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Dejiang County is located the Guizhou plateau northeastern part, east is neighboring with the yinjiang, south borders on with Sinan, west with the Fenggang border, north inserts, serves between along the river Sichuan, total area 2071 square kilometers.County-wide governs 20 villages and towns, 355 administrative villages, the total population 437,000 people, are living together the Chinese, the Tuchia nationality, the seedling, Gelao and so on 16 brotherly nationalities.
Dejiang pleasant weather.The typical subtropics monsoon humid climate, is moistening the length and breadth plateau land.Here four seasons are distinct, the climate is temperate, the sunlight is sufficient, the rainfall is abundant, whole year the average temperature in 13℃~17℃ between, frost-free period reaches 295 day.
The Dejiang geography is superior.Is situated at north Guizhou Province the main forces county to govern the strategic place with Guizhou Province east to brew tea, by its transportation key position important position, becomes the commodity the collection and distribution center, east leaves Huguang along 303 provincial roads, north reports Bashu culture along 326 countries.By the reputation is “the golden waterway” but Wu River, from the south north, flows after the county territory five villages and towns 67 kilometers, 200 ton level ships may reach Yangtze River.
The Dejiang resources are bountiful, is a development prospect is good, development potential huge “sunlight region”.In the county the mineral resource type many, the personal status high, the reserves is big, mainly has the coal, the iron, the iron pyrites, the fluorspar, the marble, the kleit, earth Tao Ni, the gypsum and the top grade limestone and so on.Already proven reserves including: Coal 97,240,000 tons, iron ore 44,260,000 tons, pyrite 191,800,000 tons, earth ceramic putty 5,400,000 cubic meters, firefly quarry 7,700,000 cubic meters.Among them, the Dejiang kernel sends the coal mine and Sha Ximei the factory is the entire area scale biggest produces the coal base; The high quality limestone, the barite centralism distribute in the Wu River coast, for developed the building materials industry to create the advantageous condition; The marble distribution centralism, the variety is many, personal status excellent, has the development value extremely.
The county-wide network of waterways is densely covered, the hydro-energy resources are rich, besides Wu River, still had natural dropping variance great size rivers 78, the span 489.6 kilometers, the network of waterways density every 100 square kilometers 23.6 kilometers, the amount of runoff 1,480,000,000 cubic meters, the water power theory reserves 82450 kilowatts, the soil texture is fine, the climate environment was good, has the typical agricultural development superiority.The county-wide crops mainly have the paddy rice, the corn, the wheat, the potato and the flue-cured tobacco, the rape, the sweet orange, the amorphopallus riveri, the pear, the peach and so on, the flue-cured tobacco production are listed as the national high quality smoke commodity production base, the product sell in distant markets US.In 1999 is saved lists as the vacancy problem in commercial housing county, high quality rape and paddy rice, corn breeding base.The forage grass region is broad, the feed resources are sufficient, the development animal husbandry has the advantageous superiority condition.The pasture vegetation and the type have 20 branches 70 to be 200 many kinds of, the total area near 2,000,000 Chinese acres, 200 Chinese acre above Large expanse of pasture 103 pieces, the area amounts to 276,000 Chinese acres, altogether may carry the livestock 135,000 heads.Already completed the Pohl goat and Nankiang Mongolian gazelle variety breeding field 20, in order to further cultivate the superiority industry, county-wide has implemented 20,000 Chinese acre man-power kind of grass and 30,000 Chinese acre natural pasture protection project project, has built the solid foundation for the strength raising livestock pillar industry.
