
作者&投稿:霍凌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
中文书店 翻译英文~

chinese bookstore

go to the bookstore..........我感觉这个应该全会的吧...莫非你很小...没有恶意拉...

Sichuan Chengdu, Sichuan Province as city Career Academy Applied Korean a class teacher, I highly recommend XX students go to your school for advanced studies.

Since 2009 XX classmates since school, I know the students, will be in 2012 June graduation. In my opinion XX students is an excellent in character and learning, cultivate great potential for excellent students. In the nearly three years of university study, she all aspects of performance are very good, mainly manifested in three aspects: one, the academic record is very good, she studied very hard, flexible, quick thinking, strong ability to understand, all subjects are come out in front, through continuous efforts to university has been three years since second: scholarship; high ideological quality, has good self-cultivation. Her gentle, honest, caring, responsibility heart is strong, have team cooperation spirit, has the sense of organization and discipline; third: comprehensive ability, she simply acted decisively, dares to innovate, be good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, have strong organizational skills and ability to unite and cooperate, served as the student cadre, work actively work hard, achievement is outstanding.

In the learning of the students decided to go to your school study, I feel very happy. China 's economy is rapidly developing, at the same time with the country to maintain a good diplomatic relations and economic and trade. To maintain this good momentum, need to the youth of the two countries and people's constant exchanges and learning, needs more proficient in Korean language talents, she could have such a unique vision and goals so I feel very pleased and happy. So I sincerely to your recommended XX students, this warm, smart, studious, good good students, a good assistant. I hope you can give her the opportunity to study. I firmly believe that with her one's ability and cleverness, perseverance and determination will be able to complete your studies, after returning to China and South Korea youth friendship and economic development to make some contribution.

Sichuan Chengdu, Sichuan Province as city Career Academy Applied Korean a class teacher, I highly recommend XX students go to your school for advanced studies.

Since 2009 XX classmates since school, I know the students, will be in 2012 June graduation. In my opinion XX students is an excellent in character and learning, cultivate great potential for excellent students. In the nearly three years of university study, she all aspects of performance are very good, mainly manifested in three aspects: one, the academic record is very good, she studied very hard, flexible, quick thinking, strong ability to understand, all subjects are come out in front, through continuous efforts to university has been three years since second: scholarship; high ideological quality, has good self-cultivation. Her gentle, honest, caring, responsibility heart is strong, have team cooperation spirit, has the sense of organization and discipline; third: comprehensive ability, she simply acted decisively, dares to innovate, be good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, have strong organizational skills and ability to unite and cooperate, served as the student cadre, work actively work hard, achievement is outstanding.

In the learning of the students decided to go to your school study, I feel very happy. China 's economy is rapidly developing, at the same time with the country to maintain a good diplomatic relations and economic and trade. To maintain this good momentum, need to the youth of the two countries and people's constant exchanges and learning, needs more proficient in Korean language talents, she could have such a unique vision and goals so I feel very pleased and happy. So I sincerely to your recommended XX students, this warm, smart, studious, good good students, a good assistant. I hope you can give her the opportunity to study. I firmly believe that with her one's ability and cleverness, perseverance and determination will be able to complete your studies, after returning to China and South Korea youth friendship and economic development to make some contribution.

I hereby recommend, please contact!


As sichuan chengdu, sichuan province city vocational college application Korean one teacher in charge, I highly recommend the XX classmate to your school abroad.
Since the 2009 XX classmate, and I will know since the entrance of the classmate, will graduate in June 2012. In my opinion XX classmate is a excellent, cultivate the great potential of excellent good students. In close to three years of university during study, she in many ways are very, very good, mainly shown in three aspects: first, the academic record is very good, her mind to study hard, flexible, the thought is agile, the comprehension ability, all subjects comes top, through continuous efforts to the university three years has been won a scholarship; The second: thought, with high quality, good ourselves. She mild nature, honest, ?

请大家帮帮忙!帮我宝宝取个好名字!谢谢! - 百度宝宝知道
男:刘京成 京:乃大也!成:成功,成才 刘志晋 志:志气,晋:上进 刘明正 明:光明,正:浩然正气,正气凛然;全意:正大光明 刘征文 征:征途,征刘,文:文采,文明,文化 刘定举 定:定义,定力,举:大也!刘楷光 楷:楷模,光:光明,光亮 刘栋堂 栋:刘栋,栋刘,堂:堂堂正正 刘志博...

第一句,手,也就是提手旁,提手旁上+一撇代表握有东西,俗话说,笔在鲁迅手里就是枪,所以笔=戈,+起来就是我字 第二句:相思椅是古代情侣坐的一种椅子,形象的说就是“丛”字,但是说的是独坐,而相思椅一般是放在门槛上的,所以这是个“们”字 第三句:望着月亮当然要用眼睛看拉,但是1个...


