
作者&投稿:湛洁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.This piece of furniture is made from woods.
2.Many fruits can be made into juice.
3.The class is made up of 50 students.
4.This work of art is made by the craftsman。
5。The product is made in China.

make sb do sth:
He always makes me laugh.他总是让我发笑。
My mother made me clean my room yesterday.我母亲昨天让我打扫我的房间。
She made me fall in love.那个女孩让我坠入了爱河。

make sb adj
Tom made me angry.汤姆让我感到愤怒。
The old man made me happy. 那个老人让我感到很开心。
The boy makes her mother sad.那个男孩让他的母亲感到很沮丧。

一般现在时 陈述句I love listenging to music.
一般现在时 疑问句Do you love listening to music?
一般现在时 否定句 I dont love listening to music.

现在进行时 陈述句 I am watching TV.
现在进行时 疑问 Are you watching TV?
现在进行时 否定句 I am not watching TV.

一般过去时 陈述句 I got up at 6:00 yesterday.
一般过去时 疑问句 Did you get up at 6:00 yesterday?
一般过去时 否定句 I didnt get up at 6:00 yesterday.




一般现在时: I have a lovely cat. 我有一只可爱的小猫
Are you a student?
I can't swim.
现在进行时 Jim is reading a book.
What are you doing?
I am not playing the computer games but learning English 。
一般过去时. I used to be a teacher
Did you go to shool yesterday
Tom didn't do the homework.


如: I go to school every day. 我每天上学。
如:Where do you live 你住在哪里?
③由when ,while,before,after,until,as soon as 等引导的时间状语从句亦可用一般现在时态表示经常发生的动作或是状态。
如:Make hay while the sun shines.
④连词if 引导的条件从句有时也可用一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态
如:If you do not like it you may lump it.
如:The boy wake up at seven a'clock,wash ,dress quickly and run into the dining room for breakfast. They wait until they hear the bell and then go to school.
如:Do you drive, Joho?
如:Fire burns
The earth moves round the sun.
如:What does the newspaper say? (是什么时候的练习题目吧)

2.现在进行时(present continuous)是一个动词时态。
正确的结构是“to be + 动词的现在分词 (也就是俗称ing形式)”。
例:I am doing my homework - 我正在写作业。

另外,“to be + going + 动词不定式”这个特殊的结构可表示在未来即将要进行的动作。
例:He is going to tell me tomorrow - 他将在明天告诉我。


1) 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内所发生的动作或情况,通常一般过去式带有表示动作时间状语的词,词组或从句,如 yesterday, the day before last, last week, two days ago 等,上下文清楚时可以不带时间状语。

I worked in that factory last year.


I went to the Tian Long Mountain yesterday.


1.He always gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning。 他总是在早晨七点起床。.(一般现在时)
2.We are having a English lesson. 我们正在上英语课 。 (现在进行时)
3.I saw her at the school gate just now. 我刚刚在学校门口看见她了。(一般过去式)
1.Does he always get up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
2.Are you having a English lesson.
3.Did you see her at the school gate just now.
1.He doesn't always get up at 7 o'clock in the morning
2.We are not having a English lesson.
3.I didn't see her at the school gate just now.

一般现在时 I often get up at 7:00.
Do you get up at 7:00?
I don't get up at 7:00.

现在进行时 Look!The bird is flying.
Is the bird flying?
The bird isn't flying.

一般过去时 I went to the zoo yesterday.
Did you go to the zoo yesterday?
I didn't go to the zoo yesterday.

I Llike you !DO you like me?I don't like you.
XiaoMing is swimming with his mother.Is xiaoming swimming with his mother?xiaoming isn'twwimming with his mother ,rather than his father.
I played computer last week.did you play computer last week ?I idn't play computer last week。

1,Don't shout at others:不要朝别人喊叫。2, I can see the words clearly.我可以清楚地看到这些单词。3,Please take a seat on your own.请自己找座位坐下。4,I can play basketball as well.我也可以打篮球。5,I get along well with my collega.我跟同事相处地很好。

瑞德话外音:我们坐在太阳下,感觉就像自由人。见鬼,我好像就是在修自己家的 房顶。我们是创造的主人。而安迪——他在这间歇中蹲在绿荫下,一丝奇特的微笑 挂在脸上,看着我们喝他的啤酒。Red narrating: You could argue he’d done it to curry favor with the guards. Or, mabye make a few...

1、In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like ___ are more important than any time before.考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像___这样的环保型交通工具。2、From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advanta...

