
作者&投稿:白鸦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
乘坐电梯安全须知,请各位牛人帮忙翻译下英文,不要软件那种,不准的。谢谢啦 乘坐电梯安全须知 一、 严禁~

Do not overload operation, ultra-high, ultra-wide delivery of objects;
non-impact, kicking, pry the elevator door parts button device, non-playing in the elevator car or slapstick; elevator safety instructions
and correct using the elevator buttons, orderly, and out of the elevator car, prohibited objects or body to stop the elevator closed;
the elderly, pregnant women with reduced mobility should be accompanied by their guardians and incapacitated people riding;
encountered fire non-use of elevators when an earthquake or other disaster;
trapped elevator failure or power outage, please remain calm, the use of the the elevator emergency alarm device or other communication tools and elevator use management unit or maintenance unit can also call 110 for help, patience wait for the professionals to the rescue, Do not attempt to forcibly opens the elevator door and fled.
Use management:
Responsibility: Tel:
Maintenance Phone:
Responsibility: Tel:

report complaints Tel:

1.No smoking, stomping and horsing around in the elevator
2.Flammalbe, explosive and other dangerous cargoes are not admitted
3.No vandalizing
4.The capacity of this elevator is 13 persons(1000kg),never run it when the overload alarm is on.
5.When trapped, don't panic, push the "phone" button on the panel, or call 6037999 for help, never try to break open the door,because the elevator might start anytime, causing severe accidents.
6.Never ride this elevator in cases of earthquake,fire or flood

* be careful of safty signs
* before use it,you should examine if there is the licence mark of technical qualification issued by authorized supervision unit in it,the mark represents the elevator (lift)can perform safely,
* it is too dangerous to be overloaded for elevator,
if the overload alarm rings,you must wait for the next turn。
* do not stop(check)the closing door (of elevator),
when door is closing nearly to the end,must not check it and force in to it,never straddle over the door guideline,it may cause severe accident,
* do press any emergency button casually
the emergency button is only for emergency accident,
when elevator is in good work order,pressing emergency button may cause unnecessary trouble,
* during the door operation,the elevator keeps moving is very dangerous,
when using elevator,if the operation is not completed,the elevator starts moving,this means the elevator is malfunctional,passengers should get off as soon as possible,and report to the designated repairman,
* do not use the elevator which is under repair,
if there is sign“under repair”,passengers should not use it,repairmen should put on the sign when they are working on it,
* never use elevator when there is fire in the building for escape,
elevator operator and passengers should stop the elevator on the fireless floor,passengers should use emergency stairway for escape instead of elevator,
* keep calmness when emergency happening,
if trapped in elevator,keep calmness,manage to inform the repairmen for rescue,do not touch buttons casually,waiting patiently is only choice,
*have a look round before entering,
when elevator is stopped thoroughly,passengers should examine if the elevator floor and building floor are on same level,if not,it means the elevator has something wrong,for passenger's safty ,inform the repairmen at the first time,

请扶好站稳请带好小孩请勿在扶梯上嬉戏请站在黄线内禁止攀爬禁止逆行、搬运老人、儿童需在他人陪护下乘坐电梯。 Seniors and children must be

Sign of Safety Precaution.

Elevator Passengers

◆ safety signs
Take the elevator, the elevator first to see if there is quality and technology supervision department issued a safety inspection signs, safety signs to the elevator with security.
◆ very dangerous elevator overload
Elevator can not overload, alarm, you wait for the next trip now!
◆ Do not braved the elevator doors
When the elevator doors closed quickly, do not force rushed into the elevator, block elevator doors, including one foot one foot should not stay out, it might hurt.
◆ Do not press the emergency button
Emergency button is set to meet the accident, rather than pressing the normal operation of the elevator, or give you unnecessary trouble.
◆ the elevator car is very dangerous to open the door to go
Take the elevator, if not the elevator door on the run, indicating that the elevator malfunction, passengers do not ride at the same time to maintain the staff report.
◆ Do the elevator maintenance
Came to the elevator, first to see if the passengers hanging "stop elevator maintenance" signs, if the elevator maintenance, should be hung this sign, the passengers do not ride.
◆ In case of fire do not use the elevator to escape
Driver or passenger elevator in the event of fire should be stopped at the spread of fire or smoke is not the floor, lift ban on the use of passengers to escape, and escape from the stairs.
◆ accident when you do not panic
Elevator operation fails, the passengers do not panic, you should try to notify maintenance personnel rescue, not to abuse disorder by, waiting for is to protect the safety of the wise choice.
◆ out of the elevator to observe
Elevator completely stopped, the passengers out of the elevator should be to observe whether the elevator car floor and the floor level, if uneven, indicating faulty elevators, shall promptly notify the maintenance, to ensure passenger safety.

