
作者&投稿:检剂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We know each other very well.我们很熟。一般形式
We have been knowing each other for a long time.我们认识很久了。现在完成时。
.We have not seen each other for a long time .我们很久没见了。现在完成时
There is nothing new in what i said.我之前说的没什么新东西。这里没有上下文用过去式将来时都可以

Her greatest ___fault____ (faulty) is that she talks too much.

God is believed to have made the _universe______(universal).

The railway station is six miles ___distant_____ (distance)from my home.

The earthquake caused great __destruction_______(destroy).

The robber __threatened______(threat) him with a gun.

We____admire_______(admiration)him for his honesty.

They are bust preparing for the __reception________(receptive) of guests.

Do you konw when Germany____invaded______(invasion)poland?

A highway ___connects_____ (connection) the two cities,

They attended the ceremony ____officially___(office)

The boy came from a ____remoteless____(remoteness) village.

He is the most ____active_____(activty) member of the club.

Don't shut the door __violently____(violent).

He was _____persistent____(persist) in his questions.

It was _____fortunate______(fortunately)that they returned home safely.

She _____insists______(insistent) on going there.

was, went
will give
will snow
would not believe ;sees

1.was went
2. will give
3. is going to snow
4didn't believe saw
你的believe 写错了

Head uut aastat!13索马里语 Iyo Sanad Cusub Oo Fiican!14苏丹语 Warsa Enggal 15阿富汗语 Saale Nao Mubbarak 16阿尔巴尼亚语 Gezuar Vitin e Ri 17孟加拉语 Shuvo Nabo Barsho 18意大利语 Felice anno nuovo 19保加利亚语 ×åñòèòà Íîâà Ãî...

9从东方生起(偏正短语) 10向雷锋学习(偏正短语) 11站起来回答(动宾短语) 12走过镇公所的时候(偏正短语) 13 我们多年聚族而居的故乡 (偏正短语)14 一望无际的碧绿的西瓜 (骗正短语)15远离了熟悉的过乡(动宾短语) 16我心里一颤(主谓短语) 17幕天席地(并列短语) 18研究清楚(...

就这样,经过我不懈的努力,当然开始时,没多大用(表面上),但是,在最后的模拟一、二、三中,我的语文成绩分别是126、127、以至在高考中我的语文得了131分,从而保证了语文的不失败,为进入清华奠定了最好的一步,所以在最后我总结――学语文有二个字的秘诀――"坚持"! 孔子说:“知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐...

夜半,没有别的人,我即刻听出这声音就在我嘴里,我也立即被这笑 声所驱逐,回进自己的房。灯火的带子也即刻被我旋高了。 后窗的玻璃上下丁地响,还有许多小飞虫乱撞。不多久,几个进来了,许是从 窗纸的破孔进来的。他们一进个又在玻璃的灯罩上撞得了丁丁地响。一个从上面撞 进去了,他于是遇到火,而且我以为...

1. 恬淡的风儿吹过,海面泛起阵阵涟漪,雪白的帆儿扬了起来,我驾驶着简单 的小船,向海平面的另一端逝去,为的,只是和你道一声:“生日快乐!”2. (1.)只要有温暖,即使在寒冷的冬日,也能绽放出最美丽的笑靥!(2.)【抱歉,不会】———时间问题,暂时先回答你这一点点咯~~~呵呵,加...

1、金碧辉煌:形容建筑物等异常华丽,光彩夺目 2、卧薪尝胆 :形容人刻苦自励,立志为国家报仇雪耻 越国被吴国打败,越王勾践立志报仇。据说他睡觉睡在柴草上头,吃饭、睡觉前都要尝以尝苦胆,策励自己不要忘耻辱。经过长期准备,终于打败了吴国(《史记。越王勾践世家》只有尝胆事,苏轼《拟孙权答曹操书...


47、岁月可以赢去我们的生命,却赢不去我们一路留下的欢声笑语,我们的祝福,无尽的爱意。 ——杏林子 48、知了的吟唱为何使人厌烦?因为它只会重复自己的名字。 49、如果你曾经把失败当成清醒剂,就千万别让成功变成迷魂汤。 50、扭曲的身影,企望太阳光来赐予正直,那是徒劳的。 五十句关于人生与理想的名言警句 ...

