
作者&投稿:啜行 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


除了来自外太空的流星撞击地球,除了漫长冰河时代的地质位移,再没有什么能比汽车对我们星球的改变来的更大。这种改变不是工业带来的,不是铁路带来的,也不是飞机带来的。不同于铁路和飞机,汽车并不只是现代文明的一个根本要素,也不只是经济发展的一个关键动力。它也是个人自由的象征——这种自由指不受体力限制的移动,无论何时何地,只要我们喜欢。但是要做到这样,就必须要求有交错密布的街道网连通城乡。随着私家车大量涌现,城市迅速变得人头攒动,进出的车流不息,导致不可避免的拥堵。一种围绕汽车的独立文化就应运而生了,它包括一套独有的标志系统和行为准则:交通文化。一位名叫Allan D'Arcangelo的画家曾经把这种文化的心理层面的概念作为了他作品的主题,并由此衍生出了一系列的作品。他的大型画作,是从一位超速司机的角度来描绘的,使得整个画面变成了一个视觉事件:随着土地的伸展延伸,地质地形以及文化的不同,使得飞速行驶的汽车渐渐变成了一些瞬间闪过的模糊的片段:没有尽头的道路,变化的交通灯,闪现的电子交通导示,远方的天空。慢慢的,画者把画面从整体转变为零碎的片段,并采用了一些对比鲜明的色彩,这是由驾车者眼中看到的变化。D'Arcangelo是唯一的一位放弃了观察者角色的流行艺术家。这幅描述美国1号高速公路的作品,5号 是这个系列中的一个,它采用了一个夸张的视角把观画者的眼光直接拉入画作中,并飞速的把画面延伸到上边缘,让精神感知与生理感知直接碰撞,并调动观察者的视线,从按透视法缩短的道路到不知名的前方再到闪着光的广告牌以及后面的车牌号。画布骤然变成了一张虚拟的电影屏幕,其上的画面似乎在放映着闪动。这画面就好像是用照相机拍下并骤然有序的闪动。是画作的精巧的布局与自然的着色与其展现的情感形成了鲜明的对比,而不是因为这个微光时刻营造出的浪漫氛围。这是一部能够体现美国梦的无限可能性的画作,因此,无数文学作品,照片,甚至电影都援用了它。


I want to introduce to you my home. It's a small castle full of joys.

Once you enter this door, you'll find another world.

This is what meets your eyes first. Isn't it miraculous? While this photo is about winter, here it is already full of spring. You can see the trees outside don't have leaves, but here it's a refreshing green.

I don't know what species these two fish are. Though they are not beautiful, they are lovely.

Next is my bedroom. Your feeling is that it's a mess! There are simply too many odds and ends......

Above my bed's headboard is a poster of a handsome boy--just to keep me awake!

The most I have in my bedroom are toys or figurines--all sorts of monkeys, kitties, Big Mouth, the funny Koala Bear, and so on.

In the bedroom also hangs a photo of me when I was younger.

What you saw above is my home--a warm and cozy house. Although it's not luxurious or beautiful, it is the warmest place for my heart, a home for my love and the whole little world in my heart.

I want to introduce my home, a little castle full of delight and happiness.
Walk into the door, you see another world.
The first thing you see is this. It's amazing right? This photo was taken in winter, but it is like spring all year round here. Trees outside have no leaves, but here is a fresh green.
These are two fishes of no species, they are not very beautiful, but really cute.
Now, here is my bedroom, what a mess! Lots of unknown stuff...
there are pretty boyes' posters at the top of the bed on the wall, in order for .... refreshing!
In my bedroom, full of dolls,like, a variety of monkeys, cats, strange-mouth monsters, funny koalas ....
And phones when I was younger...
These is my house! Wwarm and comfortable, though not luxury or very beautiful. But it is the warmest place in my heart, my love and comfort, the whole small world of my heart. End ...

