
作者&投稿:穆茂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The crustal plates squeeze each other, causing the internal stress existing or stretched or squeezed inside the plate. When a certain stress exceeds the limit that a plate can bear at a certain time, the ground will be pulled away by a crack or suddenly folded up and collapsed, creating an earthquake.


A horrible earthquake happened in Japan. The enormous wave of ten meter height washed away all the coast area northwest of the country.But what's more is nuclear power station explosion.Though a lot of countries including China have sent many rescues to help the Japanese,but the Japanese are still in misery, for there's many people killed in the earthquake.I felt scary when I watched 2012.But the disasters happened are more fearful. I did not worry about that. No one can expect what will happen in the next minute. Just enjoy every minute in our life.






麻烦帮我打一篇口试稿子~关于日本大地震,海啸,辐射问题的~明天要_百 ...



作文:难忘的地震逃生演练 我顿时觉得平时宽敞的桌子竟在“危及”时刻没有了我的藏身之地。我闭紧双眼,双手抱紧头,用力向里面缩,差点没把自己卷成一个肉球。好不容易摆好了姿势,脚不会酸了,我的“同桌冤家”又毫不留情地撞了我一下,把我千辛万苦摆好地完美姿势给破坏了。我咬了咬牙XXX 团...

急求一篇关于“日本地震”的英语作文,500字左右,是外教老师的作业,拜 ...
After the Japan earthquake, it is sad to discover many childrenn had lost their loved ones. They are fortunate that they were safe in the school when the disaster happened but unfortunate that their parents did not make it.To all of the orphanages, this serious earthquake will ...

恩施市15335222618: 关于日本地震的英语作文150字以内. -
店典头风: I think that should help Japan, though Japan to our country aggression, but wrong, it does to the generation of Japanese aged in now, most people in China are very friendly. China international is a peace, cooperation, responsible power image, ...

恩施市15335222618: 亲,帮我写一篇关于日本地震海啸的英语作文. -
店典头风: The earthquake and sunami beaten Japan hardly in April 2011(?). Thousands of people dead in the disaster and the earthquake caused radiation leaking which make serious pollution as well. After the disaster Chinese governement quickly start to ...

恩施市15335222618: 求写一篇有关日本地震的英语作文要求如下:一场恐怖的地震发生在日本,所产生的高达十米海啸(enormous of ten meter higth)冲掉(wash away)了日本... -
店典头风:[答案] A terrorist earthquake in Japan,generated by as much as 10 meters of the enormous tsunamis (operations higth) rushs (wash away) Japan all the northeast coast area N.E coastal regions (ofcountry),but again the worst (worse) is sorry 's nuclear power ...

恩施市15335222618: 关于日本地震英语作文80字左右 -
店典头风: A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world?I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from ...

恩施市15335222618: 求一篇英语小短文,关于日本地震的150字左右 不要超过200字 在班上念的额额说下地震如何产生 以及这次日本地震的损失 也可以写写地震时的自救注意不... -
店典头风:[答案] North-eastern Japan has been shaken by its biggest aftershock since the 11 March earthquake and its immediate aftermath. Authorities warned people to flee some coastal areas as a result of the offshor...

恩施市15335222618: 日本大地震英语作文、250词左右 -
店典头风: Yesterday, in Japan 8.8 magnitude occurred maizuru, powerful earthquake, the earthquake let us, this earthquake looming is terrific, the entire honshu island ulterly changed, earthquake that triggered the big fire entire towns, and because ...

恩施市15335222618: 急求一篇关于“日本地震”的英语作文,500字左右,是外教老师的作业,拜谢啊! -
店典头风: After the Japan earthquake, it is sad to discover many childrenn had lost their loved ones. They are fortunate that they were safe in the school when the disaster happened but unfortunate that their parents did not make it.To all of the orphanages, this ...

恩施市15335222618: 写篇关于日本地震的英语作文 -
店典头风: :A terrorist earthquake in Japan, generated by as much as 10 meters of the enormous tsunamis (operations higth) rushs (wash away) Japan all the northeast coast area N.E coastal regions (ofcountry), but again the worst (worse) is sorry 's nuclear power now

恩施市15335222618: 求一篇有关今年日本地震的英语小短文.最好简单点.不要求深度,好背就行.~ 大概200词.够念3分钟.
店典头风: Japan's continuing efforts to cool reactors at the Fukushima number 1 nuclear plant are being repeatedly impeded by the wavering radiation levels. However, work that was suspended due to high radiation levels earlier on Saturday has been ...

恩施市15335222618: 关于日本本州岛的地震英语作文急请根据下列内容,用英语写一篇120 - 150词左右的短文时间 2011.3.11地点 日本本州岛事件 :发生了一次9.0级的地震,以及... -
店典头风:[答案] Place of the island of Honshu, Japan time 2011.3.11 events: there was a 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami damage: The earthquake that occurred in the north of Japan\u0026#39;s most severe earthquak...

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