
作者&投稿:苑残 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
书面表达。 请根据所给提示,写一篇英语短文,不少于60词。 提示: &nb...~

I went to Qingdao for my holiday last year, because it was a beautiful city and there were many places of interest. I climbed Mount Lao. When I climbed up to the top of it, I fell very excited. I also swam in the sea. The sea is blue and clean. And I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. I had a wonderful time there, and I hope I can visit Qingdao once again!(答案不唯一)

THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.

题目:Animals Should Be Free
A large zoo is not far from my home in the city.
On weekends,my parents and I usually visit the zoo together.There are many animals in the zoo.Such as elephants,tigers,panda,lions and giraffes.All of them are cute.But I think they are not happy.They should live in the forest.
They should be free.


1.good morning(早上) 故得摸您 good evening(晚上) 故得一文您 good afternoon(下午) 故得啊夫特怒恩 2 list 丽死特 jacket 摘踢(变ki)特 quilt 快饿特 3. spell 死派(变be)尔 其实用中文读英文是不准的,而且很难听,因为许多因为的读音中文都没有字,而且无法区分重...


1、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才。——华罗庚 人生就像爬坡,要一步一步来走——丁玲 2、现实是此岸,理想是彼岸,中间隔着湍急的河流,行动则是架在河上的桥梁。——克雷洛夫 没有理想的生活,路上就会耸着生活的墓碑。3、爱国如饥渴。 —— 班固 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 —— 顾炎武 4、诚...

.好.推荐你可以去ABC夫下英语,Hkknow英语,多恩加英语问看看,学英语就是要坚持天天不断地口语辅导练习,课后还要认真复习,学习内容确实对英语帮助很大,可以自己去看看听听课。1.多听英文歌曲 .多请教英语高手 英语高手的词汇量是很大的,多请教他们,百度读音,不知不觉中,你的词汇量就大大提高了; .掌握简单的词汇 ...

初一中译英 高手进!!
2 He is always very good to me.3,Jogging is good for your health.4,The boy is American.5,Can you think what's her job?6,In China, there are many delicious food, I like it very much.7,There are a bunch of keys in the lost and found counter. The keys are?8,Where...


要坚持用英...>> 问题六:学生新生怎样教七年级新生学英语 在我的教学工作中,作为一名教师,我总认为要做个有心人,让数学真正成为学生愿学、乐学的学科,只有这样,才能为学生提供充裕的探索、实践的空间和时间,才能调动大多数同学的学习积极性;才能大面积提高小学数学教学质量和学生综合素质。 问题七:怎么教初一...

12.小的不懂,请另请高明 13.to do是指没有做而忘记去做的是,doing是指已经做了但忘记了 14.主句,+because+从句 或:because+从句,+主句(从句表原因,主句表结果)15.be going to do或will\/shall 加动词原形 应选择D。如果不是将来时,句子应是:There is a football match...变成将来...

意思是问:他有几个兄弟?可能语法上存在些问题。正常的语法是:How many brothers does he have? 或:How many brothers has he got?

五年级到初一的语法,全部都要列出来 我的英语实在是太差 ,高手们帮下...
The plane for Wuhan is about to take off.请注意,飞往武汉的飞机就要起飞了。四、另外,“be +to +动词原形”也可表示打算做的事,还可表示责任、意向和可能性You are to follow the doctor’s advice.你应遵从医嘱。No shelter was to be seen.找不到避难处。五、例题解析1) C错,改为will。本题有...

广元市19656705720: 英语高手进,英语书面表达,初一的
尔晶派汀: My favourite season is winter.Winter snows often,but I like snow.Because I can play the snow, make the snowman,play with my friend.In a word, I like winter!!!

广元市19656705720: 英语高手进,初一英语作文.
尔晶派汀: Lily's weekend Lily had a busy weekends! On Saturday morning,Lily had a piano lesson.And Lily went swimming with her friends on Saturday afternoon !It was very interesting!On Saturday evening ,Lily wrote a letter to a pen pal of hers. On Sunday ...

广元市19656705720: 英语高手进~~~3篇初中英语作文 -
尔晶派汀: 1.范文 :New Beijing, Great OlympicsThe 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be ...

广元市19656705720: 英语高手请进,要求就是精通初一英语1 我最喜欢的运动 my favourite sports2 上个星期日 last Sunday每个题目两篇英语作文 ,70字左右,,尽量不要有语法... -
尔晶派汀:[答案] My favorite sport is snooker and Ding Junhui is my favorite player of this sport.My favorite sport is snooker and Ding Junhui is my favorite player of this sport.When I was in elementary school,my fat...

广元市19656705720: 英语作文 英文作文 高手 请进
尔晶派汀: There are various ways to get relaxed for middle school students. As far as I'm concerned, most of us may choose these ways to relax ourselves such as watching TV, doing some sports, or surfing the Internet. But, with the heavier pressure of ...

广元市19656705720: 英语高手请进喽 英语作文
尔晶派汀: Today is Saturday, no classes on Saturday, so we prepare children in the park for a party held. First, ride to go to the park. At the school gate at 8:30. Brown baggers. We are children do game mountaineering park boating story Such activities. 今天...

广元市19656705720: 初一的英语作文 高手进啊,帮帮忙!拜托!根据英文提示语,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的短文.所给提示词必须全部使用.1 now,peopie,busy,the Internet 2 it,... -
尔晶派汀:[答案] 根据英文提示语,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的短文.所给提示词必须全部使用. 1 now,peopie,busy,the Internet 2 it,easy,get online,many people 3 send,email,popular 4 think,become,one of,important part,people's life

广元市19656705720: 初一英语作文 急急急 高手进! -
尔晶派汀: This is my best friend Linda smith. She comes from the USA and she is 15 years old. We both study at No.1 Middle School. After class , We like playing tennis, basketball and volleyball. She likes ice cream, orange and hamburger very much. Her phone number is 778-94233.

广元市19656705720: 七年级英语书面表达作文 -
尔晶派汀: 书面表达:nowadays , people may get different sports goods to enrich their colorful life ,for the same reason,i have some sports goods to intorduce . The first is my baskball,I often play it when after school,it can make me strong; the second is rope ,...

广元市19656705720: 急!英语作文(英语高手请进)
尔晶派汀: He is a good basketball player. He is very tall; he is 7 feet 5 inches. He was born in the 12th of Sep. in 1980, now he is 29 years old. He can play basketball very well, so he was pitched on to play basketball in NBA in 2002, now he is a super-star in ...

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