1.I had no idea that___ (I can win the prize in the competition).我能不能在这次竞赛中获奖还不知道。2.The fact that ___inspired all of us. (we get a good result)我们得到了一个好结果的事实激励了我们所有人。

英语造句,大家帮我想几个中文句 然后我再翻译~
. She's a gutsy player, she never gives in.她是个勇敢的选手, 从不屈服.2. The authorities showed no signs of giving in to the kidnapper's demands.当局对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象.3. Please give your examination papers in (to the teacher) when you've finished.考卷答完...

Today is so hot that my brother and I go to swimming.今天天气真热,我和弟弟一起去游泳。My younger brother is a cute boy that everyone loves him.我弟弟是一个很可爱的小男孩,大家都喜欢他。There are so many jobs today that we can not go home on time.今天有很多工作要做,不...

每个英语单词造一个英语句子,需要中文翻译- -
aim:Heaims for a better education. 他力求良好的教育。get along well with:Do you get along well with them?你与他们合得来吗?affect:He was deeply affected by my words. 他听了我的话很受感动。attract:The film attracts a large audience. 这部电影吸引很多观众。concern:That doesn'...

两人很客气地小声说了几句话,然后他们都回家了.7.We must limit the expense to what we can really afford.我们必须把费用限制在我们经济能力范围内.8.Conciliation may be applied in handling a suit for damages.赔偿诉讼可以适用调解.9.Safety has high priority in factories,so we must take ...

I’ve been avoiding getting down to work all day . (我一整天都刻意不投入工作)You should avoid mentioning his divorce (你应该避免提及他离婚的事)12 舒服地坐下 ,或躺下 I settled down with a book .(我手拿一本书,舒舒服服地坐下)(在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活 When are you going...

不是他就是我该受责备。I feel it is our duty not to pollute our environment.我感觉我们有责任不污染我们的环境。I was impressed by her handling of the affair.我觉得她对此事的处理很了不起。I hope to announce the winner shortly.我希望马上宣布胜利者的名字。She is strict with her ...

新林区17174069722: 请用下列英语单词帮我造几个句子吧. -
成红丙谷: Thank you for your cooperation.感谢你的合作.Hope you have a good time.希望你们能度过一段美好的时光.I show great concern for the child's health.我对孩子的健康深感担忧.Our life is getting better and better.我们的生活是越来越好了.With the help of the government, the villagers built a factory.在政府的帮助下,村民们建成了一座工厂.望采纳....

新林区17174069722: 帮我造几个英语句子 -
成红丙谷: He succeeded in persuading him not to smoke again.他成功劝服他不再吸烟了 She succeeded in running business by her own.她独自成功得经商了 希望能够帮到楼主

新林区17174069722: 英文造句帮我造几个英文句子1.not...,but...2.whether...or not,...3.or something...,such as... -
成红丙谷:[答案] 1.not...,but...I don't like English ,but I like Chinese 或:He saw not a tiger but a monkey yesterday .昨天他看到的不是老虎而是一只猴子.2.whether...or not,...whether she will marry Tom or not,she hasn...

新林区17174069722: 帮我造一下英文句子?
成红丙谷: let me wash clothes. 让我来洗衣服

新林区17174069722: 谁帮我造几个英语的句子
成红丙谷: 1.nor so it is with so (这个我就不知道了,是不一个词组?习惯用法?) nor:一般与either连用 意思是:也不是;或不;也不;也不是: He has neither phoned nor written us. 他既没打电话也没写信给我们 so: 意思是:因而, 所以, 那么, ...

新林区17174069722: 帮我造英语句子,急用!!!!!!!! -
成红丙谷: 1.My height was 145 centimeters last year. I grow taller this year,the height is 147 centimeters. 2.My body weight was 60 kg last year.My body weight is 65 kg this year.

新林区17174069722: 帮我用英语造句!最简单的句子!...
成红丙谷: 1.please speak slowly and clearly. 2.he made a mistake in the exam. 3.he realized that he was wrong. 4.it doesn't matter. what is the matter with you? 5.i have a secret that i can't tell you.

新林区17174069722: 帮我造3个句英语句子?急!
成红丙谷: 1. Its a raining day, so that we decided to cancel our football match. 2. She decided to exercise everyday because she fell she was too fat. 3. The supermarket was having special promotion so that was many people rushing for shopping.

新林区17174069722: 帮我造五个英语句子straight a.直的,正直的,坦率的; ad.直接 tall a.高的 medium n.媒体,方法,媒介; a.适中的,中等的 height n.高度,高处 thin a.瘦的;... -
成红丙谷:[答案] This road is very straight. I live in a very tall building. I wear medium-sized shoes. My mother is afraid of heights.(恐高) My younger cousin is very thin. 写的都很短.

新林区17174069722: 请帮我造以下英语句子
成红丙谷: 1,Many people die of cancer.2,There are a number of ship on the grasslands.3,I am interseted in listening to music.4,The children helped their parents to dig up potatoes.5,They have worked out all the math problems by themselves

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