I think math is not as interesting as English有语法错误吗,这与think的否定转移有关系吗

作者&投稿:豆卢卫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I think maths is not interesting as English(同义句)~

I think maths is___less___ __interesting______ __than______ English.
He was surprised to find his wife came at last(同义句)
__to_____ __his______ ____surprise____, he found his wife came in the__final____
The tree is about ten metres_heigh___(height)
Xiao bin is quite___confident____ (confidence) that he wil pass the coming exams
My shoes _were worn____ (wear) out. I have to buy a new pair
My son says he's feeling even____sick__(ill) today
He is so___tall_____ that he can__touch____ the top of the blackboard
___although______ the weather is sunny,there's always__snow____ high in the mountains

B 本题考查交际用语。——我认为数学和英语一样有趣。——我不这样认为。英语比数学更有趣。I don’t think so我不这样认为。故选B。


  1. 形式上否定主句的谓语,实际上是否定从句的谓语
  I think that he will help us.——I don’t think that he will help us. 我认为它不会帮助我们。
  I believe that he is right.——I don’t believe that he is right. 我认为他不对。
  I suppose that he likes it.——I don’t suppose that he likes it. 我想他不喜欢它。
 2. 形式上否定谓语动词,实际上否定复合宾语
  I think math difficult. — I don’t think math difficult. 我认为数学不难。
  I find the story interesting. — I don’t find the story interesting. 我认为这个故事没有趣。
  I expect so. —I don’t expect so. 我认为不会。
  I believe and hope he won’t do that. 我相信并且也希望他将不会那样做。
  I feel and admit that we are not foolish. 我觉得并且也承认我们并不愚蠢。
  Do you think it is not going to rain? 你认为天不会下雨吗?
  Don’t you believe that he has done a good thing? 难道你不相信他做了一件好事?
  Li Lei, I think, won’t be angry with you. 我想李蕾不会生你的气。
  Tom, I suppose, won’t be against it. 我猜想汤姆不会反对。
  Mike, I believe, hasn’t seen the film. 我认为迈克没有看这场电影。
  I really don’t think it’s necessary for us to go there now. 我的确不认为我们有必要去那儿。
  I feel strongly that he shouldn’t do such a thing. 我强烈地认为他不应该做那样的事。
  I thought that he wouldn’t come back soon. 我原以为他不会回来得这么快。
  She didn’t believe that he became a good boy. 她不相信它变成了一个好孩子。
  He thinks that he isn’t fit for the job. 他认为他不适合这件工作。
  He doesn’t believe that what we told him is true. 他不相信我们告诉他的事是真的。
(6)当宾语从句中含的否定为“not……at all”、“not a little”、“not a few”、“not enough”、“can’t help”等固定搭配时,否定不转移。如:
  I think that he doesn’t know it at all. 我想他对那一点也不知道。
  I suppose that it is not enough to remember the words if you want to learn the language well. 我认为如果你想把这门语言学好,那么只记单词是不够的。


有,要否定转移,即改为I don't think math is as interesting as English.

think否定要前移,I don't think maths is as interesting as English.

恩,是的。应该是 I don’t think…

有,一般用否定转移,说I don't think ...


耀州区13746197465: I think math isn't my favorite subject. -
巢转埃美: 这是中国初学者普遍会犯的毛病,受汉语影响. 准确的应该是I don't think math is my favorite subject. 希望能帮到你哦

耀州区13746197465: 我觉得数学有一点点难.英语两种方式表达 -
巢转埃美: 翻译如下 我觉得数学有一点点难. I think math is a little bit difficult. From my point of view, mathematics is a little difficult for me.

耀州区13746197465: I think math is an interesting subject.同义句I am very ()()math. -
巢转埃美:[答案] (同义句) I am very _ _ math 4.I can speak several foreign 2.Do you have to move away your bike?3.I am very interested in ,

耀州区13746197465: i think math is not so easy as english.这个句子可以改成easily吗?
巢转埃美: i think math is not so easy as english.这个句子可以改成easily吗? 解答:首先以上EASY 不能改为EASILY ,原因如下 以上句子属于 宾语从句 主句主语:I 主句谓语:think 引导宾语从句连词 that (省略 宾语从句:(that) math is not so easy as ...

耀州区13746197465: “我觉得数学有点难?”用英语怎么说 -
巢转埃美: I think math is kind of difficult.

耀州区13746197465: 我认为数学和英语一样重要用英语怎么说 -
巢转埃美: i think english is as important as maths. 学科要大写

耀州区13746197465: 根据句意填单词(首字母已给)I think math is not easy.It's d - --. -
巢转埃美: difficult 不容易,困难

耀州区13746197465: 下面一句I think it后不要加is变成I think It is吗? -
巢转埃美: 不用加is,因为有这个句型: I find / think / consider / feel ... + it + n. / adj. + that .../to do sth. 你的这个句子等同于 I think (that) it is necessary for us to take plenty of hot wter every day. 或是 I think that we take plenty of hot wter every day is necessary. 希望能帮到你!

耀州区13746197465: 这是一道英语题,麻烦大家帮帮我,I thank math is()useful subject.A.a B.an C.the D./ -
巢转埃美: 我先问一下,你打错字了吧..那个应该是think不是thank吧 选A 首先这是一道选择名词前冠词的题 根据意思可知不是特指,大致翻译为“我认为数学是一门有用的学科” 所以排除C和D 那么名词前a和an的区别就在于紧跟冠词之后的那个词的首音节是不是元音 元音开头用an 辅音开头用a 元音有5个 a e i o u 值得说明的一点是,useful的首字母是u但是它的首音节却是ju useful的音标为[ˈju:sful]

耀州区13746197465: i think math is a headache to me.这里为什么要用介词to -
巢转埃美: 这是介词to,不是不定式的to.在这翻译为:对于我来说.属于介宾短语

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