
作者&投稿:仲孙君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Most students are___never___ late for school
____All__of____us___do our homework every day



We must try our best to prenent the money in the bank from _being robbed _of(rob)
I must find out when i have my bag -_stolen_(steal)
他被指控谋杀那个富翁而被捕He was charged with murdering the rich man and was _under arrest_

Too much work and too little rest often cause diseases
The police are working _____ ____ _____ _____ the crime
The police are surveying the scene of the crime.

being robbed; stolen ; was accused of murdering ; under arrest ;much work cause diseases ; on the scene of

being robbed; stolen; was accused to murder ;sent to prison;
Too much work; result of diseases;

We must try our best to prenent the money in the bank from _being robbed _of(rob)
I must find out when i have my bag -_stolen_(steal)
他被指控谋杀那个富翁而被捕He was charged with murdering the rich man and was _under arrest_

Too much work and too little rest often cause diseases
The police are working _____ ____ _____ _____ the crime

1.instead of 2.orange 3.flying 4.epicenter 中心,重点 5.match 与...相配\/相协调 6.devide 分开\/切开 7.take a message 8.grow up 9.in the slurry 10.in a hurry(不过一般这个短语放在句末)11.search 12.energy 13.hamburger 14.hunting 15.was born ...

1.complain 他向我抱怨食物(难吃)2.design 这条路不是为重型卡车设计的 3.inquire 他向我打听我妹妹的事情 4.hold 下周五一个会议将在大礼堂举行 5.tight 她穿了一身紧身衣 6.immense 大西洋是很广阔的 7.except Tom只想帮助我 8.despair 接连的失败让他们感到绝望 9.following 一场叛乱在随...

1.favor(do me a favor表示“帮我一下”)2.milk(这瓶牛奶多钱?)3.come on:v. 突然产生, 要求, 成为...负担, 偶遇, 跟着来, 开始, 出台, 上演,快点,赶快.(有时候一个词有很多种意思,但要根据具体的意境来来理解词意。)4.the clothes section:衣服(直接翻译为衣服就可以了。)5.pi...

几道英文题目 有兴趣的英语好的来做~谢拉
1.Does your father __have__ (have) a new bike ?2.He __watches__(watch) the football match on TV .3.Where__are__(be) my books?4._Her___(she) brother is twelve.5.Mary __has___(have) a beautiful girl .6.They have two __tennis rackets___(tennis racket )7.It...

1. vegetarian(素食者)or vegan(严格的素食主义者)这句话意思是:素食者就是不吃肉的人。2. nutrition(营养)这句话意思是: 我们能从无肉的食品中获得我们所需的一切营养。3.sells; fat sell in 按…出售 fat 肥的,油腻的 fatty 含脂肪的 这句话意思是:这家商店只出售猪肉,但是我不喜欢...

1.她经常照看小猫 which cat does she often look after?2.我的弟弟正在等待墙上的...(putwe是什么东西??打错了吗?)which putwe is my brother waiting?3.那个黑色的女裙是我的 which skirt is yours?

2. 这个英语怎么说? 是尺子。what's this in English? It's a ruler .3. 2加3等于几? 等于5.what's two plus three? it's five.4. 你老是多大岁数? 32岁。how old is your teacher? he's 32.三、阅读短文,然后回答下列问题 This is a picture of my family. Here is me. ...

19、唱一首英文歌(sing an English song)20、朝窗外看(look out of the window)21、脱下大衣(take off the coat)22、紧靠我们的教室(close to our classroom)23、感到很愉快(feel pleasure)24、来自中国(come from China)25、圣诞快乐!(Merry Christmas)26、让我帮你吧!(Let me ...

1.活动调查 activity invetigation 2发烧 have a fever 3感冒 catch a cold 4看医生 see a doctor 5躺下休息 lie down to have a rest 6头疼 have a headache 7have a sore throat 嗓子疼 8 hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 9 have a backache 背疼 10 feel well 感觉好了 1.style,...

2.how often does she visit her uncle?3

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 简单的几道英语题 英语好手请进希望大家能给我最正确的答案~~谢啦1.We ( )your comments,which will help improve oue work.A.high value B.value much C.very... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] 楼上那位DCDD是对的,但是我要解释一下为什么,并纠正你的错误.你题目打错了一点.没有oue,是our吧?which前面也不该加逗号.1.We highly value your comments which will help improve our work.(我们非常尊重你的将提...

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 几道简单的英语题 1.Mr Wu gave us a ( )报告 on animals.(写单词) 2.The t( ) is good at swimming.(写单词,动物) 3.I'm sad to know some animals are ... -
孛饺悦康:[选项] A. How do pandas live B. how pandas live C. pandas how live D. pandas live how

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 几道很简单的英语选择题1.We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so let's have - __ - one this month. A.the other B.some C.aother D.other2.Some of the... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] 1.C.another是另外一个,不特指.第二题选项是不是有错误.3.C.有个but,根据意思选择.4.C.Nancy说话声音如此之低,以至于我们班的同学没几个能听见.5.C.parents是两个,而all指三个或三个以上,A错.none也是指三个的.D错.e...

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 问几道很简单的英语题目 -
孛饺悦康:[答案] 1.Which of the following cases is the situation when most panic occurs? A.main engine failure B.steering gear failure C.abandoning ship D.manoverboard 2.What should you do in case of steering failure? A.Inform Master and engine room,sound ...

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 几道简单的英语填空题1.I usually go jogging noon.(around/in/with)【三选一,并且填在合适的地方.】2.I jog about an hour.(at/for/until)【要求同上.】3.I like to ... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] .I usually go jogging around noon 我常在正午时分慢跑 .I jog about an for hour 慢跑一个小时 另外两题建议你查书本,这肯定是你们最近所学的课文中单词,这种题目基本上是复习或预习单词用的,没有特定背景,一般不会有这种没头没脑的题目

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 几道超简单的英语填空题!1,小时候,他经常和别的男孩子打架.— — —(有三个空格),he used to fight with other boys.2,我要买左边第三个娃娃.I'd like ... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] 1.When he's young 2.which is the third from left 3.Wish 4.loaded in the opposite side of 5.ill

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 几道简单的英文题,1.such a comment on Jerry,whom we know___so kind and thoughtful,is unfair.a.as b.being c.to be d.for2.I took that___TV set back to the ... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] 1,C这句的意思是“据我们所知杰里是一个很友好很周到的人,这样草率的结论对他是不公平的.“此句是特殊疑词加不定式做的定语2,A faulty 表示有故障的3,D 4,B5,A 丹佛的一些歌曲作品,比如《安妮之歌》和《阳光照我肩》...

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 几道很简单的英语填空题1,It is - __ - to walk on the pavement than on the road (save)2,Each of the teams - __ - who would be the winner(wonderful)3,You should... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] 1.safe 2.wondered 3.accurately 4.end up 5.is used 6.from which

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 几道简单的英语选择题、填空题1.Nothing is difficult in the world if you set your m__(以m开头的)to do it.2. - Would you mind watering the flowers for me? - ( ).I ... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] mind D A

苏尼特左旗15834214188: 问几道超简单的英语问题1.____with the life of the old,we are happy fnough.A.Compare B.Comparison C.Compared D.Comparing2.We all conseder the boy__... -
孛饺悦康:[答案] 第一题 C 这道题只要弄清we和compare之间的关系就可以了.这句话是说拿我们的生活去和他们的相比,所以应用过去分词. 第二题 C consider sb/sth (to be) + adj 这是它的一个基本用法,记住就好. 第三题 有语病 do be calm 正确 don't excited 错误 ...

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