
作者&投稿:宇文映 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2006年2月17日 礼仪:comity,aminity,convenance,decorum,ettiquette,
外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
礼宾司Protocol Department

中国外交部礼仪司:The Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China

中华人民共和国外交部礼宾司向英国驻华大使馆致意,译为:The Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in China.

外交部办公厅 Direction generale du Minstere des Affaires etrangeres
外交代表机构diplomatic mission
diplomat 外交家, 外交官
diplomatic rank 外交官衔
diplomatic representative 外交代表

the comity of nations [states]国际礼让(指互相尊重对方法律、风俗等)
外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs
礼仪ritual girl
diplomatic etiquette外交礼节
professional etiquette同行间的礼仪, 行规
medical etiquette医务界成规
a breach of etiquette失礼行为
the Protocol法国外交部的礼宾司
The Role of Manners?

There is not much call for a complete working knowledge of table manners in America today. Many families only gather all at once around the dinner table at holiday feasts, and most restaurants are too casual to require, or even to allow for, more than basic good table manners. If, having dropped 你好s napkin, a diner at a bistro were to attempt to practice proper etiquette by signaling a member of the staff to bring a fresh one, he would probably have to do without a napkin at all. Try as he might to make eye contact and indicate the nature of the problem with a subtle wiggle of the eyebrow and downward flicker of the glance, he is likely to succeed only in causing 你好s date to t你好nk he is making a play for the server. Although strict good manners forbid placing a used eating utensil back on the table, the server removing a plate on w你好ch a fork has quite properly been positioned "pointing at 11 o'clock" might just plop that item back where it started, making more of a clatter than if the diner had simply done it herself.

From time to time -- perhaps at an important business dinner, a romantic date at an expensive restaurant, or a first dinner with the family of the person who may be "the One" -- it is necessary to display a more sop你好sticated knowledge of table etiquette. T你好s is not difficult, once you have mastered the basics. Anyone armed with t你好s core knowledge and the ability to adapt smoothly to the situation at hand will be able to handle even the most formal event. The goal is not, after all, to demonstrate utter mastery of the most arcane details of etiquette (w你好ch would be quite difficult considering the wide variations of customs in different cultures and from generation to generation), but rather to behave with graciousness and poise at the table.

Mastering the Basics

Much of the difficulty encountered in learning table manners derives from the struggle to master the ritual handling of the various tools involved. In order to display the right social veneer, it is necessary to sit at the table with elegant ease and wield the utensils with aplomb. The diner who leaves the napkin folded on 你好s plate until it obstructs the placement of 你好s appetizer plate reveals 你好s lack of training. The dinner party guest who observes with dismay the array of flatware on either side of her plate, need only take the time to learn the simple secret to the plan. There are, of course, a few tips and pitfalls to be aware of, as well as the occasional surprising item you can eat with your hands. Here is a quick guide w你好ch will help steer you through even the most formal of occasions.

