
作者&投稿:庞乐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
主动:John heard the music. 被动:The music had been heard by John.~

因为heard的主动词是had,所以变为被动时,应该用had been

heard singing

He was heard to sing a song in the classroom.

hear是感官动词。hear sb. do sth.听见某人做某事。
hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事。
I often hear him sing a song in the classroom.
I heard him singing a song in the classroom just now.


The letter heard from Tom is to me. 从Tom那里寄来的信使给我的。

Thank you for your letter dated Oct 15 and catalogue and price list enclosed. We feel quite satisfied with the quality and specifications of your products after we studied these pamphlets.Meanwhile we also know from your letter that you will grant us 5% discount for the order amounting to 5000...

娄星区15226451990: heard可以直接表被动么 -
段干刘玫芦: heard是过去分词可以表示被动,变被动语态是要还原不定式符号to. 例如: He was heard to sing a song in the classroom.heard是hear的过去式或过去分词. hear是感官动词.hear sb. do sth.听见某人做某事. hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事. 例如: I often hear him sing a song in the classroom.I heard him singing a song in the classroom just now.望采纳,祝开心!

娄星区15226451990: hear在什么情况下用被动,被动前是否加be/being等 如without the microphone,the speakercould not make -
段干刘玫芦: 严格地说,这种用法与被动语态无关,但与被动的意思有关:sb + make + oneself + done ( heard/ understood/ known) 让(别人)听清/ 理解;对(别人)作自我介绍 = introduce oneself to...= make oneself known 这个结构是 含有别动意思的过去...

娄星区15226451990: heard this. heard应该成hearding 为什么 -
段干刘玫芦: 因为hearding是现在分词,表示主动意义,它的逻辑主语,就是接下来的句子的主语;而heard是过去分词,表达了被动的意义,故错误.

娄星区15226451990: Hear的用法 -
段干刘玫芦: 1、 表示“听见”,通常为及物动词,多指无意识的动作.如: He listened but heard nothing.他注意听,但什么也没听见. Suddenly I heard a strange noise.我突然听到一种奇怪的响声. 若表示“倾听”“听取”等,则表示有意识的动作.如:...

娄星区15226451990: being heard 和heard在用法上的区别 -
段干刘玫芦: being heard:正在进行时的被动语态,在句中的位置一般是状语和谓语或者宾补 heard:在句中的位置一般是谓动和宾补 区别在于heard不能在句中做状语,除省略外 so far以为直到现在,严格的来说陈述句出现so far是要用完成时的,由于遵循时态优先的原则,所以用了被动heard,而不是完成时的被动,更不能用being heard(强调正在进行的状态)

娄星区15226451990: 这句话heard是过去分词,还是过去式? 如果heard是过去分词,这句话里的heard作为表语?作状语?作定语? -
段干刘玫芦: 此句中的heard做谓语,使用的是被动语态,当然是过去分词,因为被动的构成就是:be+过去分词.这句话的意思是:因此,每个人的声音将会被听到和回复.

娄星区15226451990: She couldn't make herself - above the noise of the traffic. -
段干刘玫芦: She couldn't make herself【heard】_above the noise of the traffic.为什么是heard 而不是hear?句意:车辆的喧闹声使他无法【让人听到他的声音】. 结构搭配: make oneself heard/noticed/known/understood 使自己被别人听到/注意/认识/理解 例如: The speaker raised his voice to make himself 【heard】. The teacher explained his idea again to make himself 【understood】. 祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~

娄星区15226451990: 要语法解释His father left ten years ago, never - ---- - (hear) from again. 为什么填to be heard -
段干刘玫芦: 1 非常简单.never to be heard again 在这里强调“结果”,属于动词不定式做结果状语.never to be heard again可以解释为and was never heard again,或者是:and has never been heard again since.2 不可以简单地写成heard,因为强调的是结果-----属于结果状语,尽管-------His father left ten years ago, never HEARD from again 我能够理解.可能产生的误解是,这个heard是发生在left以前,还是在left以后?在这方面,英语是非常严谨的.

娄星区15226451990: hear是感官动词吗?它作感官动词时有被动语态吗? -
段干刘玫芦: hear是感官动词,做感官动词有被动.例如 She is often heard to play the piano. 系动词“ 听起来”,是sound

娄星区15226451990: 为什么一般的被动句至少都要有个BE动词,而 see/hear/find sth done 直接就可以表被动了? -
段干刘玫芦: 非谓语没学过吗?非谓语中表被动的大概包括done,being done;have sth./sb. done;to be done;或者还有些更复杂的.see/hear/find是及物动词,后直接跟名词,名词后可跟非谓语表被动,表完成,表现在,表将来都行.就再跟你讲讲什么是非谓语了 我觉得你应该学到了可能你们老师没讲明白,就像我高一的老师讲了很多的语法句子结构等,只让我们硬记,却没讲出为什么,所以很多都搞不懂.等我高二了老师才告诉我们.非谓语有三种基本形式:doing,done,to do分别表示:现在(主动);完成/被动;将来/目的.用作定语,你用定语从句的理解去理解非谓语也是行的通的,怎么理解就看你们老师的讲解能力了.

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