic working function if the working condition except the ironware pursuing what 1 shows, the electric motor small reason on the handcart, drives two disks except that the ironware (be called CT1 , T2 for short) uses iron chain to hang going on foot on the crossbeam , can go on foot on the crossbeam, Spur on thereby going on foot except the implement in the primitive place , A belt place , B belt place cycle of 3 location (by the fact that 6 position-limit switch putting the crossbeam into fix position coming Q1 , SQ2 , SQ3 , SQ4 , SQ5 , SQ6).

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask for resignation, I want to leave my position next month.

Our magazine is the first step since I graduated. Thank you for your help. I cognized the society deeply through our magazine.

The leadership gave me a lot concern and teaching, and the deep friendship between my fellow workers and I in two years. Every time when I think of this, I feel grateful to them.

Fashion-design cause is a meaningful cause, the editor became lofty because of this. However, while working on the cause, even I put all my heart into it, I never got satisfied, I let all of you down. Thus, I found I myself can’t do something meaningful for others increasingly, I lost my passion on the work, I even thought I’m not fit for this job, which is different from my former intention.

Whereas, due to the concern and lead from leadership, the love from colleagues, the time I spent in magazine is colorful. These years experiences must turn to be a large precious wealth.

Wish our magazine has a galaxy of talents, and has a bright future.

Yours sincerely,



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以下是高中语文《老子》四章原文及翻译 原文:三十辐共一毂,当其无,有车之用。埏埴以为器,当其无,有器之用。凿户牖以为室,当其无,有室之用。故有之以为利,无之以为用。(第十一章)企者不立,跨者不行,自见者不明,自是者不彰,自伐者无功,自矜者不长。其在道也,曰余食赘行,物或...

人不知\/而不愠,不亦\/君子乎?” 翻译:孔子说:“学了又按时复习,不也是很喜悦的吗?有朋友从远方来,不也是很快乐的吗?人们不了解我,我却不怨恨生气,不也是一个品德高尚的人吗?” (二)课文探究 第1句讲:学习方法 第2句讲:学习的乐趣 第3句讲:个人修养 第二章 (一)分析文义 曾子曰:“...




语文《论语》十二章的翻译。 并且看得清楚。
论语十二章及翻译 1、子曰:‘学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎??”译文 孔子说:“学习并时常温习,不是很愉快吗?有志同道合的人从远方来,不是很令人从心里感到高兴吗?人家不了解我,我也不怨恨、恼怒,不也是君子作风吗?”2、有子曰:“其...





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