
作者&投稿:员芸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

That was a bird used to fly over a corn field everyday.
But one day, the field became pop-corn as a result of fire.

When the silly bird fight over the field again, it thought that was snowed. so.... it died with freezing.

1.冷幽默:Cold humor
2.冷笑话:Cold jokes


Three little rabbits ran into a mushroom. The two elder rabbits asked the youngest to get some wild vegetables to eat together. While the youngest said: I won't go, 'cause you two will eat up my part of mushroom if I leave.
The two elder said: Oh, we won't. Take it easy.
So the youngest one went for vegetable.
Half an year passed and the youngest one hadn't come back. The eldest one said: It is no need to wait for him. Let's finish it. The other said: Let't wait for some more time.
One year had passed, and the youngest still failed to come back. The two agreed after have a communication: It's no need to wait any more. Let's finish the mushroom.
Just at that time, the youngest rabbit ran out from the nearby forest and said angrily: Look! I know well you two would take my portion of the mushroom.

One polar bear finds it must to find a sunglass 'cause the snow earth is too shining. But he cannot find one. Then he can only crawled on the ground with eyes closed. After a long time of crawling and his claws are all dirty, he finally got a pair of sunglass. He saw himself from the sunglass and find it that: Wow, I am a panada~




Three small white rabbits picked a mushroom. Two bigger rabbits let the samll one to get some wild vegetables to eat together, but the small one said and I won't go, If I walk away, and you will eat up my mushroom!
The other two said: You just go,we won't do that.
And the rabbit went to do what they asked him to do.
Half year passed by and the small white rabbit didn't come back.One of the bigger rabbits said: It won't come back, Let't eat the mushroom,but the other said:Be patient.Let's wait for him.
A year passed by , the small white rabbit still didn't come back.Two big rabbits decided not to wait any longer and eat the mushroom.
At this time, that small white rabbit suddenly jumps out from the bush nearby, saying angrily:look!I knew that you would eat my mushroom!!!

There is a Polar bear who has to wear sunglasses to see thing clearly because the snow ground is too much glaring.
 But he couldn't not find his sunglasses, thus he shut his eyes and climb around to seek it on the ground, and he did not find it until he make both his hands and his feet dirty.
Putting on his sunglasses, looking at himself in the mirror, he discovered that he was actually a panda.

Three small white rabbits pick to a mushroom, two big slightly letmake some wild herbs to eat together, young saying, I do not go, Iwalked, you can eat my mushroom!
Two big saying, cannot, feels relieved!
Thereupon the small white rabbit has gone... ...
Half year has passed by, the small white rabbit has not come back. Abig saying, it did not come back, my gate eats! Another big saying,waits again.
A year has passed by, the small white rabbit has not come back. Twobig discussing, did not need to wait, we ate! ! !
At this moment, that small white rabbit suddenly jumps out from theside jungle, is angry saying, looked! I knew you must eat my mushroom!! !
Some polar bear, because the snowy area too has been dazzling, musthave to wear the sunglasses to be able to look at the thing,
But he cannot find the sunglasses, thereupon shuts the eye tocrawl crawls looks on the place, crawls crawls,
The hands and feet all crawls 脏兮兮 only then found thesunglasses. Puts on the sunglasses, treats the mirror as soon as toilluminate, now at last discovered: Oh, originally I am a panda.

Three mining to a small rabbit mushrooms, two major let small edible wild herbs to eat some eyebrows, a small, I do not, I am gone, you will eat my mushrooms!
Two major said, no, let them be assured!
So small rabbit go ...
Six months have passed, the small rabbit No return. A big, it does not come back, I doors Here! Another major said it again and so on.
After one year, the small rabbit No return. Two major discussion not have, and we eat! ! !
At such a time, that small rabbit suddenly jumped out from the nearby jungle, angry that! I know that you eat my mushrooms! ! !

There is a polar bear, because the snow is too dazzling, must wear dark glasses to see things,
    However, he could not find sunglasses, so eyes crawling on the ground to find, climbing climbing ah ah,
    the dirty hands and feet to climb all going to find sunglasses. Sunglasses, as in the mirror one, this discovery: Oh, I was originally a panda

Three small white rabbits adopt to a mushroom,2 let greatly small of make some wild vegetables to eat together, say smallly, I don't go, I walked, you woulded eat up my mushroom!
two say greatly that can't of, trust go to!
Hence the small white rabbit went to ……
Half year passed by, the small white rabbit hadn't come back.1 greatly says it doesn't come back, I the door eat!The another says greatly that again etc..
Passed by for a year, the small white rabbit hadn't come back.Two big companies measure, need not wait, let's eat!!!
At this time, that small white rabbit jumps out from the flank the bush suddenly, angry of say, see!I know you have to eat my mushroom!!!

There is a Polar bear, because snow ground stabbed an eye too, having to wear sunglasses then canned see thing,
??However he cans not find sunglasses, hence shut eyes to climb to climb to seek on the ground, climb ah climb ah, chase
??The hand and foot all climbs of disgustingly dirty of just find out sunglasses.Put on sunglasses, toward once the mirror shine on, this just discovers:, Originally I am a panda.

注1 postal acceptance rule 说的是一旦acceptance 被寄出,就算是accept了。注2 option 其实就是一个迷你合同,我给你钱,你 keep offer open, 这里说到的合同就是指这个option 的合同]第二段写的是 Option 是一个不可收回的Offer. 法官说如果合同是如他写的那样,'the Offer constituted...' ...

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萨尔图区17093127154: 哪位能帮我翻译一下这个冷笑话翻成英文 -
琦涛婴儿: That was a bird used to fly over a corn field everyday.But one day, the field became pop-corn as a result of fire.When the silly bird fight over the field again, it thought that was snowed. so.... it died with freezing.

萨尔图区17093127154: 请帮我用英语翻译一个小笑话 -
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