1、负责翻译、中英文打印,各类文件的复印及收发。各种文件、资料、材料的存档,文具用品的分发。 2、对楼宇全部图纸、资料分类保管、编排目录、日常借阅和确保完整无损,每年核对补缺。 3、负责采购单的报批、跟踪、存档及现金报销、支票申请。 4、负责工程部布告栏的定期公布、更换,确保所有信息及时转达到员工。 5、...

商务中心须配备的主要设备及用品有中英文处理机、打印机、传真机、打字机 、电脑、装订机、塑封机、口述录音机、电视、电话、影视设备、投影仪及屏幕、摄像机以及其他的办公用品等。商务中心设备的配备可根据服务项目的增设而添置。 商务中心设备的正常使用和保养,是提供良好服务的保证。商务中心人员在使用过程中应严格...





库车县19117013618: 英语翻译需要翻译成英文,要绝对正确乘客须知1、请勿在电梯内吸烟,打闹,跳动2、电梯禁止运载易燃,易爆等危险物品3、请爱护电梯内设施4、电梯限... -
表哀健骨:[答案] 1.No smoking,stomping and horsing around in the elevator2.Flammalbe,explosive and other dangerous cargoes are not admitted3.No vandalizing4.The capacity of this elevator is 13 persons(1000kg),never ru...

库车县19117013618: 乘坐电梯须知 - --英文翻译 -
表哀健骨: 1.No smoking, stomping and horsing around in the elevator 2.Flammalbe, explosive and other dangerous cargoes are not admitted 3.No vandalizing 4.The capacity of this elevator is 13 persons(1000kg),never run it when the overload alarm is on. ...

库车县19117013618: 乘梯须知——英文版??? -
表哀健骨: 你好!这是我用Google翻译的不知道是否绝对这确1, note whether the car with a "qualified Elevator Safety Inspection" sign, without a check or exceed the testing period shall not use the elevator.2, take the ladder should be of mutual comity ...

库车县19117013618: 翻译——安全须知(英文) -
表哀健骨: 2 one before running for safety guidelines Check the equipment status and good condition, check the pipeline pressure gauge, button in the course of transportation is damaged, when one found fault and hydraulic system appears unusual noise, cut...

库车县19117013618: 求电梯安全使用说明 的英文翻译,不要软件翻译的~ -
表哀健骨: For the safety of you and other passengers using the elevator, please observe the following items:1, fire, earthquake occurs, take the elevator is strictly prohibited.2, use the elevator to be civilized operation, is strictly prohibited to use a hard object...

库车县19117013618: 入住须知英文翻译 -
表哀健骨: In mind

库车县19117013618: 请帮忙翻译英文内容如下:儿童乘坐电梯须有成人带领,如因个人原因发生意外或损伤,本店概不负责,谢谢配 -
表哀健骨: Children should always be accompanied by an adult when using the elevator. We are not responsible for any accident or injury suffered due to personal reasons. Thank you for your cooperation.

库车县19117013618: 请高手翻译电梯提示:请扶好站稳 -
表哀健骨: Please keep hold and stable Please take care of your kids No playing allowed on the escalator Please stand behind the yellow line No Climbing No reversal allowed for cargo No Shopping carter down the escalator Barefoot prohibited on the ...

库车县19117013618: 帮忙翻译成中文:1 soulever lift.2 basculer tilt out.3 ouvrir pour auxiliaires open for auxiliaries -
表哀健骨: 这三个短语前面是法语,后面是英文,意思分别是:1. 提起(向上提)2. 倾斜(向外倒)3. 打开辅助设备(打开辅助开关) 其中1和2是德力西漏开的安装指示说明,3是辅助开关,非必要请不要打开.

库车县19117013618: 英文在线翻译 -
表哀健骨: Please keep an eye on your belongings. Please press 9 in case of any elevator emergency.

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