what is your main reason for choosing one restaurant___ another? 为什么填ove

作者&投稿:俟鬼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
what's your main reason for choosing one restaurant over another? over 在句中什么意思~

have advantage over
We will talk about it over dinner

英 语 试 题

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.When will the speakers probably meet?
A.This morning. B.This afternoon. C.Early tomorrow.
2.Why was the man late?
A.His car broke down.
B.There was a sudden storm.
C.He was caught in the traffic jam.
3.When will Charlie have the interview?
A.Tomorrow. B.In a week. C.In two weeks.
4.Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.At a meeting room.B.At a reception desk.C.In Ms.Miller's office.
5.What is the woman?
A.A designer. B.A teacher. C.A journalist.
第二节 (共10小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)
6.What are the speakers talking about?
A.A trip. B.A picnic. C.Weather.
7.When will they get to the gallery?
A.At 8:00. B.At 9:00. C.At 12:00.

8.Why does the man call Ms.Banks?
A.To ask for advice.
B.To talk about his plan.
C.To invite her to a meeting.
9.What is Ms.Banks probably good at?
A.Managing restaurants.
B.Collecting information.
C.Organizing conferences.
10.Why does the man find a job at the college radio station?
A.To learn more about music.
B.To make some extra money.
C.To get some working experience.
11.What kind of work will the man start with?
A.Playing songs.
B.Broadcasting news.
C.Reading weather forecast.
12.What will the woman probably do next?
A.Take a training course.
B.Listen to the college radio program.
C.Try to get a position at the radio station.
13.What is not allowed in the museum?
A.Watching a video.B.Taking pictures. C.Touching exhibits.
14.What should you follow when touring the museum?
A.The tour guide. B.The arrows. C.The map.
15.What does the speaker talk about?
A.The origin of exhibits.
B.The history of the museum.
C.The guidelines of the museum.
第三节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)

21.What is your main reason for choosing one restaurant ______ another?
A.from B.over C.on D.by
22.Babies' health is much more likely to be affected if______ parent smokes.
A.both B.none C.neither D.either
23.She was busy preparing GRE, ____she managed to find time to help her roommate with the paper.
A.or B.so C.but D.and
24.The temperature in our city ______ fall to —13℃ in winter.
A.shall B.can C.must D.should
25.Tom does speak Chinese well, but his reading and writing skills leave much .
A.to improve B.to be improved
C.being improved D.having improved
26.He is always ready to help others, never ____ them when they turn to him.
A.refuse B.to refuse C.refusing D.refused
27.He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until _____ to.
A.spoken B.speaking C.to speak E1.spoke
28.Due to a terrible flu that ______ on, many students didn't show up to school yesterday.
A.goes B.is going C.was going D.has gone
29.The young man, who by then ______ admission to university, decided to do some part - time jobs to pay for his education.
A.gained B.was gaining C.had gained D.has gained
30.The internet connection for the entire area _____ when there was a sudden power cut yesterday.
A.lost B.was lost C.had lost D.had been lost
31.He always wears glasses except ______ he is playing football.
A.that B.when C.where D.whether
32.I would have told him the answer, but I _____so busy then.
A.would be B.was
C.would have been D.have been
33.—Shall I tell your parents what happened?
—Not ______ they ask you.
A.unless B.since C.once D.though
34.One can't be really happy if ______ he enjoys doing is regarded by society as of no importance.
A.how B.that C.what D.where
35.This is not the only example of a plane crash ____ everyone but a child died.
A.which B.where C.why D.when
第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
After winning a game, athletes are often asked how they achieved that success. Most say their 36_ is the result of hard practice.Usually athletes say how hard it is to win the big
games.However, in my case, 37 the big games can be even harder.
For me, last year' s basketball _38_ for my high school team was nothing short of an embarrassment.Although losing every game is certainly nothing to be _39_ of, that season had a bigger effect on me than any other, and probably 40 than any season since.
As a team captain, I knew it might not be the 41_ year, but I didn't ever expect we would lose every game.Since six of our top players had graduated, we were a young team who would _42__.It began earlier than expected, though, 43 two key members decided to quit after two weeks.At this point, dropping out probably passed through every player' s mind.Most people 44 us a failure, but we never gave up on ourselves.Then it seemed that our own 45 had given up on us.Personally, I felt like it was no longer worth giving my all.I thought, if 46 the coach didn't believe in us, why should I? 47 there came a time when it all began to feel hopeless.But just as my __48__ began to fade, a teammate called a meeting.He said, " Nobody thinks we' re going to win, and we may not, but, as teammates and friends, we should give it our all every game."
It was that moment that 49 me how to be a leader.It hit me that I didn’t 50 the role.As a leader you can never 51 on the team who looks up to you.It is one thing to be 52 as the captain and feel great.It is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone works to their 53 all the time.
I 54 the fact that my team lost every game last year.It may not help me to become a better basketball player, but it already has made me a better leader, and 55 .
36.A.courage B.decision C.achievement D.experience
37.A.losing B.organizing C.watching D.starting
38.A.tour B.season C.incident D.game
39.A.fond B.proud C.afraid D.ashamed
40.A.greater B.longer C.less D.worse
41.A.happiest B.easiest C.hardest D.saddest
42.A.fail B.struggle C.fight D.survive
43.A.so B.if C.as D.till
44.A.made B.allowed C.counted D.imagined
45.A.fans B.coach C.classmates D.sponsor
46.A.always B.still C.only D.even
47.A.Gradually B.Suddenly C.Surprisingly D.Finally
48.A.hope B.belief C.enthusiasm D.influence
49.A.showed B.instructed C.taught D.trained
50.A.act B.perform C.deserve D.take
51.A.quit B.work C.depend D.focus
52.A.named B.valued C.admitted D.considered
53.A.victory B.future C.honor D.potential
54.A.ignore B.treasure C.accept D.confirm
55.A.character B.captain C.figure D.person
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)

