with a company 和in a company 和at a company的区别

作者&投稿:咸虽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
in a company at a company的区别~

区别是 in a hotel指的是在一个旅店的里面,处于其中。还指指在宾馆里工作的。 at a hotel指的是在一个旅店的周围和附近,在这个地点。例句辨析两个词组: in a hotel 1、We spent the night in a hotel. 我们在一家旅馆过夜。 2、We spent a few days in a hotel 我们在一家宾馆住了几天。 3、A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently. 一群乱哄哄的记者坐在酒店大堂里焦急地等待着。 4、A bomb exploded in a hotel, killing six people and wounding another five. 一枚炸弹在一家旅馆爆炸,造成6人死亡,5人受伤。 at a hotel 1、We had an informal party at a hotel, and people just flooded in. 我们在宾馆举行了一个非正式的晚会,人们蜂拥而至。 2、If you want to stay at a hotel, you have to check in. 你想住旅馆,就得办理登记手续。 3、They have reserved rooms at a hotel. 他们已预订了旅馆房间。 4、I was working at a hotel on the beach. I was teaching sports-swimming and waterskiing. 我在海边的一个旅店工作。我教体育&游泳和滑水。

at a company 指地点
for a company 指工作单位

意思也可能有别,he works for a company可能在公司外面上班,比如出差,而at a company是在公司里上班。

at a company 是在公司地址那个地方
in a company 是在公司(上班)
with a company 有对等的意思在里面, 比如work with company 是和公司合作工作, work in company 是为公司工作


从江县18643232569: in a company at a company的区别 -
慈侨妇乐: at a company 是公司地址在那个地方 in a company 是在公司(上班) with a company .是和公司合作工作

从江县18643232569: in company with和in the company of -
慈侨妇乐: in company with 一起 ,会同 ,与……一起 in the company of 在……陪同下 ,在公司

从江县18643232569: with表示啥意思 -
慈侨妇乐: ) I am staying with my uncle.(我借住在叔叔家,意即"和叔叔住在一起".)也用于表示"使用"某种工具,如Most of us write with ballpoint pens.(我们多数人用圆珠笔写字.)With还可转用于表示与之相关的状况,如What's wrong with you?...

从江县18643232569: 关于酒店总机面试英语 -
慈侨妇乐: Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟内自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!) A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible...

从江县18643232569: 求职信怎么写 模版 -
慈侨妇乐: 一封完整的求职信可以从四个方面入手:A:开头 开头一定要开门见山的写明你对公司有兴趣并想担任他们空缺的职位,以及你是如何得知该职位的招聘信息的. 例如: 获知贵公司****年**月**日在******上招聘******的信息后,我寄上简历敬请...

从江县18643232569: company什么意思 -
慈侨妇乐: company ['kʌmpəni] n. 一群, 一队; 交往的人 客人; 同伴, 陪伴; 交际, 交往 公司, 商号 【军】连 全体船员 聚会, 集会, 社团 in the company of 在...陪同下 He kept me company. 他陪伴我. I enjoyed his company. 我喜欢他和我结伴. ...

从江县18643232569: deal in与deal with二者都有表示"经营,做生意"的意思,有什么区别?用法有什么区别?具体如何用? -
慈侨妇乐:[答案] deal in 主要是指从事某个行业,或则经营某生意》fe: I have dealt in glasses for two years. he mainly deals in Chinese crafts. deal with :have business relationship with a company or shop ect. fe: i have dealt with the backlight company for years.

从江县18643232569: 有哪位高手能帮我把下面这一段工作经历译成英语,十分感谢
慈侨妇乐: I am working with a company, whose mother company is an American public corporation, which provides technical support for telecommunications products. My responsibilities include handling general routine accounting and filing taxes. To be ...

从江县18643232569: In company with you什么意思 -
慈侨妇乐: in company with 一起的意思 In company with you 和你在一起

从江县18643232569: 英文自我介绍要有中文翻译 -
慈侨妇乐: 中英文对照自我介绍 I live in chengdu with my family. Both my parents are teachers of a college, I study in balizhuang school which was known as chengdu foreign lauguage school. After graduate,I went to beijing for further study.Soon I became a ...


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