50分 急求一个英语5分钟口语对话?

作者&投稿:霍虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: What do you think is the best way of travelling is?
B: I think aeroplane is by far the best way.
A: Why do you think so?B: Because it is the fastest and the safest.A: Of course it is when you are talking about a long distance.
B: That's true. For shorter distance I think I will have to say, car.
A: And why is that?
B: Well, it is quite obvious that you will not find an airport everywhere, but a carparking space is a lot more easier to find.
A: What about bicycles then?
B: Eh... I don't think so. The area I live in is in the mountains. It takes a strong sport-man to ride on those hilly roads.(你可以自己编)

A(Japanese):Hi Mr.Lu, long time no see. How are you?
B(Chinese):Wow, actually, I am not good. The relations between our two countries are strained.
A: Yes. I've heard that Japanese cars are being smashed on the streets. Meanwhile, products made in Japan are being boycotted.
B: I know. You should understand our people's patriotic action, given what you have done about our DiaoYu Island.
A: That's one side of the story. But, don't you think that our two people lack understanding of each culture? If we know each other better, this issue won't be such serious.
B: I agree with you. Given our history, we do need to take some time to know each other better so that if such issue happen again, it won't cause such a big economic disturbance.
A: Our auto industry suffers greatly. I think it is high time to organize some culture exchang programme to deepen our understanding, such as student exchange program in Unversities and products exhibitions.
B: That's a good idea. We could increase the number of exchange students to 5000 by holding summer camp, winter visit and language learning. Currently, there is only 2000 a year.
A: Bravo! As for the exhibitions we could discuss it with our chamber of commerce.
B: Yes, of course. But what kind of products can participate in the exhibition?
A: Japanese cosmetics, food, clothings and accessories are quiet popular in China. Our exhibition in Japanese Pavilion during the Shanghai Expo was well-received. I am thinking about this mode to be hold in major cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzheng, etc.
B: Great! Let's discuss this in detail in the banquet.


A: Where are you come from?

B: I come from Tianjin.

A: Would you tell me what Tianjin is like?

B: Tianjin is a big city. It develops very fast. At the same time, it has its unique culture. My parents always take my sister and me to interesting places in Tianjin. I think you will like there.

A:Oh, really? I don't know you have a sister!

B: Yes. She is two years older than me.

A: OK. Do you look like her?

B: I'm afraid not. I looks like our mother while she looks like our father.

A: I see. I want a sister, too. How about your parents?

B: My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse. They love us very much. They teach us many things and play with us.

A: What a happy family!

B: It seems you like my family very much. How about have a dinner with us? I think my family will be happy to know you.

A: I'd love to.

B: How about in the Summer holiday?

A: Ok. I can't wait for it.

1. 多看国外的英语电视节目、电视剧
2. 多与外国人交谈、聊天(面对面或网上都行)
3. 多看英语书报杂志,吸取最新词汇
4. 平时看书时,如果可以,就一边读一边念出声,以训练自己的口语+听力
5. 让老外纠正你的发音,不能让中国的英语老师纠正
6. 上网尽量看英语的网站,增加阅读的机会,同时也可以读出声 "

My hometown is a village,It's small but beautiful.There are many tall trees around it,A broad river flows silently beside it.We often swim in it in summer.Please come to my hometown.

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