英语国际音标( l ) 该怎样发音? 我怎么听起来像一声“尓” ! 求各位大侠指教!急!!!

作者&投稿:箕劳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


/p/and/b/ You pronounce the/p/and/b/ by stopping the airstream with your lips,building up pressure and suddenly releasing the air.

/k/and/g/ You produce /k/and/g/by blocking the breath-stream with the back of the tongue and soft palate,building up the the pressure,and suddenly releasing it.

/f/and/v/ are labio-dental sounds./f/ is voiceless and /v/ is voiced.They are fricative sounds that are produced by forcing the breathstream between your upper teeth and lower lip.

/θ/and/ð/ are interdental sounds.These fricatives are produced by squeezing the breathstream between your tongues and teeth./θ/is voiceless and /ð/ is voiced.

/s/and/z/ are alveolar sounds.These fricatives are produced by forcing air between the tongue and upper or lower front teeth./s/is voiceless and /z/ is voiced.

/h/is a voiceless glottal fricative.It is simply a stream of air from the larynx directed through the open mouth.

should and /3/are lingua-palata fricatives.They are produced in much the same way as the /s/ and /z/,except the tongue is farther back and the lips are rounded.
/tf/ and /d3/ are affricate sounds,produced by blocking off the breath-stream between the tongue and gum ridge,for a stop and a fricative.

/m/and//n/ are simple,straight-forward consonants:the /m/ occurs at the front of the mouth and is grouped with the labials,the /n/ is produced on the upper gum ridge and is alveolar.The place of articulation of /ŋ/ is the same as that of /k/and/g/.It is made with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate.

/w/ and /j/ are similar in several ways.First,they are closely ralated to a vowel sound:/j/ is similar to the vowel /i:/ and /w/ is very much like the vowel /u:/.Second,they are both voiced consonants.In pronunciation,for /j/ the lips are relaxed and the tongue is in the highn front space;for/w/the lips are rounded and the tongue is in the hing back space.Then there is a movement away from these positions to whatever sound follows.

/r/ is the other approximant besides /j/ and /w/ in English.The important thing about the articulation of /r/ ia that the tip of the tongue approaches the alveolar area in approximately the way it would for a /t/ or /d/,but never actually makes contact with any part of the roof of the mouth.During the pronunciation,the tongue is in fact usually slightly curled backwards with the tip raised.

/l/The fact that the /l/ phoneme is typically produced with potential air flow around one or both sides of the tongue makes it unique among English speech sounds.It is also highly variable in terms of its articulation.Several important variations exist.In pronunciation,you produce it by dropping the sides of the tongue and allowing air to escape around the sides.

/i:/and/i/ /i:/ is made by raising the body of the tongue from its rest position and shifting it forward.The /i/ sound is made by lowering the tongue slightly froom the high-front position for /i:/.Also,/i:/ is a much more tense sound than /i/.The fact that English has these two high front vowles,differentiated by muscle tension in the root of the tongue,sets it apart from Chinese and many languages of the world.

/e/ and /æ/ /e/ the tongue body is shifted forward in the mid-place./æ/ is produced by shifting the body of the tongue forward from its relaxed state,and lowering it from the position for /e/.It is the lowest of the front vowels.

/ə:/ and /ə/ are central vowels./ə:/ is made with the tongue around the middle of the mouth.It occurs only in stressed syllables./ə/ is also called a schwa.It is made similarly to /ə:/,but with less tension.

/u:/and /u/ are both high,back,rounded vowels.The /u:/ marks the highest boundary for the back vowels,as /i:/ does for the front vowels.Therefore,the tongue is retracted from its rest position and toward the soft palate.Along with/u:/,/u/ completes the vowels in the high back space on the vowels chart.Its corresponding front vowes is /i/.When making the sound,the tongue is retracted as for /u:/ but not elevated to the same extent.In addition,the/u/vowle is not made tith as much tension in the root of the tongue as /u:/.

/o:/is amid-back vowel.For its production,the tongue is retracted and almost flat in the mouth.The vowel is almost fully back and has quite strong lip-rounding./o/is a low vowel.The lips are slightly rounded.

/a:/ and /a/ The /a:/ is made by lowering and flattening the tongue in the oral cavity.It is a low vowel,but not as far back as other back vowels in English./a/ is quite different from other vowels in this group in that it is more like a central vowel than a back vowel./a/ is made with the tongue around the approximate middle of the mouth,but shifted slightly back.It is lower than the other central vowels /ə:/ and /ə/.The lip position is nertral.

/iə/,/eə/ and /uə/ are called centring diphthongs because they all glide towards /ə/,as the symbols indicate.The starting point for /iə/ is a little closer than /i/ in bit,bin./eə/ begins with the similar vowel sound as the /e/ of get,men./uə/ has a starting point slightly closer than /u/ in put,pull.

