
作者&投稿:禾飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

For...... Payment to someone for something, looking for someone to do something, found that do STH for sb is difficult, and someone had a fight, understand, get on well, try to do something, called out her name, stood in the teaching building, consider before buy a newspaper, to... Meaningful, looks very important, bring some drinks and snacks to his house to do something, let a person feel surprised, finish the final exam, my worst report card, do... Have a lot of difficulties, open to the outside world outlook of the students, the news spread, donated funds to the school, get plenty of exercise, in a year-end party, it seemed to be a dream job, do... The best way, in the southeast of Asia, a holiday wonderful place, put someone wake up, and in the natural environment, in order to...... End, the need to do something, it looks like rain



Zhoushan Ocean Science and Technology Museum

Marine Science and Technology Museum in Zhoushan

有了 "Zhoushan" 的限定 就不需要加 “the” 这个定冠词

"Zhoushan Marine Science and Technology Museum"

"The Zhoushan Marine Science and Technology Museum"

Zhoushan Ocean Museum


所以,“帮帮我”可以用“help me”来表达哦。help me 的读音是:\/help mi\/ 其实,help me 是一个简单的动宾词组。由动词 help (帮助)和名词 me(我)来组成。这里的“我”对应的单词是me,不是I。因为这里的“我”是放在动词help的后面,作为宾语,所以用宾格的格式-me。只有“我”作为主...

常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?

帮助的英文说是help。一、发音英:[\/hɛlp\/];美:[\/hɛlp\/]二、中文翻译v. 帮助,援助;有助于;阻止,避免;改善 n. 帮助;帮手,助手;有益的事物 三、形式现在分词:helping 过去式:helped 过去分词:helped 四、短语搭配1. help out 帮忙 2. can't help but 不得不 3....

Hello everyone!简单介绍一下自己~~I introduce myself for simple.我是一个活泼\/可爱\/幽默\/漂亮\/聪明的女孩~~啊哈哈 I am a active\/lovely\/humorous\/pretty\/smart girl haha 我最喜欢的吃的,就是好吃的!!ALL ALL!!~~The most favorite food for me is delicious food!!我没有很远大的理想...

Hi,i am the Chinese prospective student who is going to study in MC. Could you please tell me where are the overseas students come from? Are there any overseas students from Korea and Japan?

The difference between other cameramen and me is that I adopted special shoot technique, so the picture which you are looking is especially big and very clear.希望有朝一日能够成为历史上最宝贵的资料 I hope that someday it will be the most valuable data of the history 我会感到很...

Once again, new beginning,But an unusual I believe this brings me something special I formatted all Try to update A new self to the outside I believe this brings me something special I picked up the guitar,Moving pop song I Run to the library Save all the time can be saved...

1.他的朋友在一个刮风的早晨离开北京前往纽约 His friend left Beijing for New York on a windy morning.2.我不知道他为什么没有来参加生日晚会.I wondered why he didn't come to the birthday party.3.这就是我们昨天谈起的那个男孩.It is the boy who we talked about yesterday.[用强调...

帮忙英文翻译 小短句 谢谢
*这两个例句和上面例句不同,用Yes回答“可以”。 能帮把手吗? Would you give me a hand? Would you please help me? Would you mind giving me a hand? Could you help me out? 对不起…… I'm sorry to bother you,... I'm sorry to bother you, but can you help me? (对不起,能帮我一...

Abstract: On Earth's water, although the quantity is huge, but can directly produce by the people with the life use, actually are much less. Especially our country China average per person fresh water resources only is the world average per person quantity 1\/4, is global one of...

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我翻译一句话.英文 -
马炒紫河: I have sent out the bag you ordered, but there is something wrong with your payment.Ask for you help!“---有问题”的固定搭配是there is something wrong with ---;“请求你的帮助”也有一种常用说法:Ask for you help!翻译无需复杂、繁琐,力求精准、到位.

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我用英语翻译一下 -
马炒紫河: cture that day as far in the future. When

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我翻译一个短语 -
马炒紫河: hand one to another transfer one to another

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我英语翻译 -
马炒紫河: I have uploaded 2200 pictures from April. The uploading speed is very slow due to that there are too many pictures in the website. Please help to increase the uploading speed, or consider to delete some pictures. Thanks.

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我用英语翻译一下;1有人认为没有孩子的家庭是不完全的2我现在无法想象没有孩子们的生活 -
马炒紫河:[答案] 1 有人认为没有孩子的家庭是不完全的Some people think that a family without children is not a complete family.2 我现在无法想象没有孩子们的生活I can not imagine living my life without children now....

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我用英语翻译一下,急求! -
马炒紫河: 1.不要在林中用火,以便保护环境 Don't set fire in the forest in order to protect the environment. 2.不要乱扔垃圾,离开时,请把废纸,塑料袋带走 Don't litter at random...

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我用英语翻译下这个词语
马炒紫河: 我被难住了你的问题 i'm baffled about yours 哈哈by

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我翻译几个英文短语! -
马炒紫河: 1.ironclad virtue 传统美德 2.ten feet of steel 十英尺的钢铁 3.demon king who roils the world 煽动世界的暴君 4.elfin flutist 妖精 笛手 5.guardian of the clouds 云层守护者

桐乡市19863971104: 请帮我英语翻译 -
马炒紫河: 嘿,Zexing我很想念你.我很为你高兴,当然我将会为你开通一个spotify(是错别词) 帐户.我现在有很多支持者,我爱他们.你永远的Berta

桐乡市19863971104: 英语翻译(1/3)请帮我用英语翻译下面的短句谢啦"我的寒假计划是:在这短短的一个月的假期中,我会认真的写老师布置的作业,我会认真完成每一 -
马炒紫河:[答案] My winter vacation plan: in this short period of one month, I will carefully write the homework assigned by the teacher ...

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