I want to introduce is my home, this is a fun little castle.
Walk into this door, is another world.
First see is this. Very magical? This photo or in the winter, but here it spring most of the year. Can see the trees are no outside of the leaves, but here it fresh green.
This is the two don't know is what species of fish, not beautiful, but very cute.
The next step is to my bedroom, the first feeling is good mess! There are many said it was not clear sundry......
In the upper part of the bed on the handsome boy of posters, in order to... Refreshing!
My bedroom is what most of the doll (doll also line), all kinds of monkeys, and cats, big mouth strange, and funny koala... Wait!
In the bedroom when I was younger still hang pictures...
These, is my home! A warm and comfortable house, though not luxury not pretty, but it is the warmest place in my heart, it is I love the place, are my heart the whole small world

What I want to introduce is my house,it's a small castle with much fun.

There is another world when you walk into the door.

First we look is this.Isn't it very miracle?In the picture there still in the winter,but here the weather is spring all the year round.We can see the outside trees without any leaf,and here is fresh green.

These are two fish which we don't kown the names and species,whthout good looking but so cute.

Next is my bed room,the first image is such a mess!There are many said it was not clear sundry......

What beyond my bed are posters, in order to... Refreshing!

The most things in my bedroom is the doll (toy as the same), a variety kinds of monkeys, and cats, big mouth monster, and funny koala... Wait...

There was still hang on the photo with my young looking in the sleeping room.

Above all,it is my home! A warming and comfortable house, though it is not luxury and pretty enough, but I still think that si the warmest place in my heart, which also is where my love on, and it is the whole small world in my heart...



When和While的区别 ①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间,while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。 ②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,...

过去式就是来形容过去的某一件事或某一个动作,过去式当中有些单词就要变为过去式,以play为例,过去式在play后加一个ed组成played,而有些动词的过去式却不是常规加ed 例如hear就是直接加d,动词过去式形式需要背诵可查找相关资料了解动词过去形式,关于过去式句子我举个典型的例子,he finished his ...


哪位英语大神能不能帮我分析一下in what's代替的是文中的什么吗?
例句:In what's probably the craziest headline I've ever written, I've reported that advances in livestock protection are happening with scientists painting eyes on the butts of cows.译句:我曾报道在牲畜保护方面取得的进展,是科学家们在牛屁股上画眼睛,那恐怕是我写过的最疯狂的新闻...

我需要的东西有以下几个大点:⑴英语的基本句式和骨架⑵英语中主语,谓语(非谓语),宾语,状语,表语,补语,补语。在句子中的作用,请举例说明!⑶英语中的现在分词,过去分词,不... 我需要的东西有以下几个大点: ⑴ 英语的基本句式和骨架 ⑵英语中主语,谓语(非谓语),宾语,状语,表语,补语,补语。在句子中的作用,请...

…千万别把英语只理解成枯燥的单词、语法,千万别把英语学习当成一种负担。 培养学习英语的兴趣,这是学好英语的第一步。 二、单词记忆的几种方法 英语单词是整个英语学习的基础,如何掌握好每个单词的发音和书写是摆在我们面前的一个重大问题。以前我记忆单词没有什么好方法,只会死记硬背,不但...

It's too late but I will try a hundred times尽管迟但我还是会努力哪怕一百次 I can't forget you anymore我再也无法忘记你 I realized my heart was missing you every day我真切感受到自己的心每天都在想念你 And ever since I closed the door每当我关上房门 Oh how I'm needing you ...

(好长。。算了,闲着呢)我当义工的经历是非常扣人心弦和有用的。我们是那个下午到达La Gran Vista 农场的。农场的主人,Donald,他的妻子,Xenia 和他们的三位孩子,Terry,Max和Larry让我们宾至如归的感觉。他们告诉了我们要做的事情,然后我们愉快的吃了饭。几分钟之内,我发现La Gran Vista真的...

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范残壮骨: 你好,为你的翻译如下:There is always one person buried inside everyone's heart, and perhaps he wouldn't notice forever. Despite this, this person just couldn't be substituded for anyone else.希望能帮到你~

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