choose over是固定短语,表示选什么而不选什么

赤城县17145858865: what is your main reason for choosing one restaurant - - - another? 为什么填ove -
尉变洛米: choose over是固定短语,表示选什么而不选什么

赤城县17145858865: 雅思口语 -
尉变洛米: my main ambition is to be a big boss who can earn a huge sum of money. I am very confident that I will achieve my goal. I am working very hard and I also quite smart. I believe I am an ambitou...

赤城县17145858865: what are your main strengths and weaknesses -
尉变洛米: 你的主要优势和弱项是什么?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

赤城县17145858865: what's your main reason for choosing one restaurant over another? over 在句中什么意思 -
尉变洛米: over强调比较的概念,胜过 你选择一家餐馆而不是另一家 这很明显是一个比较 究竟哪个好 have advantage over 这个能解释这个over在此处的用法 强调比较的动作 over还有一个特殊用法 We will talk about it over dinner 我们边吃边谈 这里的over强调的是动作的伴随感 dinner与talk是同时进行的 这个也得注意哦 呵呵,希望能帮到你

赤城县17145858865: main() { char str[ ] ="what is your name ?"; char name [ 20]; printf("%s\n",str); scanf("%s",name); -
尉变洛米: 不是你说的那个意思,这里的20只是表示这个数组一共有20个元素,也可以看成意思是这个数组占用内存为20个字符大小,my name is是这20个元素的一部分,如果你之前没有给字符串赋初值(你这里就是),那么s这个元素后面一个元素的内容是\0,再之后的9个元素内容为任意的

赤城县17145858865: What is the main c - of your day -
尉变洛米:[答案] challenge

赤城县17145858865: 英语作文,what is your attitude to word cheating -
尉变洛米: At the very beginning of our life, our mother have remind us that telling lies was wrong. and in most instances, to cheat is something inexcusable and vicious. it makes us to be unreliable and people would not believe us. there is a saying in china means

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