
作者&投稿:衷昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一篇this is my什么什么的英语作文250字,题材随便,就是不要写人,求求高手写一篇,急用,在线等,~

my life is really beautiful.i aleays believe that everything is hopeful and everyday is full.
i go to school with my friend and enjoy learning knowledge.my friend and i always stay together to talk about the things that we all enjoy.we have PE class all the school day that we can have a strong body.
at weekend,my family always have dinner together and talk about the things happened in last week.
this is my life, my enjoyable life~~

EVERTON has turned down a transfer request from Joleon Lescott with Manchester City poised to improve its offer for the England defender.
Everton has already turned down two bids and there were reports yesterday that big-spending City was about to offer 20 million pounds.Althought Everton acknowledged receipt of Lescott’s written transfer request yesterday ,manager David Mpyes said none of his top players and that hasn’t changed,’’Moyes said.

SPAIN’S Pau Gasol has had surgery on a damaged finger ligament in his left hand and will be out of action for 20 days,the Spanish basketball federation said yesterday.The Los Angeles Lakers forward picked up the injury in training with the Spanish team in Cadiz on Monday.World champion Spain is preparing for the European championships which start in Poland on September 7. “The player will have the stitches removed in 12 to 14 days and will have a splint on the finger for 20 days.”the FEB said in a statemeng.
西班牙的加索尔已经对在他的左手手指韧带受损的手术,将要缺阵20天,西班牙篮球协会表示yesterday.The湖人队的回升,与西班牙队在加的斯在训练伤Monday.World冠军西班牙是准备在波兰开始的9月7日的欧洲锦标赛。 “这名球员将在12至14天拆除缝线,将有一个关于20天手指夹板。”在2月在statemeng说。

THE developer of the Lotus Riverside complex in Minhang District will sign with an authorized company tomorrow to evaluate the toppled building for a compensation package for owners.
Shanghai Urban Real Estats Appraisal Co Ltd,approved by owners of the toppled Building NO.7,would start evaluations this week,Shanghai Meidu Real Estate Co Ltd said in a press release yesterday.

5.A MAN,25 has been detained for faking his own kidnap in a bid to pay off gambling debts.Huangpu District police said yesterday that Zhang Dongsheng called hia mother at 9:30p.m on August 6,asking her to send money because he had been abducted. Police later found Zhang sleeping in a club in Pudong New Area.Zhang owed more than 370.000yuan as a result of gambling,police said.


China’s consumer and producer prices continued to nosedive last month while exports also extended their tumble,pointing up the need for the nation to sustain a “relatively loose”economic policy that promotes consumer demand,analysts said.
The Consumer Price Index ,the main gauge of inflation,fell 1.8 percent in July from a year earlier. The Producer Price Index, the measure of factory-gate inflation,decreased 8.2percent.”Judging from the declining trend of the CPI and PPI,inflation is not an imminent threat and the governmeng should stick to its moderately easy policy stance to keep economic growth steady,”said Hao Daming,an analyst at China Galaxy Securities Co.

The Importance of Learning English.
Nowadays,more and more people are learning English.It is gradually becoming a kind of trend.Why?In my own point of view,I think that ,people have realized the importance of learning English for the following reasons:
first of all,English is an internationnal language.Many countries in the world consider English as thier offical language.
sencondly,the importance of learning English.as everyone knows that English works as the language of interntional confrences.A large number of books are printed by English.A better grasp of English can make you have a better understanding of the whole world.
Last but not least,I hope everyone should pay more attention to English learning.

童话里往往还包含了神奇的魔法、无尽的财富、凶恶的怪兽等元素,使故事能够引人入胜,打动孩子的好奇心,丰富孩子的想象力。下面是 无 整理分享的温馨童话故事300字,欢迎阅读与借鉴,希望你们会喜欢! 【 小狐狸的玩具手枪 】小狐狸的妈妈给小狐狸买了一把玩具手枪,小狐狸看了高兴得又蹦又跳。小...


300字左右的作文 四篇
“上次不是已经弄得很清楚了吗?“熊警官奇怪地问。 小木偶把一切都告诉了熊警官。熊警官看了看小木偶的表情,明白了。于是叫小红狐把背包还给小木偶。小红狐脸红了,把背包还给了小木偶。 小木偶在路上碰见了小兔,小兔对小木偶不理不睬。小木偶诚恳地说:“小兔,那时候我真的头很疼,可是那时我只有一种表情就...

暑假日记300字篇1:暑假里的一天 星期日的中午,天说变就变,刚刚还是晴空万里,一会儿就电闪雷鸣,下起了瓢泼大雨.这时,爸爸走进我的房间,对我说:"爸爸给你一个很好的礼物."我心里想:是玩具坦克呢!还是变形金刚呢!爸爸说:"这两个都不是,但比这两个好多了."爸爸刚要打开时,我说:"爸...

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蛮备塞莱: The Importance of Learning English.Nowadays,more and more people are learning English.It is gradually becoming a kind of trend.Why?In my own point of view,I think that ,people have realized the importance of learning English for the following ...

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