
作者&投稿:窄炒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

运行的像一个骗局 我无法理解
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good morning,i'm###,##years old,come from###。after i graduated in university,i went to japan to learn japanese for two years and did part- time in an assisted living center in my spare time.i love children because their simplicity,i also love ole people because they have many experience.i take care oureselves very well when i'm in japan.i think disneyland is a place to make dreams that is why i love to go.
i worked in a foreign trade company after i went back china,this year is the third year. my position is customer service department supervisor . the company will move to shenzhen this year but i don't want to leave dalian this is why i quit.
i know that my english is not well, this introduction is also reciting,but i convince that this situation will not last forever.i believe timing is everything.

The applicant is kind-hearted, patient and careful, deeply loved by the children. She fulfils the client's requirements very well. She is responsible, honest and earnest.

She is able to fit into the new environment quickly and adapt herself to the changes in the new environment. she can deal with different situations reasonably.

The reasons are: the applicant is kind-hearted, patient and careful. She has a strong sense of responsibility. You may well believe that she will be a good guide and nurse for the children, helping the American children get more knowledge.

这个是针对招聘人员 所以用了applicant
The applicant should be kind-hearted, patient and careful, popular among the children(love有点夸张).
Finish the employer's assignment very well.
Highly responsible, honest and earnest.

Able to fit to the new environment quickly and adapt to the new environmental changes. Able to deal with different situations accordingly.(这里用accordingly比较商务,表示合适地)

The reasons(are outlined below):
Applicant is kind-hearted, patient and careful responsible. Truly believe that she provide good guidance and nurse-caring for the children, helping the American children learn more knowledge.

To have the loving heart, the patience, the carefulness and to get on well with children. In dealing with the requests of customers, you have to try your best to achieve it, to be reponsible, to be serious and careful.
To fit in with the environment and surroundings quickly, and to get used to the changes around , applying the appropriate action according the the situation.
The important point is that the applicants shoudl have the loving heart, have to be patient, careful and responsible. I believe that for children, she would be a very good leader and carer, and would be able to help American children gain more knowledge.


busy man

He was busy, the more he feel tired

问题一:聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译 西元之神 的回答最正确, 语意基本正确, 没有语法错误.take your time 感觉是好像你给人家一件事, 让人家慢慢来的意思.在聊天中这样的话一般不字对字的直译, 表达出意思就可以了. 一般可以这样说:I know you are busy, I'll let ...

生活在海岸边的渔民们早已在忙碌中。翻译为英文是:Fishermen living on the coast are already busy.

一小段英语短文的翻译忙enough sleep
足够的睡眠。 你的采纳是我前进的动力 采纳


1, yesterday I'm busy on Saturday.2, 8:00 a.m. to excellence, the three halls on course.3, 2:00 p.m. to xinhua bookstore buy books.4, at 7:00 to kickboxing class.5, Saturday this day is really busy.

忙说:I am sorry.(对不起)老外应道:I am sorry too.(我也向你道歉,too是也的意思,但与two同音,two是二的意思)某人听后又道:I am sorry three.(那人不懂英语, 我也道歉三)老外不解,问:What are you sorry for?(你为什么道歉 for与four同音,four是四的意思)某人无奈,道:I am ...

A:嘿 最近忙什么?Hey,what are you doing these days?B:最近在为了考试忙碌。你呢?I'm busy with the examinations,and you?A:我也是,天气好热啊 Me too.It's so hot!B:是啊 我快疯了 Yeah,I'm going to be crazy.A:广东的夏天就是这么炎热,湖南的也是吗?Summer in Guangdong is...


黄陂区13011316380: 帮忙翻译一小段英文?
良侮氨基: 这段英文如下:You know I am who ma? No afraid tell you! Ben people walk no change name, sit no change xing, Big name ding ding ,call wind call rain,I am river lake small hun hun! 谢谢了

黄陂区13011316380: 英语翻译帮忙翻译一段话:出门往左走,一直走到十字路口,银行就在你的右前方(斜对面). -
良侮氨基:[答案] turn left and go along the road at the crossing,you will see the bank is on the frontage of right side.

黄陂区13011316380: 帮忙翻译一段英文
良侮氨基: 1.like the taste of summer like the feeling of simplicity like the feeling of ease 2.I just want my own serenity in the loud and complex world.

黄陂区13011316380: 一小段英语短文翻译--------------务必高手帮忙(1)Given that many people's moods(情绪)are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate, it was probably... -
良侮氨基:[答案] 如果说巧克力研究设施看似一个聪明的主意,那是因为克里斯李不仅是一个经验丰富的销售员,而且他是一个与Levi's 和 Sony这类大品牌公司有着合作伙伴关系的营销部的领头羊.关于制作不同口味的巧克力,这在工作中只是一种想象而已.

黄陂区13011316380: 帮忙翻译一段英文~拜托!(不要用金山快译!)常常会想写信给你,总感觉有有很多话想和你说,但是又不知从何写起…………很高兴能遇见你,并且能... -
良侮氨基:[答案] I always want to write to you,I always feel that I have a lot of things to tell you ,but I donnot know where to write to you.I am happy to meet you,and we are in the same class,you say we are friends forever,I do hope so.You ask if I am happy these days,I am ...

黄陂区13011316380: 帮忙翻译一段话....
良侮氨基: Today, I am very frustrated because I lost some money. I went to the bookstore with my friend this morning. When we were going to pay, the store had a computer failure. Later, I found my wallet had missed. I felt so sad. I have to be more careful in the future and avoid to committe such a mistake again

黄陂区13011316380: 帮忙用英语翻译一段话 -
良侮氨基: In the coming new year, i'll have more fruit and vegetables, and take more exercises at the same time. Cause some people pointed out that i'm putting on weight, and i'm trying to lose it. My school bag is so heavy, and it's preventing me from growing...

黄陂区13011316380: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译一段话,英语(请不要百度,谷歌,有道)因为要给国外的学校,自己翻译的怕有问题,希望有能力好的,帮忙翻译的地道些, -
良侮氨基:[答案] Dear (Mr/Mrs.)XXX, Sorry for I have made a mistake with my birth date. The correct date should be (XXXX). Please amend it for me accordingly. My most sincere apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused. With best regards. Yours Truly, XXX

黄陂区13011316380: 英文翻译,帮忙翻译一段话.
良侮氨基: Today is a red-letter day for me is a boring day, really miss you, really want to say to you, I love you. But these seem only I naive imagination, I really want to see you tonight, but I didn't recognize stupid as to you. I really love you, love, love is perhaps forever...

黄陂区13011316380: 帮忙翻译一段英语!急!悬赏!You look in my eyesand I get emotional InsideI know it's crazybut You still can touch my heartI still believesomeday you and me ... -
良侮氨基:[答案] I STILL BELIEVE mariah carey 玛丽娅·凯莉 You look in my eyes And I get emotional Inside I know it's crazy but You still can ... Just give me one more time And love Again I had a dream,someday you and me Will find ourselves in love Again 中文翻译: ...

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