求好心人帮忙...最好是学过外贸英语函电的...求帮忙翻译下作文谢谢 答的好有加分 有道什么的别来啊...

作者&投稿:能科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙翻译一篇外贸英语函电 急用 非常谢谢!~

标准翻译如下 :
Thank you for your company May 20 sent a single inquiry, our confirmation has been received.
Based on your company's annual demand for 5,000 units, our offer is as follows:
Price: CIF London £ 100 each
Packaging: each packed with a plastic bag sewing machine
Cover: immediate protection against the letter of credit
Delivery: within 90 days of receipt of the order
The direction of your company, I guarantee, the price is based on the number of the lowest, with the disc send your company product manuals for reference. Any other questions, please let us know, our side will be pleased to assist your company.


1 Write a letter with the following given particulars.
A ( 10 ) inform the cargo box office supplies ) have been shipped to Hongkong, set sail tomorrow.
B ) enclosed invoice and bill of lading
C ) looking after receipt of goods can be satisfied, and as soon as the confirmation.
D ) hope that more trade
2 please write a letter according to the following conditions offer letter.
A ) to reply to your letter of April 25th inquiry, we can offer as follows, subject to our final confirmation
B ) 2000 dozen blouses, US $480 per dozen CIF Singapore cost, see attached specifications, schedules for seven month
C ) request for payment by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight payment before shipment 30 days out.
D ) attached to various sizes of samples as well as desired booklet
E ) if the offer is acceptable, please call to confirm
3 Write a letter urging the establishment of L / C with the following particulars.
A ) Sales Confirmation No. 1124th under the 1500 sets of kitchen utensils are ready for shipment.
B ) delivery date is approaching, but not yet delivered the company credit.
C ) look forward to your company can immediately open the letter of credit, so that we can ship the goods on time.
D ) in order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L / C and conformity with the terms of the contract.
E ) respectfully await your early reply.
4 Write a letter ordering the items listed below, specifying quantity, unit price, total amount and terms of payment, shipment, etc.
Name quantity item price condition
Pan 3000 P303 USD 126 per set CFRD3 Chicago
1200 P508 USD 198 per set CFRD3 Chicago
Payment: draft at sight letter of credit
Time of shipment: before January 19th arrived in time
5 Write an English letter in reply with the following particulars.
June 1st was informed that, should you request on behalf of the captioned goods against all risks, premium of $78600, premium pay by your side. The insurance policy is being processed, three days to send you. We will with" Star" in about three weeks after the ship, set sail. The completion of the loading of a lost, advise your shipment advice, look forward to your early reply.

Dear Sirs,
i am writing to you informed that the 10 cartons of appliances will shipment to in in tomorrow. the destination is hongkong. the enclosed are our product invoce and bill of loading. we would be delighted that you are satisfied of our goods. any early reply and confirm would be highly appreciated.
we hope this will be a good start for our further business relationship.

yours faithfully,

2 Dear Sirs,
in reply to your inquiry of April 25, now we making the offer as follows,subject to the last confirm of our company.

1) 2000 dozens of blouses as per 480 USD Singapore CIF. Enclosed our specification and at the end of July is the shipment. 先翻译到这啦,希望可以帮到你(自己翻译的).

1 Write a letter with the following given particulars.
A ( 10 ) inform the cargo box office supplies ) have been shipped to Hongkong, set sail tomorrow.
B ) enclosed invoice and bill of lading
C ) looking after receipt of goods can be satisfied, and as soon as the confirmation.
D ) hope that more trade
2 please write a letter according to the following conditions offer letter.
A ) to reply to your letter of April 25th inquiry, we can offer as follows, subject to our final confirmation
B ) 2000 dozen blouses, US $480 per dozen CIF Singapore cost, see attached specifications, schedules for seven month
C ) request for payment by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight payment before shipment 30 days out.
D ) attached to various sizes of samples as well as desired booklet
E ) if the offer is acceptable, please call to confirm
3 Write a letter urging the establishment of L / C with the following particulars.
A ) Sales Confirmation No. 1124th under the 1500 sets of kitchen utensils are ready for shipment.
B ) delivery date is approaching, but not yet delivered the company credit.
C ) look forward to your company can immediately open the letter of credit, so that we can ship the goods on time.
D ) in order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L / C and conformity with the terms of the contract.
E ) respectfully await your early reply.
4 Write a letter ordering the items listed below, specifying quantity, unit price, total amount and terms of payment, shipment, etc.
Name quantity item price condition
Pan 3000 P303 USD 126 per set CFRD3 Chicago
1200 P508 USD 198 per set CFRD3 Chicago
Payment: draft at sight letter of credit
Time of shipment: before January 19th arrived in time
5 Write an English letter in reply with the following particulars.
June 1st was informed that, should you request on behalf of the captioned goods against all risks, premium of $78600, premium pay by your side. The insurance policy is being processed, three days to send you. We will with" Star" in about three weeks after the ship, set sail. The completion of the loading of a lost, advise your shipment advice, look forward to your early reply.

