求50个单词左右的英语短文 带翻译 简单点

作者&投稿:休罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My mother<人教英语初一翻译法>
My mother is xx.She is of medium build and is of medium height(这是第七单元的最新语法).She isn't very good-looking(用于修饰人,而beautiful大用于修饰物或动物),but I think she is really very pretty(这不仅是漂亮,还有在心里的善良等好性情,也有聪明的意思).She loves laughing(love to do sth.一般表示一段时间类喜欢做的事),and she also hopes I have the same bright smile.She is ordinary,(common虽普遍,但英语中有粗俗的意思,容易引起异议)she's a teacher.She teaches me to be strong and teaches me how to be a true man from my yonth(这里指青年时代).She let me free so I have a lovely life,and I remember I had a lovely childhood,too.She is always very good-tempered.
I am thinkful to her for everything. I will never forget her.
When she is old,I'll take good care of her.

风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun)
One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”
“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”
So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.
“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.
(有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.)
(“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.)
(“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)


A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.
"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"
"She is the one who sells the candy."


“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”


One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk."
"But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"


一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”

The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."






1、left 英 [left] 美 [lɛft]adj. 左边的;左派的;剩下的 adv. 在左面 n. 左边;左派;激进分子 v. 离开(leave的过去式)短语 1)on the left 在左边 2)left behind 留下;遗留 3)turn left v. 向左转 4)left and right 左右 5)left hand 左手 6)left side 左侧 7...

左的英文是left,右的英文是right。一、left:1、读音:英 [left],美 [left]2、意思:adj. 左边的 adv. 向左 n. 左边;左派分子;【体】左手拳 3、例句:Do you always write left-handed?你一向用左手写字吗?4、词汇用法:(1)left的基本意思是“左”,可指“左边,左侧,左部”,是...

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一、accent 英 ['æksent] 美 ['æksent]n. 重音;口音;强调 vt. 重读;强调 She spoke with an Irish accent.她说话带有爱尔兰口音。二、early 英 ['ɜːlɪ] 美 ['ɝli]adj. 早期的;早熟的 adv. 提早;在初期 例:I decided that I was going...

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