
作者&投稿:韩浅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Sometimes I think about my future.But I am always a little scared.Because I do not know what I will be,in the future. Now,I know,my ambition is to be a famous musician.
Because I want to give people a lot of fun.Music makes people happy.When you are sad,music can help you.When you are bored music can help you.When you are nervous,music can help you ...
When I was a little girl,I liked music very much.I also liked to play the violin and the piano.Now I still like it ,It is fun to learn


A blackout
It was a very busy evening, I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn’t have to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let’s held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear, do your homework!” I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream……

In 2050, the use of computers will become more pervasive. Senior high school students will have little homework and all they have to learn is computer programming, because computer programs will do almost anything for people. When people become ill, they don't have to go to hospital because computer will tell them what's the matter with them and tell them what to do with their illness. The computer can even perform operations on patients. When 2050 comes, people will be able to visit Mars. There may even be human settlers there. Because of this, there will be no more traffic conjestinos on the earth.What's more, human beings may have successfully come into contact with beings from other planets.

In future,i want to be a language teacher in foreign.Because i like children and i am good with children.Also i think it is a meaningful job.I will study hard to make my dream come ture.
In ten years,i am going to study guitar.Although i like it,i do not have any time.And there will be more pollution,so wo should protect environment.Maybe there will be more trees.I hope I can live in a beautiful environment.

In 20 years from now,I will be living a very comfortable and free life.I neednot go to work in the morning and go home in the evening because I will work at home with my computer . A robot will help me do the housework and cook meals for me.,And a spaceship will take to any place I want to go for traveling.

In 2500,i live at a machine apartment with great many of robbots waiting for requirements.When i get out,every body is sitting in a floating chair,staring at their computer,and chatting,what scene is normal to me.Anymore,my meals are all liquid,poured in the bottle,and to let me drink.I needn't to walk, needn't to think,and also needn't to live.

My future life

I dream of the future life is a new : housing is a new, energy is brand new, in daily life, everything is new. Do you want to see? If you want to, just come with me to enjoy the charm of life! The house of the future is not seen, because it" recognition" ability is very strong, if not the master of the house or the host of relatives and friends, forever also cannot go in.

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廉政复方: In future,i want to be a language teacher in foreign.Because i like children and i am good with children.Also i think it is a meaningful job.I will study hard to make my dream come ture.In ten years,i am going to study guitar.Although i like it,i do not have ...

马鞍山市19458498699: 急需一篇英语作文是关于我的未来生活的 -
廉政复方: A blackout It was a very busy evening, I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was ...

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廉政复方: 我不知到你是什么样子,也不知你的科技有多发达.但是现在我要对你展开想象. 我到了未来世界看到了一张可爱的脸,还看到了一座座高楼大厦,走进高楼大厦进入电梯,来到55楼看见了一间间宽敞明亮的教室,没有老师只有一只电子黑板在给...

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廉政复方: I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things that I can't now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don't know what my future life would be. Look around myself, some people are busy working for having enough ...

马鞍山市19458498699: 急需一篇以 my future life 为题目的作文
廉政复方: I want to be a doctor in the future.If I become a doctor,I will help poor people.I will help many people that need help.I want to have two chlidren,one daughter and one son.I will let them get the best education.Because I think it is important for kids to get ...

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廉政复方: 瞧,这就是现在的我,虽然忙碌,但却幸福,我做着自己喜欢做的事情,这何尝不是一种快乐呢? 我没有自己的企业,我没有如国家总理一样的名誉,但却为国家的发展,为穷人的需求献出了一份力量,尽管那样的微不足道. 回想着以前的自...

马鞍山市19458498699: 求一篇写我未来生活的英语作文…求大神帮助 -
廉政复方: Life in the future As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives in the future. For example, As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday life. For example, when we are hungry, we don't need to cook in ...

马鞍山市19458498699: 急需以“我的未来”为题的记叙文、不少于600字.
廉政复方: 我的未来 我相信,我的未来一定会多姿多彩,一切都会很美好 到那时,我一定是一位成功人士,以为令人敬仰的老师,我想,到时候很定有很多人与我一起分享儿时的回忆,到那时,我会说,儿时的这时,我在幻想着我的未来是怎么样的,我幻想我将成为一名老师,站在教室前教同学们知识,我不会给他们很多作业,因为,儿童时期是玩的时代,如果错过了这个时代,也许以后就没机会了,我会让我的课堂充满欢声笑语,我会让每个学生都感到幸福,我会让他们爱上学习,爱上学校,当有不热爱学习的同学捣乱课堂时,我会用微笑和他谈话,让他们感到这个教室也是他们的. (等一下,我手指累了,等会儿在写,那些是我的幻想,你可以接受吗?)

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