
作者&投稿:舌衬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart's desire; the other is to get it. -George Bernard Shaw

人生有两大悲剧:一是得不到你想要的,另一是得到你想要的。 - 萧伯纳

Really very difficult to make it


it's really hard to biuld it.

it took milllons....
it is difficult to make it

这句话有点毛病 我感觉look应该是took才对 它耗费了上百万的人力历时数百年来修建。
It's very hard to build it . 或者是make。因为不知道你说的这个它是指什么。如果是指长城 就用前者。

1.事实上这(长城)已经超过6,000 公里长了.
It is so difficult to bulid The Great Wall.

It is in fact more than 6,000 kilometres long.(翻译成中文)
---说实在的(这条路) 有6000多公里
It look millions of men hundreds of years to build it.(翻译成中文
The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years.(中文)
---Difficult so it made people to make it come true.

1.There is a table for two over there.那边有一个两个人的桌子。2.What does the man come for?这个人为了什么来?3.Weather conditions 天气状况 4.Chairing a meeting 主持一个会议 5.You mean there's more besides the watch.你是说除了这块表之外还有更多 5.Now,here we are.现在,...

英语好的来 帮忙翻译一下很简单的句子
1.he usually goes to school by bike 2.if it does not rain tomorrow,we will go to swiming 3.the train will start at 2:00PM 4.i was writing my homework at this time yesterday 5.as soon as i finshed my homework i will go with you 6.what's your dad ? he is a ...

1.我今天收到了中国学生送给我的礼物,我很开心 I was very happy to recieve presents from Chinese students today.2.礼物很可爱,有卡片、玩具等 The presents are very lovely, including cards, toys and so on.3.收到这么多礼物,我很高兴,因为这代表祝愿 I was very happy to recieve so...

)8.Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.与朋友结伴黑暗中胜于独行于阳光下 9.Friendship cannot stand always on one side.来而不往非礼也。10.With clothes,the new are best;with friends,the old are best. 衣服是新的好,友人是旧的好。

他转过身子,冲大家微笑一下。He turned around and smiled at everyone.这些年轻人一直梦想参加足球比赛。These young people have always dreamed of playing football.她在大学里结交了许多朋友并充分享受生活乐趣。She has made many friends in the University and has the full enjoyment of life.教...

“你有多高?” how tall are you?“我有6英尺高” I am six inch.“你打篮球吗?” Do you play basketball?“什么时候和我们一起去打篮球?” Shall we go to play basketball sometime?“我觉得你长得像KG。”I find that you look like KG.“你可以扣篮吗?” Can you dunk?“我不...

1、ben swims as slow as jim.2、the cat jumps higher than the dog.3、my plane model flies faster then hers.4、lucy is good at dancing,she dances better than before.

翻译一下这些英语句子(要求初一水平,七年级英语上册人教版的)_百度知 ...
1.It's not healthy to eat so many hamburgers.2.Thanks for you giving me this book.3.He likes strawberries but he does't like carrots.4.He wants to go to school,but he does't have money.5.I think she doesn't like playing pingpong after school.6.Let's think about the...

are very much looking forward to our day trip,and we are sure your coaches will ensure a comfortable journey.我们全体职工都非常期待我们的一日游,而且我们相信你的领队们会保证一次舒适的旅行。前半句 look forward to 后加名词或者是动名词,表示期待某事。 后半句sure引导宾语从句。

急求!!! 英语句子翻译一下!
世间满是锦衣玉食却难感幸福的人。---这句话所说的意思是快乐和富足的关系。That it's easy to get rich, but not that easy to feel happy.2.Death is not a period,but a comma,in the story of life.在生命旅程中,死亡不是一个句号,而是一个逗号。---讲的是人生的意义会在死后...

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下句子
幸鱼桑枝: 1我很高兴成为你的笔友. I am glad to be your pen pal. 2她很高兴见到她的妈妈. She is happy to see her mother. 3我很高兴与你一起工作. I am happy to work with you. 4你的爸爸在北京工作吗 ?是的. Is your father working in Beijing? Yes, he ...

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下句子 -
幸鱼桑枝: 1、现代汉语直译:要想头上戴王冠,就得能够承受王冠的重量. 2、现代汉语意译:想当领导,你得能够受得了当领导的压力才行. 3、英语正式:He who desires the crown has to stand its weight. 4、英语普通:If you want the crown, you need to know first whether you can stand the weight of a crown. 5、英语意译:The power only belongs to the one who can wield it.

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下句子
幸鱼桑枝: 1.Can you clean the living room? Sure. 2.Can I stay outside untill late night? 3.I have to get ready for the test tomorrow, so I can't go outside. 4.I like washing cars because I can stay outside. 5.Can I use your computer? Sorry, I have to use it right now. ...

宝应县15355852099: 用中文或英文翻译一下句子. -
幸鱼桑枝: 1.衣服是我姐姐的.这是她的.2.有一个标签,上面写著我的姓名和住址.3.这箱子是你的吗?4.你能描述一下吧,先生?5.我离开一个手提箱在开往伦敦的火车上. 1 these books are not I, they are not my book. 2 this box with a zipper.

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下句子
幸鱼桑枝: 1:I obey you.(我这么翻译是我服从你了,我听你了)楼上翻译的I admire you.是那个“我崇拜你了,我服了你了”这种意思,楼主你自己选吧 2:He never satisfied. (同上) 3:It hasn't rhythm.

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下句子
幸鱼桑枝: 1. We can get all kinds of information online, but I think the computer can not replace the human brain. 2. "Negro" the word may be considered a people do not respect, because it implies you look down on blacks. 3. As a very high efficiency of the...

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下英语句子
幸鱼桑枝:两个小偷正要走的时候,警察出现了.(run away) When the two thieves were going to run away, the police appeared.昨天晚上停电了,我们不得不用蜡烛照明来学习.(by the light of) Last evening the power went out. We had to study by the light ...

宝应县15355852099: 帮我翻译一下句子: -
幸鱼桑枝: 花园在学校大门的前面.The garden is in front of the school gate.哪辆自行车是你的?那辆红黑相间的.Which bicycle is yours? That red and black one.他穿着蓝色的牛仔裤和粉色衬衫,戴着黑色的帽子.He's wearing blue jeans, a pink shirt, and ...

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下句子 -
幸鱼桑枝: Rilla and Kiah visited commander Zadak recently, but there is no result.

宝应县15355852099: 翻译一下英语句子 -
幸鱼桑枝: Learning English does not make mistakes is not possible. (Avoid) We are looking forward to next week's trip to Africa. (Look forward to) Adhere to speak English, you will learn better and better. (Keep on doing) Students suggested that school ...

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