
作者&投稿:禤帖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
那位大师帮我翻译成英文? 谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Oil-fired boiler is to fuel oil as fuel boiler, its universal application in industrial production and people's daily life, so the safety and the normal operation of boilers is important.
Boiler drum water level control, furnace pressure control is an important control links to the safe operation of the boiler; steam pressure control and steam temperature control is to produce qualified products guarantee; boiler combustion control is efficient combustion control system of boiler economy. Through the design of the control scheme is demonstrated, on the comparison of advantages and disadvantages of the control scheme, the final choice of drum level three impulse control, furnace pressure feedforward - feedback control, steam pressure cascade control, double cross burning control system of boiler main control. The simulation of the control system of MATLAB software, analyzing the results of simulation, sound and light alarm to the drum water level, steam temperature, steam pressure and vacuum furnace. Be efficient combustion and heat recovery technology to solve the problems of boiler energy saving and emission reduction in the production process. Keywords: boiler; control system; MATLAB; sound and light alarm


The abolition of apartheid in South Africa since 1994, establishing the democratic system of racial equality, political stability and national reconciliation, it bring an unprecedented favorable environment of domestic economic development. In the late ten years, the end of apartheid in South Africa the recession, while maintaining the macroeconomic stability, the old system caused by economic inequality between RACES and the dual economic structure reform and adjustment, basically healthy economic development, investment environment and to optimize economic structure, the ability to cope with the challenge of globalization, economic and social present a good momentum of development

Considering that you are all busy working recently, so some notice for you:
1:库房除了结账周所有下午15:00以后的发货合同如果没有双方经理签字会自动转移成明天发货.for stock house, except the payment week, all the delivery contracts after 15:00 will transfer to be delivered tomorrow if not signed by both sides of the managers.
2:所有发货合同(尤其是装配合同)都需要提前一天发出,出货预警。all the delivery contracts should be delivered a day ahead(especially the assembling contracts),delivery alarming.
3:如果同一个合同发往不同地方的单子,一定要在装配前通知库房。if case is delivered to more than one place from one contract, make sure that inform the stock house first.
4:所有直发非装配物料合同,如果有配件请在do中表明详细。all the direct not assembling meterial contract, if have accessories,please describe details in the do-lines.

Due to the business among you guys recently, here is a notice to you all:
1. The shipment contracts, except those in payment week, will be automatically converted to the shipment for the next day if the signatures between two managers are not available.
2. All the shipment contracts, especially contracts for assembly, need to be sent out ahead one day for delivery pre-warning.
3. The storage room has to be informed in advanced of the assembly if the address in a contract differs.
4. If there are accessories for all non-assembly materials contracts, being arranged to direct shipment, please illustrates in details in the list.

Since we are all busy these days, i wanna to warn you guys:

1. Except for payment week, all shipment contract after 15:00 pm in warehouse without both sides' managers' siganiture will be transferred to deliver next day.
2. All shipment contract (especially assembly contract) should be sent out ahead a day for delivery warning.
3. If the same contract has orders sent to different locations, it should be notified to warehouse before assembled.
4. For all non-assembly material contract delivered directly, pls specified clearly in the do-list if there are assemblies.



...或是克夫 有没有哪位大师可以帮忙化解一下
然后你就去看,继而发现你是孤苦伶仃,克夫,但是,你要重视的,是如何去改变这样,比如说你孤苦,你可以试着去主动追求下男孩子呀,人心都是肉长的,真诚所致,金石为开,你会找到合适你的另一半的 我是不信这个,我是基督徒,算命,占卜都是骗人的,希望你能够明白,及早的脱离黑暗 愿神祝福你 ...

...或是克夫 有没有哪位大师可以帮忙化解一下

双妻命怎么破解 哪位大师可以帮忙指点一下。?

不须劳碌过平生,独自成家福不轻;早有福星常照命,任君行去百般成。说明:此命为人品性刚直, 做事公开, 有才能,有机变。不管休息, 六亲兄弟不得力,祖业无靠, 白手成家立业,末运多驳杂, 不能聚财, 好一双抓钱手,没有一个聚钱斗,此命蜘蛛, 结网朝圆夜不圆,做几翻败几翻,只能...


没了辙没了辙 像你这样的大师喝酒一定很厉害 满满饮上一大口翻江又倒海 像你这样的大师手法一定很厉害 横撇竖捺勾点折通通都自在 大师我的大师摆个fightigpose 我好崇拜那么崇拜 收我为徒绝不会砸了你的招牌 大师我的大师你的样子就像墨子 那么伟大的一个神话 收我为徒留给世间一段佳话 ...