要找到社会好心人的帮助,可以考虑以下几个途径:1. 向亲友寻求帮助:亲友是我们最亲近的人,可以向他们寻求帮助或者介绍其他人帮助。2. 利用社交媒体:在社交媒体上发布求助信息,或者加入一些公益组织或志愿者组织,寻求帮助。3. 拨打热线电话:可以拨打一些公共服务热线或者民间组织的热线电话,寻求帮助或...

1. 乐于助人:好心人愿意在别人需要帮助时伸出援手。他们关注他人的需求,为他人提供支持和帮助。例如,他们可能会照顾老人、孩子,帮助邻里,甚至关心陌生人。2. 诚实守信:好心人通常诚实可靠,遵守承诺。他们不会为了自己的利益而欺骗他人,而是致力于维护信任和诚信。3. 无私奉献:好心人愿意为他人付出...


外国的邮箱地址:COCO64ALLA@HOTMAIL.COMCOMPDENT@INTOUCH.COMCTEL@INTOUCH.COMDAWOUD_ YASSA@HOTMAIL.COMCCHUNJEE@HOTMAIL.COMCBDAVID@EASUN.CO.ZAdaniages@yahoo.comdarlingtonobi@engineer.comdelerabiu@yahoo.comcemejia@guate.net外贸行业经历了多少风风雨雨,沉淀到现在也萌生了很多实用的线上平台或者...

只是最大限度的避免病情加重。但你所谓的不在复发是不可能的,因为人一个活体组织,医疗上也不存在彻底治翕,永不复发的说法。只是你个人认为。现在有很多的“医生”就是抓住了患者的这种心理来欺骗患者。选择医院治疗的时候一定要谨慎,以免上当受骗。 ■ 痘痘大多是由两个原因引起的,一个是因为皮肤属于油性皮肤,...

1. Do you like 2. I do ; They 3. Do they go 4. they do 5. They swim ; likes watching 6. Does ; swim 7. she does 8. Does ; listen 9. She doesn't 10. Do ; go 11. They don't



我们可以到七点或2 eight-whichever最适合你。男人一般被认为是强有力的,但大多数妇女都知道实际的情况往往相反。3。他被从监狱释放之后,五年的两年徒刑。4。两件衣服你穿着都好看不知道该叫你买5。这位候选人有着令人惊叹的广泛的兴趣和经验。6。小孩突然松开了她的手,跑到街对面。7。比赛的结果...

2、避免谐音: 父母若打算自己帮宝宝取名字,要注意名字念起来是否有不雅的谐音,以免日后徒生困扰。如:吴理茂、曾豪孝、雨玲(雨淋)、尉琮(喂虫)。最好是名字取好后,多念几遍,看看听起来是否流畅。3、注意字义: 父母若想为孩子取名字,必须先了解字的意义,因为有些字并不常见,或者换了...

辽宁省18531594500: 英语专业怎么开始作外贸工作的. -
塞萍维平: 我也是英语专业,我们专业选修课里学过外贸英语函电和涉外英语合同.我的建议是你不妨找点相关的书籍来读读,学一些表达的专门词汇和句型,这样就够了.重点还是要实务操作.像检查信用证什么的,看书上例子会觉得枯燥不好懂,可是实务里跟着有经验的老人或者前辈做几单就完全可以掌握.加油,不要有畏难情绪,一定可以成功!!

辽宁省18531594500: 向做过外贸的好心人请教如何做 -
塞萍维平: 你的想法非常好,做买卖要靠一头,或者手里能掌握货源,或者手里能掌控用户和市场.只要能占一头,买卖就可以做.国际贸易和普通贸易没有太多的区别. 你已经毕业几年了,说明你有一定的英文基础,有很强的自学能力.找些有关外贸的...