/ei/,/ai/ and /oi/ are three diphthongs that glide towards/i/./ei/ begins with the same vowel sound as the /e/ of get,men./ai/ begins with an open vowel which is betwwen front and back;it is quite similar to the /a/ in the words like cut,bun.The starting point of /oi/ is a little more open than /o:/ in ought,born.The closing diphthongs have the characteristic that they all end with a glide towards a closer vowel.Because the second part of the diphthong is weak,they often do ont reach a position that could be called close.The important thing is that a glide from a relatively more open towards a relatively more close vowel is prduced.

/əu/ and /au/ are the two diphthongs that end with a glide towards /u/.So as the tongue moves closer to the roof of the mouth there is at the same time a rounding movement of the lips.



(l)两种读法一中是在词尾中 类似于“诶额”但并不是它 ,可以参考网上。在词首或词中就会发生变化,这是中国人读的最不好的音,可能像(雷偶)的声音 最好自己买个录音带跟着读读,光看着是不行的 最好自己买个录音带跟着读读,光看着是不行的。铅笔 读pen(一声) sou(三声)。

I在前面读le 最后读“而(一声)”


榆树市13226999222: 英语关于l的音标 -
郭彬醋酸: l 是有两种发音. l 在元音之前作为辅音时,舌尖贴住上齿龈,舌身较平. 例如在 lamp [læmp](灯)这个词中. l 在辅音或其他元音之后作为半元音时,舌头稍卷,舌尖接近软腭,舌身较低. 例如在 people [ˈpi:pl](人民)这个词中.

榆树市13226999222: 音标[l]怎么念 -
郭彬醋酸: 【ʒ】这个音标的实际读音非常类似汉语“日”的发音.在法语中,发这个音的单词比比皆是,而英语中较少,可以举例:garage,conclusion,revision等等.

榆树市13226999222: 国际音标 l 的发音l 到底念“勒”还是念“依”.两个例子 let dull 这两个单词怎么念. -
郭彬醋酸:[答案] 这个音标有两个发音,一个是含糊音,一个是清晰音.无论是清晰的还是含糊的,既不是“勒”也不是“依”.正确位置是舌前部放在牙上后面,清晰音嘴唇稍微向两侧伸展,而含糊音嘴唇自然放松,发出来的音有点像汉语的"r”(日子的日).我有一...

榆树市13226999222: 英语含糊舌边音L怎么发音 -
郭彬醋酸: /l/是l的发音.舌端齿龈边辅音.发音时舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前向硬颚抬起,气流从舌的旁边送出.当此音为尾音时,将舌端抵住上齿龈,舌前下限,舌后上抬,舌面形成凹形.浊辅音、声带振动.李阳疯狂发音秘诀:1.含糊舌边音(...

榆树市13226999222: 英语音标当中的/l/怎么读? -
郭彬醋酸: 当l在元音前时,发汉语拼音l(了)的音; 在元音后面时,发all的ll的音

榆树市13226999222: 英语音标[l]的发音方法 -
郭彬醋酸: [l]的位置不一样 发音也不一样,当念like等时,l是发le的音,形象一点就是'了'的音,舌头一下子就放到上牙膛;而在发wall的时候,l是发[ol]的音,这时,舌头要有一个滑翔,从上牙内部牙龈处滑到上牙膛来发这个音.

榆树市13226999222: 美语中【l】发音问题 -
郭彬醋酸: 英语中舌侧音只有一个: [l] .这个音是我们中国人的一大难点.在英语中, [l] 的发音分为两种:清晰的 [l] ( clear l )和模糊的 [l] ( dark l ).清晰的 [l] 出现在元音之前,例如单词 let , light , lamp ,模糊的 [l] 出现在元音之后,一般在词的末尾或辅音之...

榆树市13226999222: n 和l 在国际音标中的读法n 和 l 在音标中好像有两种发音吧,不太清楚,到底怎么发音啊? -
郭彬醋酸:[答案] n 在元音前是发 呢 ,元音后是发 鼻音 恩. L 在元音前是发 了 ,元音后是发 恶和哦 的连读. 这个用中文不太好表示,

榆树市13226999222: 英语l的发音 -
郭彬醋酸: 那两个“凹”音其实就是舌头上顶后发出的.l的发音的确是舌头上顶,你之所以发成“凹”是,是因为舌头没有抬高,你自己试试看,说“凹”的时候,你的舌头在哪儿呢?英语的发音最忌讳的就是用中文同音字来代替.然后我想这样给你说,与其说是舌头上顶,不如说是舌头抬高轻点上门牙.上顶要费力,有碍发音.当你在计较你舌头位置的时候,你的下一个音就很别扭了.所以我建议是舌头轻点上门牙,而不是舌头上顶!发音这个东西多多联系,让你的嘴唇,舌头产生记忆,慢慢来就会好了!希望对你有帮助!

榆树市13226999222: 国际音标中的l是不是有两种发音? -
郭彬醋酸:[答案] 国际音标的原则是一个符号代表一个音素,所以,国际音标中的/l/只有一种发音.楼上所举的例子中的like和ball里面的l是字母,不是国际音标中的符号/l/.对于字母和国际音标符号要注意区别对待.

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