吸血鬼日记第五季第8集插曲《my my love》中文歌词大意,求翻译!

作者&投稿:澄从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

歌手: Vampire Weekend
歌曲: "Unbelievers"
场景: Elena 发邮件给 Bonnie 告诉她夏天发生的事.
部分歌词: Got a little soul
The world is a cold, cold place to be
Want a little warmth
But who’s gonna save a little warmth for me?

歌手: Lorde
歌曲: “Royals”
场景: Elena 在给Damon最后一个吻接着去大学
Lyrics: I've never seen a diamond in the flesh
I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies.
And I'm not proud of my address
In the torn up town, no post code envy.

歌曲: “Pumpin Blood”
场景: Rebekah 与 Matt 在派对对质.
部分歌词: Hey heart, on the road again
Moving on forward
Stick and stones won't break our bones
We're in the car on the highway
It's a magical feeling that no one's got a home
You're out calling, still young, happiness in all.

歌手: Smallpools
歌曲: “Dreaming”
场景: Elena and Caroline 到达他们大学第一个派对
部分歌词: I see the place that we belong together.. together.
Like we were something more.
And it felt like maybe we could last forever..forever
But you led them to our hideout,
Forced their way inside, now they want us to surrender..us to surrender.

歌手: Cary Brothers
歌曲: “Run Away”
场景: Damon 在车祸之后安抚Jeremy. Tyler 伤透了 Caroline 的心.
部分歌词: It's another day,
And I suffocate
With no peace of mind
And the forecast tells of a summer storm.

Time in Time I thought through it all 我无法停止地思考这一切
How we loved and loved 我们那时那么爱,那么爱
and how we fought each other 但我们也同时伤害着彼此
pushing one another 逼迫着对方
to be somebody else 去改变

and time in time for the rest of my thoughts 我的大脑无法停止地去
I certain if the end was right or wrong 追究结局到底是对是错
and wether we so should be together with somebody else 即使我们都会牵起别人的手

a lost memory 那段被遗失的记忆
she had water in her eyes 曾经她的眼睛湿润
she cried stay with me 她流着泪和我依偎
say how can this be loved 她说这怎么能叫爱
if you are leaving me 如果你不在了的话
but darling love's to blame 但亲爱的, 这都是爱情的错

and i can't see you right now 而此时此刻,我不能去见你
'cause my heart just can't take it 因为恐怕我的心没那么坚强
can't be near you right now 现在,我再不能靠你太近
'cause i know you're no longer mine 因为我知道你已不属于我了
I can't see you 我无法与你相见

it makes me ache that we had to break 当我们不得不说再见的那一刻,我的心在刺痛
even though i knew your heart so well 即使我曾经与你那样贴心
we're strangers in different places 我们也只是不同地点的陌生人了
thought we're livin mile apart 就算你住的并不太远

My best friend's gone, my world is being torn 我最好的朋友走了, 我的世界被撕裂了
We'll never share a name never before 我们什么都不会再一起分享了
But I will always remember the years we spent to love 但我们爱过的那段日子, 我将永远铭记

I still think of you 我依旧担心你
I pray that you were safe(这个词也错了) 我祈祷你过的很好
I'm still missing you 我依然想你。
but it has to be this weakest 但我会努力让想念变淡
I'm not right for you (因为)我不配你
and that's why love's to blame 所以,这都是爱情的错

and i can't see you right now 而此时此刻,我不能去见你
'cause my heart just can't take it 因为恐怕我的心没那么坚强
can't be near you right now 现在,我再不能靠你太近
'cause i know you're no longer mine 因为我知道你已不属于我了
I can't see you 我无法与你相见
'cause my heart just can't fake it 因为恐怕我的心伪装不了坚强
can't be near you rigth now 不能靠近你
cause I know you're no longer mine 因为我知道你已不属于我了

and I can't see you 我不能见你
oh i can't see you 哦 见不到你
I just can't see you right now 此时此刻,我无法与你相见

But maybe time will heal the hearts 但也许,时间能治愈我们受了伤的心
and maybe after time you'll understand 也许,时间久了你就会懂得
I say good bye but I love you(这句也错了) 即使说了再见,我还是爱你的。

and i can't see you right now 而此时此刻,我不能去见你
'cause my heart just can't take it 因为恐怕我的心没那么坚强
can't be near you right now 现在,我再不能靠你太近
'cause i know you're no longer mine 因为我知道你已不属于我了
I can't see you 我无法与你相见
'cause my heart just can't fake it 因为恐怕我的心伪装不了坚强
can't be near you rigth now 不能靠近你
cause I know you're no longer mine 因为我知道你已不属于我了

and i can't see you 我不能见你
no, i can't see you 不, 我见不到你
i just can't see you rigth now 此时此刻,我无法与你相见

no i can't see you 不, 我见不到你
i just can't see you 无法与你相见
i just can't see you right know 此时此刻, 我无法与你相见

and love's to blame . 而这都是爱情的错。

My My Love

So many moons have come and gone all alone
I heard this song inside me to wait
I was told but now I found a different sound
I hear when you're around me
It's something new because of you
I hope I hear it forever

