
作者&投稿:穆要 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Good Morning My dear Friends,
As inform by many manufacturer, they are unable to open the attachment or unable to read mail. We are sorry for inconveniences and again forwarding the mail with all attachment to you and hope you will received your lowest price.
Our Main focus on very suitable plant as availability of material. So there is 3 segments as we discussed with your engineers as

30-40 tph, 50-60 tph, 100 tph or 100-125 tph

As discussed here, semi mobile plant, that can easily shifted to other site, without need of so much concrete work in foundation. Duration of the plant we think, near about minimum 6 month or more in a one side. some crushers already running well, but our demand is exactly suitable, economical and lowest price compare to running plants. So hopeful.

在此讨论中,半机动式计划更能够简易的转移去其他的地点,而不需要在基础(前期)工作方面作太多的具体的准备.在这个计划的时间方面,我们认为,需要最少6个月或者多一个月.某些压碎机运作正常,不过我们要求的是非常合适的,经济的,以及比运行方案更低的价格. 所以,希望…
Thanks and Best Regards


真心希望帮到您。 对于您的业务内容我并不了解,以外行人角度对英语进行浅显翻译,如果有任何问题 可以继续询问我。

The government-run command post in Tunis is staffed around the clock by military personnel, meteorologists and civilians.
政府在突尼斯的指挥所日以继夜的资料大多是由军事人员,气象学家和平民。 On the wall are maps, crisscrossed with brightly colors arrows that painstakingly track the fearsome path of the enemy.
在墙上有地图,还夹杂着鲜艳的颜色,令人生畏的箭刻意的道路追踪敌人。 An alternative to the market system is administered control by some agency over all transactions.
市场体系外,另一种是管理控制的一些机构对所有交易。 This agency will issue laws or commands as to how much each goods and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit.
该机构可颁发法律、命令多少每个商品和服务应该被生产、交换和消费每个经济单位。 Central planning may be one way of administering such an economy.
中央计划是一个方式这样一个经济管理。 The central plan drawn up by the government shows the amount of each commodity produced by the various firms and distributed to different households for consumption.

WORLDBEX SERVICES INTERNATIONAL (WSI) is duly-registered event management organization founded in 1996 by Joseph L.Ang, a seasoned trader involved in distributing imported building and construction supplies in the Philippines since 1980.

WORLDBEX国际服务(WSI)是由Joseph L.Ang于1996年所创立的经合法注册的活动/项目管理机构。其创始人Joseph L.Ang为自1980年起便于菲律宾从事进口建筑材料分销的经验丰富的交易商。

Its managemen team is compsed of young,dynamic and driven individuals, ever searching for that fresh alternative. The WSI team seeks only excellence and perfection inevry endeavor.-

WORLDBEX 维修国际的 (WSI) 的确-注册的事件管理组织在 1996 年藉着约瑟 L.Ang 发现, 一个经验丰富的商人在分配方面牵涉自从 1980 以后在菲律宾共和国输入建筑物和建筑补给。

它的 managemen 队是年轻的,动态的和受到驱策个体的 compsed, 曾经寻找新鲜的替代选择。 WSI 队寻求唯一的优秀和完美 inevry 努力。-

WORLDBEX服务国际公司(WSI)是1996年由Joseph L.Ang正式注册的一个竞赛管理组织。Joseph L.Ang是一个有经验的贸易商,从1980年起就在菲律宾从事建筑物和结构相关进口物料的经销。


WORLDBEX国际服务(WSI)为Joseph L.ang于1996年创建的,经过合法注册的事件管理机构,自1980开始,本身也是一个自1980始即活跃于菲律宾的,经常丰富的进口建筑材料分销相关的交易商.


worldbex服务国际(节水灌溉) ,是正式注册的事件管理组织,成立于1996年由约瑟夫属昂,是一名老练的商人参与分配进口楼宇及建造用品,在菲律宾自1980年以来。


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英语高手请教这句怎么翻译:Have you got a flower growing out of so...
Have you got a flower growing out of someone's head?[寓意较深的一句,属于含沙射影]真实意思:你是窃取了别人的智囊获得的成功?

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博功联可:[答案] More and more around the world

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博功联可: Has asks all painstakingly not to strive for is happy 下面是意思 已要求所有刻意不争取的是快乐

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博功联可: Next time it is better to see once, see a better time

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博功联可: 1.我爱好唱歌 (一般现在时) I like singing. 2.我讨厌滑雪(同上) I don't like skating. 3.我对古典音乐不感兴趣 I'm not interested in classic music. 4.我的兴趣爱...

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博功联可: The world economy is the world's national economies interrelated and interdependent and constitute a world-wide economy as a whole. It is the international division of labor and the world market, based on the world's national economies through ...

君山区17796084237: 请教英语高手这句英文的准确翻译是什么:the brand name must be created for strategic impact -
博功联可:[答案] 所创建的品牌名称必须具有战略影响力.

君山区17796084237: 请教英语高手翻译every dog has his day -
博功联可: every dog has his day1.瓦片也有翻身时 every dog has his day 瓦片也有翻身时 Every dog has his day1.狗也有走的一天;凡人皆有得意日.

君山区17796084237: 请教英文高手,“心之所向 素履所往”的英文翻译? -
博功联可:[答案] You truly love things and insist on the meaning will be hard to pursue regardless of gains and losses

君山区17796084237: 请教英语高手帮忙翻译一句话 -
博功联可: the most different of human brain and computer is the boundless creativity .或者 the boundless creativity is the most different of human brain and computer .o(∩_∩)o

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博功联可:[答案] 这个外国人应该还没说完.这个意思应该是说我想如果我要是去看你的话,怎么怎么怎么样吧.要是当是否的话前面一般是否定,比如,i don't know if I will come to see you.我不知道我是否要去看你

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