
作者&投稿:弭沫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.on today's news
2.will come back

2. Would you like to
3. spent

1 decide yourself
2 advice(s)
3 Fortunately
4 not good
5 sorry about
6 doesn't like
7 put forward an idea
8 very angry

1.我去过两个很著名的城市,一个是巴黎,另一个是香港。I have ever been to two cities, one is Paris and the other is Hongkong.
Has she ever traveled to another province?

we can take the subway to the museum
4.three friends,ever,have,you,more than,studied,with,?
Have more than three friends ever studied with you?
5.You mustn't talk loudly in the reading-room. Don't talk louldly in the reading-room.
6.My mother went to Japan three years ago,but now she is back.
Ny mother __has____ __been____ to Japan.
7.The weather in Kunming is fine from January to December.
The weather in Kunming is fine all __year_____ _round______.
8.She spent over three weeks reading this magazine.
She spent __more __ _than___ three weeks reading this magazine

1.I have been to two famous cities,one is Paris,the other is Hongkong。
2.She has ever traveled another province?
3.We can take the subway to the museum。
4.Have you ever studied with more than there friends?
5.Don't take loudly in the reading-room.
6.has been
7.of year
8.more than

i has traveled to two famous city, one is Paris and another is HangKong.
has she ever traveled to another province?
we can take the subway to the museum
have you ever studied with more than three friends?
Don't talk loudly in the resding-room
has been
the year
more than

.Don't be so s___ .can't you understand they are fooling you?答案解析:填silly \/stupid 别那么傻,那么笨了,难道你不明白他们在做弄 \/愚弄你吗?2.He doesn't s___ to have many friends.答案解析:seem3.I'm quite s___ about my future. I am working hard.答案解析:sati...

几道初三英语题目(请说明原因)能做几道做几道 +高分
4.smiling作伴随状态的状语 5.对还没有发生的事进行猜测,用将来时。6.就是说他过去在那里停留了3个星期,自然是过去时。7.谈论永久性或长时间发生的情况或者想要强调所谈论的是到目前为止整个时期,或是短暂情况。9.应为ice-cream以元音开头,有时可数名词,并且原题后面没有跟复数s,因此应用冠词...

1. costs 为复数 ,但是that 只能代表单数,故要用those 了。2. only 位于句首需要倒装的这个单选题应该是用排除法做出来的,前面woked 已经用了过去式,所以后面要说did 而不是 had ,is 之类的。另外后面的realize 就必须用一般现在时了,因为前面已经用过一次did 了。3、这个显然是一个it ,,...

1.A:When ___ the plane___?B:In twenty minutes.A.did...leave B.is...leave C.has...left D.will.be leave 答案是B 应该是:when is the plane to leave\/leaving.表将来。Eddie ran ___ than Jimmy at yesterday's school sports meeting.A.more faster B.much slowly C.much ...

1、needn't是指不需要这样做,mustn't 是禁止这样做,题中回答者明确禁止他出去玩,认为工作第一位,所以选mustn't 2、没有say sb的搭配,应该是选B,可能是你听错了 3、选A,bring是带来,take是带去,这里有here,证明是带到这里来 4、两个都是过去式,区别在于did表明已经做了,was going ...

1,B the加 adj(形容词)表示一类人,the brave 勇敢的人, the old 老年人 fortune favours the brave (幸运总是偏宠勇士),是个俚语。2,B 这里表示特指,March大写应该是一个大家都知道的传统活动 old放在这里是为了迷惑你,让你以为选C 3,C the telephone 在这里表示特指 按照定冠词the的...

6 go 做系动词,后接不好的词,变坏,变质 go bad 7 表状态时,主动表被动,表结果时,用被动。A表示每天的工作状态,B是现在的结果(比如你想去,人家告诉你 。。。is closed)The books sells well.这些书很好卖 The books were sold out.书买完了。8 情态动词表示猜测时,反义疑问句不是...

保证准确!1. Would, like would是助动词,变一般疑问句时它必须提前至句首。2. if\/whether, were 一般疑问句做宾语从句时,必须用“if\/whether”(意思是“是否”)来引导。主句wanted为过去时,所以宾语从句的时态和其保持一致,所以把are改成were 3. How useful 对形容词useful修饰感叹,只能用...

1.D it's adj. to do sth.第一个空一定是不定式。句意为:手托着头不礼貌。你应该把头抬起来。2.B prefer doing to doing这里的to是介词 3.B decide to do sth.查词典的说法:look up the words in the dictionary 4.B look forward to doing sth.这里的to是介词 5.C 定语从句,先行词...

初三英语问题,望高手解答,都有答案要解释!100分好的追加100 24.Theboymusthavestayeduplatelastnight,___?A.mustn’theB.hasn’theC.didn’theD.must...解释:这道题目我看见有个模拟试卷上给的答案是B,答案是错误的。show sb sth,这个从句是做show的直接宾语,宾语从句的语序要恢复成正常的陈述语序,而B的...

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独韵中诺:[答案] 1. let是系动词,跟be的级别一样,有了let就可以直接加形容词或者分词了,heard就是分词.你这里再加to be就多余了,没人这么说.就好像你不会说“我们希望我们能被你们理解”吧,是不是很怪~?,一般说“我们希望能被你们理...

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独韵中诺: 第1道to be operated,需要被开刀,外国人基本不用这个说法.第2题do as you like在这里有点只要你愿意那我没什么意见的意思.而不是it couldn't be better,会给人一种我想帮你而你却不想领情的味道.第3题crying for help,听到某人(正在)大喊救命.第4题因为比塑料更便宜的东西,比塑料更容易污染环境的东西还有啊...不是不用比较级就是错的,而是用比较级更恰当.第5题 这个是固定用法呀!thx然后回答it's my pleasure.是我乐意为你效劳,而不是很高兴听到你这么谢谢我,让人感觉你为我效劳就是为了听谢谢一样...好了~希望能帮到你啊~

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独韵中诺: 1:从any more 可知题目想表达的意思是表达她aunt现在已经不住在这里的事实.A现在完成时强调过去发生的事情对现在的影响.所以不应该用.B表达的是她以前已经不住在着了.明显不符合语境.C正确.D意思是.她现在不应该住在这....

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吕梁市18350914099: 几道初三英语题目,求解答. -
独韵中诺: 1a 2b 3d 4b1 have written; 2 will not go; 3. will, be divided; 4 looks; 5 will stay1. Don't worry, we still have time.2. The fire has been past for years, but I still cannot forget it.3. I will review my studying after I finishing my homework.4. I know that I can ...

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