
作者&投稿:歧放 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

was waving
has changed
had taken

1.I think we need two more loafs of bread.
2.Keep the windows closed.It’s too cold today.
3.None of us is good at telling stories.
4.Being late that day,we went to the shopping center.
5.I thought everybody would be there.


1.Do you enjoy __telling___(tell) jokes ?2.Betty is __friendlier___(friendly) than Mary.3.We are _interested___(interest) in the funny picture.4.He tried to make the boy stop__crying___(cry)5.Some students have opposite views and interests_.6.We need a weekend ...

根据括号内的英(汉)语提示,完成句子。小题1:The teacher told us t...
小题1:rises小题2:provided小题3:was reading小题4:truth小题5:allow小题6:development小题7:death小题8:to throw小题9:heavily 试题分析:小题1:句意:老师告诉我们太阳从东方升起。太阳从东方升起是客观事实,不受主句时态的影响,用一般现在时,故填rises。小题2:句意:昨晚他们为我们提供...

根据括号内的提示完成句子 1.  It is well known that

根据括号里的汉字和首字母的提示, 完成下列英语句子. 1. We d...
1. depend on 2. in order to 3. dressed up 4. no longer 5. on the other hand

like to do\/doing sth喜欢做某事,故填to tell \/ telling jokes。小题3:考查时态和语态。根据句意可知,用将来时,The sports shows和put off是被动关系,故用被动语态。故填will be put off。小题4:考查时态。句意“现在,你已经长大了,应该像一个男人那样做。”根据句意可知,用现在完成时,...

根据括号中的提示,完成句子 她一听到音乐就开始跳起舞来。 【as soon...
she heard music

根据句意及括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词)小题1: If the wea...
小题1:fine\/sunny 小题2:decision 小题3: less 小题4:getting\/receiving 小题5:happier 小题6:returns\/comes back 小题1:本题的含义为如果天气晴朗,我们将栽树,故本题填晴朗的单词fine\/sunny 小题2:make a decision表示作出决定的含义,a后跟名词决定的单词decision 小题3:修饰不可数名词mon...

I don't think people should be allowed to smoke in public places.

would you please---

根据括号内的英(汉)语提示,完成句子。小题1:Nothing can prevent us fr...
小题2:句意:倒霉的是,在上周跳高时,他把他的腿摔断了。Have sth done做了某事,结合语境及所给单词,可知填过去分词broken,打破,折断。小题3:句意:我的奶奶经常看着电视就睡着了。本句中fall是系动词,后面接形容词作表语。根据汉语提示,可知填形容词asleep,睡着的。小题4:句意:当他...

方正县13521813702: 看括号里的提示,再完成句子1.(Beginning the meeting)I'd like_______________________________2.(Introduce the first item on the agenda)Let's_________... -
一送康复:[答案] I'd like to begin the meeting. Let's go to the first item. Could we go on? Mary,perhaps you have sth to say about the second item

方正县13521813702: 根据括号中的提示完成下列各句~1.Can you - _______ - to school?(把笔记本带到.来)2.Please describe your - _______.(理想的房间)3.Harry and I - ____... -
一送康复:[答案] bring the notebook perfect room buy two tickets

方正县13521813702: 用括号内所给汉语提示完成句子1.Everything - ____(我们看到的) in the Palace Museum was great and wonderful .2.Xiao Ming is really the bravest boy_____... -
一送康复:[答案] 1,we saw 2.I have known 3.I often take 4.I wrote two weeks ago 5.I met on the way home

方正县13521813702: 根据括号中的提示完成句子.1 Tom likes (swim)_________in summer.2 Sometimes Bill (watch)__________TV at night.3 Jack usually (play)__________ - ... -
一送康复:[答案] 1 swimming 2 watches 3 plays 4 cycles

方正县13521813702: 根据括号内的提示词完成句子 . 1 、我认为在将来会有更多的高楼和更少的轿车 (more few) - ________________________________________________... -
一送康复:[答案]l、I think(that)there will be more tall buildings and fewer cars.2 、Everyone else in my class was invited except me3、Teachers complain about teaching tired kids in the classroom.4、I followed it to see where it was going5、She said (that) she wasn'...

方正县13521813702: Ⅱ.根据括号内的要求或汉语、单词提示完成句子. 1.—We'llbehome - -----(很? -
一送康复: 填soon 很快 即 We'll be home soon.我们很快回家.

方正县13521813702: 根据括号里面的提示完成句子.1.He_____in London since 1987.(work)2.Have you - ____from Jill get?(hear)3.Has Jim really - ____ - here for ten years?(live)4.... -
一送康复:[答案] 1 has worked(关键词SINCE短语2 heard (关键词YET3 lived (关键词FOR 短语4 has ,had(关键词JUST5 has ,found (关键词ALREADY6 drank 关键词YESTERDAY7 boiled(关键词HAS ,现在完成时的结构:has/have +动词过...

方正县13521813702: 根据括号提示完成句子.1.There is an (雨伞)behind the chair.2._____(幸运地),he passed the exam.3.we met many - __ - (visit) in the city of Beijing.4.... -
一送康复:[答案] umbrella Luckily,或 Fortunately visitors woke first bought competition strayed octopuses second-hand goods yard sale

方正县13521813702: 英语高人进!根据括号里的提示完成句子1.i want to know if she___English (understand)2.the boss wants to know why he hasn't___the work(finish)3.can you ... -
一送康复:[答案] understandsfinishedsnowpassedfailsofferhas flewWhat will you do?Mary has told you that she invited Charlotter to dinner this eveningI was told that she would be at my house at six o'clock

方正县13521813702: 根据括号内的提示完成句子1. 众所周知,知识是一座宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙.________________ - knowledge is a treasure house but practice is ... -
一送康复:[答案] 根据括号内的提示完成句子1. It is well known that

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