6、说地地道道普通话,做堂堂正正中国人! 7、说普通话,迎四方宾客;用文明语,送一片真情 8、“普通话——13亿颗心与心之间的桥梁 9、普通话——人类沟通的桥梁;普通话——人类智慧的结晶 10、推广普通话,靠你、靠我、靠大家 11、说好普通话,走遍神州都不怕 12、说好普通话,方便你我他 13、推广普通话,沟通你我...


五家渠市18013771525: ★★★英语高手进!句子的适当形式填空!★★★1 They are - _____(draw) a picture.2 Do you know the - ______(woman)names?3 You must be - ______(help) to others.4 ... -
荆宙康氏:[答案] 1.drawing2.women's3.helpful4.are dancing5.listening6.doesn't have 7.mothers' 8.boy students 9.what are the children listening to?10.what are the students going to do?11.How nice your picture is!我厉害...

五家渠市18013771525: 英语高手进!快!有分!一.用所给词正确形式填空.1.Our room is____(small)than yours.2.We____(usual)go to work on foot.3.I'm very busy today,because I have... -
荆宙康氏:[答案] smaller. usually to do has left hearing musical wooden receiving relatives for,for,in,to,so,across,for,at,away,too,to ! 正确率绝对100%%%%

五家渠市18013771525: 英语高手进来用所给词的正确形式填空 I don't know if he ( )(come),He will come if it ( )(rain) 这个空填不下雨,是用 Won't 还是 dosen'tThis card ( )( )(send) to ... -
荆宙康氏:[答案] I don't know if he ( will come) 我不确定他会不会来,(还没来表对将来的猜测) He will come if it ( dosen't rain ) 主将从限 主句将来时,从句一般式(规律) This card ( was)( sent) to me by my tescher 贺卡被送给老师,被动句 He thinks he needs not ...

五家渠市18013771525: ★★★英语高手进!~ 句子的适当形式填空!!★★★ -
荆宙康氏: 1.drawing2.women's3.helpful4.are dancing5.listening6.doesn't have 7.mothers' 8.boy students 9.what are the children listening to? 10.what are the students going to do? 11.How nice your picture is! 呵呵,我厉害吧,透漏你一个秘密,我才5年级哦

五家渠市18013771525: 英语、、小题、、高手进、选适当的词并用其适当形式填空、1:danger 2:take 3:arrive 4:however1:Cycling isn't - ___at all.People have to ride very hard to win... -
荆宙康氏:[答案] 1、dangerous/however/arrive/taking 2、late,quietly/safer/more popular/easily/to learn 3、CAA

五家渠市18013771525: 用单词正确形式填空(英语高手进)!!
荆宙康氏: jeans happen eaten children remind child前面是Is是单数 remind ..of ..提醒,固定短语

五家渠市18013771525: 英语高手请进答案尽量要全对哦,请认真审题,谢谢!如果回答很正确会加分!(不要粘贴的) 用be 或 have 的正确形式填空: 1、Two and five - __are__ - ... -
荆宙康氏:[答案] 你的不就有答案吗 1、Two and five are seven. 2、My bike is over there just now, but I can't find it now. 3、There are lots of sheep on the farm last year. 4、Miss Li and Mr Li are teachers. 5、Tom and...

五家渠市18013771525: 填写正确的形式 英语高手进 -
荆宙康氏: 1 to have 2 cleaning 3 helped 4 doesn't rain 5 ask 6 to learn 7 going 8 were, doing 9 called 10 stop

五家渠市18013771525: 英语高手请进!(单词的正确形式填空)
荆宙康氏: was dancing knocked lived trouble work sleep are making keep said went

五家渠市18013771525: 英语高手请进,急一、用正确的时态填空1.If it_____(rain),I shall take an umbrella with me.2.You never___(pass)this test if you don't work hard.3.If he_______... -
荆宙康氏:[答案] 1 rains 2 pass 3 were 4will be 5 enjoys 6 is 2.. am listening did Don't shout was don't blame want Don't forget am playing don't send am asking was don't put

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