Man Shanwu idle grass, everywhere all efficacious medicine.As a result of the unique geographical environment and the appropriate climate, within the boundaries of Dejiang the majority of areas are suitable in the elevated gastrodia growth, also the quality surpasses other areas, in 1993 conducted “the Chinese high quality agricultural product and the scientific and technical payoffs equipment exposition” in Bangkok on the Dejiang elevated gastrodia on once reaches as high as by its elevated gastrodia element content 0.23% to win the silver prize.Dejiang's elevated gastrodia cultivation, has the glorious history, as early as in Qing Dynasty time, Dejiang on by “bright hemp” inside and outside famous province.On the century 80's, the county science and technology bureau the elevated gastrodia manual cultivation took a scientific research item, has attacked and captured “the sexual reproduction” in the beginning of the 90's this difficulty, has won the technological award, has pushed to the elevated gastrodia scale cultivation development a new stage.Therefore, Dejiang is listed as the entire province elevated gastrodia base county, the Central Committee Television "Divine land Elegant demeanor" the column also specially came Dejiang to photograph “"Township of the Elevated gastrodia" the special piece.The new at the beginning of century, the Dejiang county party committee, the county government will expand the elevated gastrodia production to take an item of pillar industry mentioned the new altitude, has taken a series of special operational policy measures, will develop the elevated gastrodia vigorously, was determined will do makes strongly “the elevated gastrodia” greatly this brand article.At present, the county-wide elevated gastrodia production has formed the large scale production the development pattern, year to year plants the elevated gastrodia 100,000 square meters, may realize the output value 16,000,000 Yuan.At the same time, according to market demand, but also enlarged has carried on the intensive processing to the elevated gastrodia dynamics, has developed the series product like elevated gastrodia dry plate, the elevated gastrodia powder, the elevated gastrodia gingko fast dissolved the tea, the elevated gastrodia corn stick and so on, the market prospect favor, the product fell short of demand.Besides the elevated gastrodia, Dejiang's wild raw material for medicine like honey suckle, the crown prince senate, the red salvia miltiorrhiza, the lily, the jade bamboo and so on the precious traditional Chinese medicine has 600 kinds, has completed the base 2000 Chinese acres.
The forest resources are extremely rich, the timber forest and the economic forest variety are many, have the national similar assortment five big tree king, the pawlownia king, Wu Jiuwang, the maidenhair tree king, long fruit Sang Wang, the sweet orange king.The cedar pole raw lacquer long standing reputation, sells in distant markets the Southeast Asia various countries, the mountain amorphopallus riveri, the pass forest tea, the money sweet orange, the steady level ground sugar pear is known far and wide, the Niu Holland you, the great bee chrysanthemum and so on superior fruit new variety Jinxian is popularizing promotes, gradually becomes sets the prairie afire the potential.
The Dejiang mountains and rivers are beautiful, the common social practice is simple and honorable, fine scenery.Has “the small Three Gorges” name Wu River, the sight fluttering flags, the canyon is profound, both banks forest onion is strongly fragrant, melts the mountain, the water, the forest, the spring, the hole, the cliff is a body, collects, wonderful, the danger, Xiu male, ancient, quiet in one, makes one praise to the heavens.The nature clever axe finger of God, caused xianjing in to gather together the multitudinous scenic spot and historic resort.Has the sign of the dragon qian, the dragon aperture of bridge, the white natural tunnel for representative's karst strange limestone cave scenery; Has “flies the straight next 3000 feet, doubts is the silver hele nine days” the laudatory name high hole, the white spring, the cold aquiferous rock waterfall; Has the new beach three natural defenses which the Ming Dynasty literary giant field fall original handwriting - - “in Guizhou Province unyielding”, the day supposes makes, is fully laden with boatman bitter precipice filament, twists Wu River historical site new scenery series and so on beach marvelous sight; Has the natural good fortune masterpiece to brew tea a dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, the plain charming Dong family water well stone turtle, the character and style ten thousand kind of cedar pole flower flower bridge and so on the mysterious historical site; Had the Southern Song Dynasty vestige - - to brew tea the ancient grave group, end of the Qing Huang Haojun revolts the ruins merring temple, the yellow family house, Kowloon stores and so on the cultural relic scenic spots.
