
作者&投稿:仝居 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jim can run faster than Tom.
Lily does better in basketball than Lucy.
Harry is writing more carefully than Peter.

仅举一例 做代表 Li Ming runs faster than his brother.
Li Ming runs fastest in his class.
还有一种比较级,用more 最高级most 比较简单,副词不变,前面加上more 或most就行


  • Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company.

  • Technological advances have enabled people to live more happily and comfortably.

  • That room is more beautifully decorated than this one.

  • The first snow came a month earlier than usual.

  • The doctors were saying there wasn't much hope of me getting better.

对于比较级,可用以 than 引起的状语从句,说明与什么相比:
She is older than I (am).
(注意 than 是连词,不是介词,在本句中不可以用 me.)
She got up earlier today than (she did) yesterday.
It rains more often in summer than (it does) in autumn.
There are more cotton mills here than (there are) in my home town.
He worked faster than we had expected.
但是,在很多情况下,说话双方都是很清楚地知道所比较的对象的,因此可以不用带 than 的结构,例如:
She did much better today.
Are you feeling better now?
You must be more careful next time.

1、English is easier Chinese to learn.英语比汉语好学。2、Modern trains are faster than cars.现代火车比汽车快。3、Coffee tastes better than tea.咖啡比茶好喝。4、I work harder than he does.我比他学习用功。5、Mr. Sawyer arrived home later than his children.索耶先生比他的孩子们到...

那个房间装饰得比这间更漂亮。The first snow came a month earlier than usual.第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。The doctors were saying there wasn't much hope of me getting better.医生们说我好转的希望不大。

用 主语+实意动词+副词的比较级+than+主语 造句 5句?
You jump higher than she. 你跳得比她高。

(3)副词,表示具有一定程度 这篇文章写得~好。 比较造句: 1、他拿我的作业与她的相比较。 2、这里条件比较艰苦。 3、它们和我们的选择如何比较? 4、把这些和你得到的做个比较。 5、作为例子,我们把上面的片子和下面的片子比较一下。 6、因为你不是“别人”,因此也就没有...

以下是使用英语形容词或副词的三级(原级,比较级,最高级)造句的例子:1. 形容词原级(Positive Degree):This apple is red.解释:这句话描述的是一个苹果的颜色是红色,这里的"red"是形容词的原级,用来描述事物的基本特性。2. 形容词比较级(Comparative Degree):This apple is redder than ...

二、“比如”的意思:1、譬如。举例说明时的发端语。2、如同,好像。3、比起。三、词语出处:冰心 《我的学生》:“比如说,他说:‘系的,系的,萨天常常萨雨。’你猜是什么意思?他是说:‘是的,是的,夏天常常下雨。’你看!”四、用法、语法:用作副词,指譬如;如同;比起。

bien——mieux...que 你多了个le。。beaucoup里面没有moin...que。应该是moins...que。是比较少的意思。是peu的比较级。moins 跟plus 是大概一个类型的,放在前面moins就是比较少的,plus就是比较多的。所以我觉得如果要总结的话你这个应该是:beaucoup:plus...que(比较多),autant...que(一样多...


kind of和副词短语造句

always(总是) > usually (通常) > often(经常) > sometimes(有时) > hardly ever(很少) > never(从不) once a week 一周一次(“一次”用特殊词 once) twice a day 一天两次(“两次”用特殊词 twice) three times a month 一个月三次(三次或三次以上。

道孚县15576101653: 用副词的比较级造6个句子,谢谢 -
孔帝锋塞: he runs faster than i do. she dances better than helen does. he drinks more than she does. i weigh lighter than she does. you jump higher than i do. he plays games better than i do.

道孚县15576101653: 用副词的比较级造句,速度点!!! -
孔帝锋塞: Jim can run faster than Tom. 吉姆能比汤姆跑得快 Lily does better in basketball than Lucy. 莉莉比露西擅长篮球 Harry is writing more carefully than Peter. 哈利正在比皮特更认真地写字

道孚县15576101653: 副词的比较级造句!!!!高悬赏!!!快!!!! -
孔帝锋塞: He ran faster than his brother . ( faster 是副词,原形是 fast )He does his homework more carefully than Jim . ( carefully 是副词)************************************************************************* 祝天天开心,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问; 如果...

道孚县15576101653: 谁给我两个副词比较级的造句啊! -
孔帝锋塞:[答案] I walk slower than Miss Zhang. 我比张小姐走路慢. He speaks louder than his brother. 他说话声音比他兄弟大.

道孚县15576101653: 造副词比较级的句子,5个,急急急急!!! -
孔帝锋塞: 对于比较级,可用以 than 引起的状语从句,说明与什么相比: She is older than I (am). (注意 than 是连词,不是介词,在本句中不可以用 me.) She got up earlier tod...

道孚县15576101653: 英语用副词的比较级和最高级造句 -
孔帝锋塞: 仅举一例 做代表 Li Ming runs faster than his brother.Li Ming runs fastest in his class. 还有一种比较级,用more 最高级most 比较简单,副词不变,前面加上more 或most就行希望可以对你有帮助

道孚县15576101653: 英语 用5个副词早5组比较级的句子 谢谢 10分钟内 谢谢 -
孔帝锋塞: Ben jumps higher than some of the boys in his class. Does Nancy sing better than Helen? Who gets up eariler? Tim or Tom? Do the girls get up earlier than the boys?No,they don't.Jim runs slow. But Ben runs slower. Sorry for response dely...Hope this may help.

道孚县15576101653: 急急急急急急急急急急急!请用副词的比较级和最高级各造5个句子,谢谢
孔帝锋塞: 比较级: Taking bus is faster than riding bike. Walking is slower than running. You are taller than Jim. She is shorter than Mary. The park is more beautiful than before. ------------------------------------------ 最高级: She is the most beautiful girl in the class....

道孚县15576101653: 求10句英语 行为动词加副词的比较级句子 快啊 9点15分 -
孔帝锋塞: 1. He studies harder than his sister. 2. The boy ran faster than any other boy in the 100-meter race. 3. She did better than he. 4. I am listening more carefully than my classmates. 5. We danced more happily than them. 6. My grandmother eats more ...

道孚县15576101653: 英语用副词的比较级和最高级造句 -
孔帝锋塞:[答案] He jumps higher than I. He jumps (the) highest in the class. He works harder than I. He works (the) hardest of all the boys.

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