请各位大师帮帮忙啊 !
翻遍了康熙字典,只有选择了叫 侯视予(其他的字在数理上都不合适,因为换字不换名嘛)。姓名:侯视予 笔画五行数理分析(97分):天格[是祖先留下来的,其数理对人的一生影响不大]数理 10水说明:(终结之数)终结之数,雪暗飘零,偶或有成,回顾茫然。(凶)人格[又称主格,是整个姓名的中心,...

哪位大师能帮我出个字谜 我要谜底是(喜欢封雪) 谢谢大家 帮帮忙`
嘻笑口拒绝 ,(嘻-口=喜)解释:在没你的时候就是想嘻笑嘴巴也不乐意 仅去人欠缺 。(仅-单立人+欠=欢)解释:在生活中仅仅少了你一人,生命就少了无数的色彩。佳人思寸长 ,(佳-单立人+寸=封)解释:单相思(或作“相思或思念)佳人使我想念微小的长处。雨下山倒约。(雨+山=雪)解释:...

听出俩句歌词 大师 我的大师。 求解什么歌~ 特好听。如题 谢谢了_百度...
下巴猪折快马加鞭 没了折 没了折像你这样的大师喝酒一定很厉害 满满饮上一大口 翻江又倒海 像你这样的大师手法一定很厉害 横撇竖捺勾点折 更天真逍遥自在 大师我的大师 摆个姿势Fightingpose 我崇拜崇拜 收我为徒决 不会砸了你的招牌 师我的大师 你的样子就像墨子那么伟大的一个神话 收我为徒...

盐都区15240584733: 我的生命里只承认有你.麻烦那位大师帮忙翻译成英文.不要那种在网页上乱翻译的,因为意思都不对了.麻烦 -
住邹蒙脱: you are the only that I admit in my life.

盐都区15240584733: 我有两句中文句不会翻译成英文句,请各位大师帮帮我!!! -
住邹蒙脱: I can go shopping with my mather.I can do homework, serve the net and read books as usual. 希望对你有所帮助,祝你英语学习进步!呵呵..

盐都区15240584733: 请哪位大师 帮我把这首中文诗翻译成英文诗 拜托了 急用 谢谢 -
住邹蒙脱: Me with my umbrella in the rain was a stolid face of looking ahead, a pale and rigid face in front of me in awful of all, extremely distorted image of a machine stitch in hell of the pathos of the pupil of a wicked look through the body in the distance, what ...

盐都区15240584733: 大师帮忙成翻译成英文 十字扣件 一字扣件 转向扣件 -
住邹蒙脱: (十字扣件 一字扣件 转向扣件)用英文翻译出来的话在下面,Cross buckle fastener

盐都区15240584733: 那位高手能帮忙翻译成英文?
住邹蒙脱: Wait for in the corner in the world, open for you only. Why not happy? Because my HUA … … always at look for, belong to my flower. For finding out my flower, I walked each corner in the world. I went to in the world the most miraculous garden.Saw ...

盐都区15240584733: 请哪位大师帮忙翻译成英文!!!
住邹蒙脱: Despite the above two provisions, the right to Party B in the labor contract law provides the workers can be unilateral dissolution of the labor contract when the lifting of the situation in this contract, subject to prior notification in writing Party, the labor ...

盐都区15240584733: 我有一句中文句子不会翻译成英文,请各位大师帮我翻译一下! -
住邹蒙脱: (Therefore)Because,doing sport can help us strength our resistance to illness.It is because that doing sport can enhance our immune systems.两种翻译,上面的是直译,下面的是意译.

盐都区15240584733: 哪位英文大师,可以帮忙将以下段落翻成英文,急,求助!! -
住邹蒙脱: In this case, the significance of the application of OIS was in manifesting itself. The projects , in its own individuality , increased the speed of the people who attending the conference collecting information .From the company''s point of view,the ...

盐都区15240584733: 哪位英语好的能帮忙 帮我用英文翻译过来 万分感谢!!!~~~ -
住邹蒙脱: we are appreciate that director Huang taking the time out of his busy schedule to take part in our companys ceremony . companys 10th anniversary celebration means we have10 year business relationship, and we have a grateful cooperation all the ...

盐都区15240584733: 大师帮忙!译成英语!万分感谢!
住邹蒙脱: This increase is for the antique, from the ancients brush, into their own compositions, although men say that he copied, still creating. The ancients of the pens is to Italy, and composition to digest, and then DragonVenture, opening and closing, the ...

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