Is worth mentioning is especially Dejiang “the red culture”.In June, 1934, He Long, Xia Xi, Guan Xiangying led the red three services to convene west the Central Committee of the CCP Hunan, Hubei in Dejiang maple tree Huongkhe the sub-bureau conference (history had called “the maple tree Huongkhe conference”), hit the local tyrant, divides the paddies, has established the Soviet political power, founded the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau first revolutionary base, broadcast the revolutionary kindling material.Extant “maple tree Huongkhe conference” conference site, monument, fight ruins and Red Army slogan, may say is Dejiang “the red culture” representative, it with the folk custom culture, the Wu River culture merged into one organic whole, complements each other, has promoted the Dejiang tourism development cultural personal status.
The pleasant natural condition, the rich product resources, the superior geographical environment, the glorious historical culture, constituted today Dejiang social economy development talent superiority.
Since the reform and open policy, the Dejiang people in the county party committee, under government's leadership, have been relying on the talent resources and the industrious simple moral character, persisted take the economic development as the center, persisted walks “prosperous common people strong county” the development path, the county-wide people, the decisive battle is of one mind impoverished, finally has realized the economical development big spanning.
Since party 16 big, Dejiang developed has stepped the new course.The county party committee, the government face the new century the development to take the strategic target, snatches stresses the historical opportunity, readjusts the strategic judgment, proposed “agricultural steady county, industry Fu xian, open releases from unnecessary constraints the county “the development mentality, the enhancement infrastructure construction, the advancement agriculture industrial production adjustment, the deepening state-owned enterprise reform, does makes the strong tertiary industry greatly, in “integrated economy” under the development pattern, constructs the information platform, implements the polytropic management, enable the economical development the train to sail to the high speed speedway.
The agricultural industrial production adjustment has formed “a village one, a township one especially” development pattern; By sheep primarily animal husbandry and by elevated gastrodia primarily traditional Chinese medicine industry, by scale development situation to pillar industry transition.
The state-owned enterprise reform already walks in the entire province front row, stimulated the state asset, has placed the unemployed, the government service, the individual management enterprise has developed the pattern, became brothers the county city study the model; Brings in foreign capital the enterprise like mushroom growth, puts up a factory one after another the settle.
The infrastructure construction strengthens unceasingly.Three transit the branch road to complete the rank transformation comprehensively, the overland communication extends to 20 villages and towns more than 300 villages.The Wu River canal three modernized wharf has been completed the operational.110 kilovolt power transmission engineerings merge the national electrical network, the national agriculture electrical network transform the near last act, the village village circular telegram have been just round the corner.The telecommunication, the mobile communication and broadcast the coverage fraction which the electricity wishes to reach 95%.
The city life environment for has a new look greatly.Not only Dejiang has the stability and unity social environment, moreover took political, the economical, the cultural center Dejiang county seat, is already not the old appearance.Two big development zone constructions, have developed the county seat development space; Brings in foreign capital the transformation the old city, has gradually revealed the new face; The colored eruptive fountain, the colored brick, the stainless steel guard rail, the four seasons onion long roadside trees, concurrently by the spacious neat avenue, have promoted the civic culture personal status; Municipal administration service organizations and so on school, hospital, attorney business, notarization institution also day by day consummate.The entire German Giangthanh has filled the civilized metropolis breath, has become in the people mind to dress up together Li's scenery.
Is following the economical development and the city melts the personal status the promotion, the Dejiang tertiary industry sudden appearance of a new force, meal in an opposite direction, the entertainment, the leisure, professions and so on traveling had the very big enhancement in the modern service consciousness and in the modern service level, the place characteristic, the national characteristic have dissolved eight service industries, the superiority obtain in relief.The Dejiang tertiary industry fast development, has become the economic development the important release lever, is displaying the positive role.