开始用餐,要讲究文明礼貌,要注意自己的“吃相”。养成良好的用餐习惯。一般应注意以下几点: 让长辈先动碗筷用餐,或听到长辈说:“大家一块吃吧”,你再动筷,不能抢在长辈的前面。 吃饭时,要端起碗,大拇指扣住碗口,食指、中指、无名指扣碗底,手心空着。不端碗伏在桌子上对着碗吃饭,不但吃相不雅,而且压迫胃部,影响消化。 夹菜时,应从盘子靠近或面对自己的盘边夹起,不要从盘子中间或靠别人的一边夹起,更不能用筷子在菜盘子里翻来倒去地“寻寻觅觅”,眼睛也不要老盯着菜盘子,一次夹菜也不宜太多。遇到自己爱吃的菜,不可如风卷残云一般地猛吃一气,更不能干脆把盘子端到自己跟前,大吃特吃,要顾及同桌的父母和姐弟。如果盘中的菜已不多,你又想把它“打扫”干净,应征询一下同桌人的意见,别人都表示不吃了,你才可以把它吃光。 要闭嘴咀嚼,细嚼慢咽,这不仅有利于消化,也是餐桌上的礼仪要求。决不能张开大嘴,大块往嘴里塞,狼吞虎咽的,更不能在夹起饭菜时,伸长脖子,张开大嘴,伸着舌头用嘴去接菜;一次不要放入太多的食物进口,不然会给人留下一副馋相和贪婪的印象。 用餐的动作要文雅一些。夹菜时,不要碰到邻座,不要把盘里的菜拨到桌子上,不要把汤泼翻,不要将菜汤滴到桌子上。嘴角沾有饭粒,要用餐纸或餐巾轻轻抹去,不要用舌头去舔。咀嚼饭菜,嘴里不要发出“叭叭”、“呱叽呱嘴,并把头向后方转。吃饭嚼到沙粒或嗓子里有痰时,要离开餐桌去吐掉。 在吃饭过程中,要尽量自己添饭,并能主动叽”的声音。口含食物,最好不要与别人交谈,开玩笑要有节制,以免口中食物喷出来,或者呛入气管,造成危险;确需要与家人谈话时,应轻声细语。 吐出的骨头、鱼刺、菜渣,要用筷子或手取接出来,放在自己面前的桌子上,不能直接吐到桌面上或地面上。如果要咳嗽,打喷嚏,要用手或手帕捂住给长辈添饭、夹菜。遇到长辈给自己添饭、夹菜时,要道谢。 吃饭时要精神集中,有些小同学在吃饭时看电视或看书报,这是不良的习惯,既不卫生,又影响食物的消化吸收,还会损伤视力。
Beginning meals, focusing on civility and decorum, to pay attention to his "eat phase." Develop good habits meals. General should pay attention to the following points : Let elders chopsticks to eat meals first move, or heard elders said : "It is a blessed," you Dongkuai. not ahead of the elders in front. At meal time, to Duanqiwan, thumbs withhold CD, forefinger and middle finger, ring finger deduction north and palms empty. Duanwan not rest on the table facing the bowl meal to eat is not only indecent, and oppression stomach and digestive effects. Take their food, from close to the plate or face its own disk side dish, not from the middle plate or rely on someone to the side of the dish. can not use chopsticks Garnish the platter to the yard turned away "searching", the eyes are not focused on old vegetable dishes, a fed sandwiches nor too much. Encountered their favorite dishes, not as occasions to make a clean sweep of the general neighborhood, not simply putting a plate in front of their own tiers. eat special food, to take into account the table of the parents and elder sister and younger brother. If diced vegetables have little, and you want it "sweep" clean, the table should be consulted about the views, others have said do not eat, you can doom it. To shut up chewing, vending, which will not only be conducive to digestion, as well as table etiquette demands. Never opens its big mouth, stuff their faces with massive, the mountain, not in the dish meals, neck, opens its big mouth, drowned tongue blow to cover vegetables; Add a not too much food imports, Otherwise people will leave a mixed phase and greed impression. Meals must act to put some. Take their food, not to meet neighbor, not like the vegetables appropriated on the table, not soup poured over and not eating dripping on the table. Mouth stained with rice, or meals paper napkins erase lightly, not with the tongue licking. Chew food, but they will not issue a "lifted my head. My partner," "physically grumble physically mouth, and turn her head to the rear. eating or chewing voice of sand there are sputum, to leave the table to picture. In the course of dinner, Tim to maximize their own meals and initiative or "voices. I containing food, best not to talk with others, to restrain jokes to avoid mouthful of food and exhales, or choke into the trachea, danger; really need to talk with their families, should they spoke softly. Spit out the bones, Fishbone, vegetable residue, use chopsticks or hands from then out on the table before them, not spit directly to the desktop or on the ground. If coughing, sneezing, or to hand handkerchiefs to seniors Tim meals, take their food. Encountered seniors Tim meals for himself and take their food, to thank. Meals to concentrate, some students in a small meal to watch television or read newspaper, this is the bad habits, not health, affects digestion and absorption of food, but also damage eyesight.

2006年2月17日 礼仪:comity,aminity,convenance,decorum,ettiquette,
外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
礼宾司Protocol Department

中国外交部礼仪司:The Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China

中华人民共和国外交部礼宾司向英国驻华大使馆致意,译为:The Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in China.

外交部办公厅 Direction generale du Minstere des Affaires etrangeres
外交代表机构diplomatic mission
diplomat 外交家, 外交官
diplomatic rank 外交官衔
diplomatic representative 外交代表

the comity of nations [states]国际礼让(指互相尊重对方法律、风俗等)
外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs
礼仪ritual girl
diplomatic etiquette外交礼节
professional etiquette同行间的礼仪, 行规
medical etiquette医务界成规
a breach of etiquette失礼行为
the Protocol法国外交部的礼宾司

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贰蒋美唯:[答案] 级别:学者2006年2月17日 礼仪:comity,aminity,convenance,decorum,ettiquette,proprieties,protocol,savoir-vivre 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 礼宾司Protocol Department 中国外交部礼仪司:The Protocol...

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贰蒋美唯: Western diners, from formal to form an informal, far more than in China. Roughly speaking, they have the following eight fete form: the banquet, buffet seats, lunch, conference, cocktail party, dinner party, picnics, tea. From the traditional custom, said...

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贰蒋美唯: 2006年2月17日 礼仪:comity,aminity,convenance,decorum,ettiquette, proprieties,protocol,savoir-vivre 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 礼宾司Protocol Department 中国外交部礼仪司:The Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ...

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贰蒋美唯: 册了旧的,在从新下载

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