辽宁省18531594500: 各位好心人帮帮忙啊!!!一般来说国际经济与贸易这个专业出来都做什么啊?跟日语比哪个好啊? -
塞萍维平: 我就是本科国贸这个专业课程非常多 什么市场营销 西方经济学 会计学原理 国际金融 统计学.........杂七杂八的 什么都学 一个词 就是空泛 广而不精 除非自己在大学期间 多考点证 比如跟单员证 单证员证 报关员证 商务英语 会计证 如果把这些相关证件都考了 出来的话 去外贸公司 也还凑合 还有一点很重要 就是国贸必须英语很强 至少也要过六级哦不过我还是建议你学日语 现在懂一门外语 而且把它学好的话 出来混会比国贸好的多 毕竟国贸太虚了 不实在 反正 如果要我再选择 我肯定会选择日语哦

辽宁省18531594500: 希望在外企工作的好心人给个解答.商英或国贸毕业生已经找到工作了也进来看看.小女子叩谢.
塞萍维平: 只要英语底子好,别的都相对好说.外贸知识以及实务很快就能够在工作中补起来,事实上很多实务并不是学校那点东西能够涵盖的. 外企对英语的要求,我经历的两个公司,一个美国一个德国,因为办公室外国人不少,所以对口语要求高,但是也有公司不怎么要求语言的,尤其是技术人员,你这种情况,英语自然是越好越有利. 再说学历,我们公司现在连实习生都要211的,所以你的学历的确非常不利,但是应该不是所有公司都这么苛刻,如果你英语和其他条件足够好,先从助理一类的职位申请看看. 最后说证书,我的感觉没有特别要求,别的公司的情况不清楚,抱歉给不了意见.

辽宁省18531594500: 英语三级证都没有该怎样学英语?
塞萍维平: 你直接就找外贸英语的书看看不就得了? 注重情景对话,你把该会的英语用熟练了就行.学英语如果只是为了考个证没什么用.你直接问过了六级的学生,有多少能和客户自由交流的? 说句抨击高等教育的话,找个不会中文的英美人与你聊一个月,能比你前20年学的都多.而且是你想做外贸,礼仪也很重要.一张嘴,让对方对你的看法就能有很大的不同. 对于想搞外贸的人来说,多看看商务会谈,写商务信件(EMAIL),听听商务讲座,学吃西餐,注重绅士礼仪.这些比多背几个单词重要得多.

辽宁省18531594500: 我在一个专科学商务英语,现在感觉在这里学不到什么东西,以后不好找工作,我该怎么办?求好心人指点 -
塞萍维平: 建议你个人先做一个梳理:1..目前苦恼的是学历?还是职业?——学历问题:就努力升本,职业问题:参考以下2..自己期望从事的工作是什么?——以英文为谋生手段的工作,还是其他技能为主的工作,但是需要到英文的.3..期望从事的工作有什么技能要求?怎么去学习这些技能?懂英语的人真不在少数,建议你找工作前,多去考一些别的技能方面的专业资格证,光懂英文,竞争力肯定是不够的~

辽宁省18531594500: 想去义务找外贸类的工作?了解的好心人给点建议吧 -
塞萍维平: 在义乌做外贸的门槛很低的,只要你口语交流没问题,没过4级也可以的.那边的老板重视能力,再说你要求不高,去那边找工作应该没问题的.我在那边待过几个月,还比较清楚的,想去就去吧

辽宁省18531594500: 请外贸高手帮忙翻译下...谢谢好心人... -
塞萍维平: 1.10天后可以交货 We can arrange delivery in 10 days.2.7个星期前已经开始生产了 We've been start producing 7 weeks ago 3.请给我报这个产品的价格 Please quote me this product4.如果你有什么问题,请让我知道 Any questions please ...

辽宁省18531594500: 商务英语和英语翻译在就业上的区别、学习的具体内容.希望有读过该专业的. -
塞萍维平: 亲爱的,你好,我是英专科班毕业的.现在做翻译.商务英语,专业上会涉及到国际贸易的学习、商务英语应英文写作等商务科目学习,从人力资源角度上看,这个专业出来的学生多少拥有商务领域的基础知识.在用人上看,外贸跟单、国外物...

辽宁省18531594500: ebay英语客服外贸跟单英语翻译 英语文员 外企行政 哪个好点,更容易实现4k月薪 谢谢好心人回 -
塞萍维平: 但用的英语比起翻译来少的多,那都是空职位,是需要你开发客户的,工资很低. 也可能有外贸业务和跟单不需要经验的,但是你没有. 所以看你的发展路线如果你不想放弃英语,那么翻译就不错. 外贸业务员和跟单需要有外贸和产品经验.可以从助理做起,不知道你能不能接受

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