Did not know such translation, you satisfy?
Dejiang is my hometown, welcome you to be a guest to my hometown.
Yu Hongzhang





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斐吕百令: 德江县属贵州省铜仁市下辖县,位于贵州高原的东北部,地处武陵山、大娄山汇接处.德江位于黔东北中心区域,铜仁市西部,地处遵义、铜仁、黔江构成的三角几何中心位置,是黔中经济圈、成渝经济圈、武陵山经济协作区的“交汇点”,素...

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斐吕百令: 德江位于贵州省黔东北,铜仁市西部,东属武陵山脉、西属大娄山山脉,地处黔、渝、湘、鄂结合部的乌江中下游,是“革命老区、畜牧大县、烟草强县”,是“傩戏之乡了、龙灯之乡、天麻之乡、奇石之乡”. 全县辖11镇8乡2个街道1个省级...

洮南市18724729633: 德江属于那个省的 -
斐吕百令: 德江县属贵州省铜仁市下辖县,位于贵州高原的东北部,地处武陵山、大娄山汇接处. 德江位于黔东北中心区域,铜仁市西部,地处遵义、铜仁、黔江构成的三角几何中心位置,是黔中经济圈、成渝经济圈、武陵山经济协作区的“交汇点”,...

洮南市18724729633: 德江是县级市还是地级市 -
斐吕百令: 德江既不是县级市,也不是地级市,而是县.德江县:属贵州省铜仁市下辖县,位于贵州高原的东北部,地处武陵山、大娄山汇接处.德江位于黔东北中心区域,铜仁市西部,地处遵义、铜仁、黔江构成的三角几何中心位置,是黔中经济圈、成渝经济圈、武陵山经济协作区的“交汇点”,素有“傩戏之乡、天麻之乡、奇石之乡”之称.

洮南市18724729633: 德江是什么地方?是哪个省哪个地方的?
斐吕百令: 德江县位于贵州高原的东北部,地处武陵山、大娄山汇接处.东与印江相邻,南与思南接壤,西与凤冈交界,北插沿河、务川之间.隶属贵州铜仁地区

洮南市18724729633: 贵州德江有什么风景点?哪儿好玩! -
斐吕百令: 德江县位于贵州省东北部、铜仁地区西部,东邻印江县,南接思南县,西南交遵义市风冈县,北插沿河自治县与遵义市务川自治县之间.全县总面积2071多平方公里,辖5镇15乡,聚居着汉、土家等28个民族,2002年底总人口44.6万人.德江...

洮南市18724729633: 贵州省德江县的人口 -
斐吕百令: 德江概况: 在武陵山、大娄山汇接处,青山绿水之间,德江县城象一颗璀璨的明珠,闪耀着熠熠的光芒. 这里有一条河,叫玉溪河,河面不宽,河水不急;清清的河水绵亘数千年,涤荡了多少历史尘埃,沉淀着多少美丽的故事. 这里有一座山,叫钟鼎山,山峰虽不奇,山路也不险,可它那挺拔的山体,却象个永不言败的巨人,饱经风雨沧桑,呼唤着人间的巨变. 这里,就是被喻为“天麻之乡”的德江县.她位于贵州高原的东北部,东与印江相邻,南与思南接壤,西与凤冈交界,北插沿河、务川之间,总面积2071平方公里.全县辖20个乡镇,355个行政村,总人口43.7万人,聚居着汉、土家、苗、仡佬等16个兄弟民族…… 祝您 开心!!!

洮南市18724729633: 铜仁德江在哪里
斐吕百令: 德江位于贵州高原的东北部,东与印江相邻,南与思南接壤,西与凤冈交界,北插沿河、务川之间,总面积2071平方公里.全县辖20个乡镇,355个行政村,总人口43.7万人,聚居着汉、土家、苗、仡佬等16个兄弟民族.

洮南市18724729633: 四川的德江县属于哪个市?
斐吕百令: 四川没有德江县 德江县位于贵州高原的东北部,地处武陵山、大娄山汇接处.东与印江相邻,南与思南接壤,西与凤冈界交 在行政上隶属于贵州省铜仁市

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