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我的 我在追一个女孩,希望大家帮帮忙 我和这个女孩约会过两次,但是在一起我总是不知道说什么话了。我一直是个很内向的男孩,不爱说话。也没有交过女朋友,更不知道怎么哄女孩开心,也不懂怎么关心照顾女孩,很郁闷。谁能... 我和这个女孩约会过两次,但是在一起我总是不知道说什么话了。我一直是个很内向的男...

C. If employee's previous grant of work authorization has expired, provide the information below for the document that establishes current employment eligibility.Document Title:Document #:这是一份表格,让我填,麻烦各位大师帮我翻译下,感激不尽!!!Expiration Date (if any):...

男 涂永赏 涂宪伟 女 涂雨乔 涂凝希

请求大家帮忙是因我一个最好的朋友。这个朋友是我人生中一个最最重要的人。我们暂时称他为M吧。M是一个非常善良非常善感非常优秀非常重感情的人。外表英俊。善于交际。热情善良。曾经学习优秀。总之就是各种好。高一时。与一个叫旋的人结交为友。但是当时感情并没有太好。只是普通的好朋友而已。旋 这个人比较内...

濉溪县17220026834: 请大家帮我翻译一下这篇短文
伏彬复方: 11 I ride to the park. 11:10, I will put aside, bicycle with two children swimming in the lake. A thief stole in bushes and watching. 11:15 a.m., the thief stole my car. 11:20, I found the car disappeared. Lima alarm. Then the thief was caught, accept the police interrogation.

濉溪县17220026834: 汉译英,大家帮帮忙帮我翻译下这篇短文.谢谢谢谢谢谢…(回复一定采纳)“内容如下”: -
伏彬复方: Jim you last week to send letters I received, you mentioned in the letter you own introverted, a poorly with people, this is one of your faults, but you don't have to agonize over this, you can get rid of it you should try to more people around and ...

濉溪县17220026834: 请大家用英语给我翻译一下这篇文章
伏彬复方:英语的. In time, time and tide wait for no man, I'm from primary to secondary school, gone two years for many years. In the two years I went from a young girl into a to think independently, the positive enterprising class cadre, from a naughty child ...

濉溪县17220026834: 谁能帮我翻译一下这篇古文啊,尽量简洁的翻译出来,快一点 -
伏彬复方: ①选自陈仲子撰《于陵子•人问》.②中州:地名,指今河南省一带,古为九州的中心,故 称.③起:奋发.其:代“己”.④会:读kuài快,总计.⑤江汉:长江和汉江.⑥齿 :年龄,这里指寿命.ؤ 【译文】إ 中州的一只蜗牛,觉得自己实在无所作为,狠狠地把自己褒贬了一番,然后决心大干一场. إ 它想,如东去泰山,总计要走三千多年;如南下江汉,也需三千多年.而算算自己的寿命, 不过早晚就要死去.إ 想到这里,它不胜悲愤,慨叹自己的抱负难以施展,终于枯死在蓬蒿上,遭到蝼蚁的嘲笑. ؤ 【题旨】好高骛远,志大才疏,牢骚满腹为人耻笑.

濉溪县17220026834: 请帮我翻译这篇介绍、谢谢了
伏彬复方: Hello, my name is Wang Xin andI was sixteen years old, from YuRenShou. I like to play basketball, and listen to music. I although some quiet, but I am passionate. I want to be with you here through this three years time.

濉溪县17220026834: 大家帮帮忙,帮我翻译一下下面这篇短文,明天上英语课要交的,但我对英语一窍不通!拜托了!
伏彬复方: My family My house has the three people person, father mother and I, my daddy is 40 years old, my mama is 35 years old, I 12 years old father like to watch a television and get to the Internet and check the data of the NBA, but the mother like a ...

濉溪县17220026834: 谁给我翻译一下这篇英语短文?谢谢!! -
伏彬复方: 请指正: 大雨导致我家上游的小河在夜里决堤,夹杂泥沙的洪水泛滥满街,救护车奔驰在街头,抢救被困人群. 大雨的破坏情况直至次日早上才被知晓,虽然没有人员伤亡,但财产损失...

濉溪县17220026834: 请一位大哥帮帮忙,翻译一下这篇文章,我的外语不是很好,怕翻译的不好.这是公益用的,希望能翻译好. -
伏彬复方: Everybody is good, I today introduced is a former Chinese women's gymnastics the second world champion, he called FanDi her 1973 was born in Shanghai changning district, was in the late 80 s the Chinese women's gymnastics one of the best ...

濉溪县17220026834: 请大家用英文帮我翻译一下这篇文章
伏彬复方: I made a mistake once, and I found it difficult to get by. On that day, I go shopping with my mother. There are much delicious food in the street. I want to eat all of them. Therefore, I was disregarding her mother's opposition, and went to buy food. Ice ...

濉溪县17220026834: 谁能帮我翻译一下这篇自我介绍短文!速度快!!急用! -
伏彬复方: Hello,my name is***.I'm thirteen .I'm very happy we are become friend .I hope this triennium we are mix in happy! I have a blessedness family :my dad ,my mum ,my sister ,my brother and I. I love my family ,love everyone . I'm a briskness girl.I'm sun ...

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