My, my love
I've been without you too long
My, my love
I've been running too fast to belong to anyone
But then you came along

When first I laid eyes upon your face
This song replaced all the others I have written
It's all brand new because of you
Feels like I've known you forever

My, my love
I've been without you too long
My, my love
I've been running too fast to belong to anyone
But then you came along

You warm me like sunshine
You cool me like summer rain
Just let me sit down beside you
Over and over again

My, my love
I've been without you too long
My, my love
I've been running too fast to belong to anyone
But then you came along
等待吧 它告诉我
因为你 有些事情总是那么充满新意

我的 我的爱啊
我的 我的爱啊
但你却来到 出现在我身边

因为你 它变得焕然一新
好像我知道你 以至永远

我的 我的爱啊
我的 我的爱啊
但你却来到 出现在我身边


我的 我的爱啊
我的 我的爱啊
但你却来到 出现在我身边


"My My Love"

So many moons have come and gone all alone
I heard this song inside me to wait
I was told but now I found a different sound
I hear when you're around me
It's something new because of you
I hope I hear it forever

My, my love
I've been without you too long
My, my love
I've been running too fast to belong to anyone
But then you came along

When first I laid eyes upon your face
This song replaced all the others I have written
It's all brand new because of you
Feels like I've known you forever

My, my love
I've been without you too long
My, my love
I've been running too fast to belong to anyone
But then you came along

You warm me like sunshine
You cool me like summer rain
Just let me sit down beside you
Over and over again

My, my love
I've been without you too long
My, my love
I've been running too fast to belong to anyone
But then you came along


《吸]血鬼日记》由美国女作家L.J.史密斯的同名畅销系列小说改编而成,已获得第五季的续订,于2013年10月4日回归。该片分为吸血鬼日记第一季、吸血鬼日记第二季、吸血鬼日记第三季、吸血鬼日记第四季、吸血鬼日记第五季 第五季开始,Elena与Damon如胶似漆,Jeremy复活了,Bonnie却变成了鬼魂,只有Je...

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广饶县13085699266: 吸血鬼日记第五季第8集插曲《my my love》中文歌词大意,求翻译! -
郑党安立: My My Love So many moons have come and gone all alone I heard this song inside me to wait I was told but now I found a different sound I hear when you're around me It's something new because of you I hope I hear it forever [Chorus:] My, my love I'...

广饶县13085699266: 吸血鬼日记第五季第八集16分钟插曲 -
郑党安立: All Night - Icona Pop 这个吧

广饶县13085699266: 吸血鬼日记第五季第8集stefan救凯瑟琳的音乐 -
郑党安立: 歌曲: The Other Side 歌手: David Gray 专辑:A New Day At Midnight mm mm mm, mm mm mm mm mm Yeah, come on Like the devil and the deep blue sea ( Take me to the other side) Forget about your foolish pride( Take me to the other side) ...

广饶县13085699266: 吸血鬼日记第五季第九集最后的背景音乐是什么 -
郑党安立: 你好,歌名:My Superman 歌手:Santigold 听听看,望采纳

广饶县13085699266: 跪求吸血鬼日记第五季第九集39分钟的插曲 -
郑党安立: 你好,歌名:My Superman 歌手:Santigold 专辑:Santogold 听听看,望采纳

广饶县13085699266: 吸血鬼日记第五季9集40分的背景音乐是什么啊 -
郑党安立: my superman 歌手santogold 我也喜欢这首歌 很有感觉

广饶县13085699266: 吸血鬼日记第五季18集开头的英文插曲叫什么? -
郑党安立: All around me are familiar faces 周围全是一成不变的面孔 Worn out places worn out faces 破落的周遭 疲惫的神情 Bright and early for their daily races 天一亮就早早开始他们日复一日的追逐 Going nowhere going nowhere (我)无处可去 无处安...

广饶县13085699266: 谁知道吸血鬼日记第五季第八集插曲 就是26分钟的时候 开party的背景音乐 谢谢 -
郑党安立: ll Night - Icona Pop We always dreamed about this better life, this better life We always thought we'd come in all along, yeah all along We got the kiss, and walked through paradise, yeah paradise Now let's go walking hand in hand Come on baby we ...

广饶县13085699266: [吸血鬼日记]第3,4,5,6,7集中所有的插曲 -
郑党安立: 第三集 Friday Night Bites "Slow Poison" by The Bravery. "Blue Day" by Darker My Love. "Starstrukk" by 3OH!3. "Strange Times" by Black Keys. "Can't Fight It" by Oh Mercy. "You're A Wolf" by Sea Wolf. "Papillon" by The ...

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