John and I ____ in the park. 填be动词

作者&投稿:俎饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
john and i ( ) student 中间填be动词~

john and i are student
少个谓语,由于主语时john 和i 2个人所以要用复数~



有and ,both,,,and连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,如果表示的人或物是不同的,或表示其他不同 的观念时,谓语动词用复数。如果表示的是同一人或物,同一观念时,谓语动词用单数形式。

1,reading and writing are very important.

2,the professor and writer is to come to the meeting.

3,bread and butter is nutritious.



柳城县17757242949: john and i ( ) student 中间填be动词 -
翠要瓜霜: john and i are student 少个谓语,由于主语时john 和i 2个人所以要用复数~

柳城县17757242949: 用人称代词代替所给单词或词组:(1)John and I (2)Jim and you -
翠要瓜霜: 1)John and I - we(2)Jim and you - you祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

柳城县17757242949: 用人称代词代替所给单词或词组:(1)John and I (2)Jim and you -
翠要瓜霜:[答案] 1)John and I - we (2)Jim and you - you 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

柳城县17757242949: John and I - -- - in the park. 填be动词 -
翠要瓜霜: are

柳城县17757242949: john and i have been best feiend.... -
翠要瓜霜: 这是病句.1. John and I 是两个人,俩人互为朋友应该是 friends,而不是 friend2. 如果仅仅说是最好的朋友,直接用 John and I are best feiends 就可以,不必用画蛇添足的完成时态.3. 如果要强调从过去到现在一直都是最好的朋友,那么应该添加持续性的时间状语,例如:John and I have been best feiends for many years.John and I have been best feiends since we were children.

柳城县17757242949: John and I are old friends.为什么be动词是用are,二不是is或am呢? -
翠要瓜霜: 因为John and I 是2个人而不是一件事所以用复数

柳城县17757242949: John likes swimming and I like swimming,too.(改为同义句) -
翠要瓜霜: John and I__both___ __like___swimming.两个人都喜欢游泳~ 用both 希望可以帮到你~

柳城县17757242949: 用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空.Her sister is helping ____ - (we).1.Her sister is helping _______(we).2.John and I are in the same school._____(we)go to ... -
翠要瓜霜:[答案] 你好~ 1、us 2、We 3、her you 4、you 5、I them 6、I him 7、them 8、her 9、them 10、I him 有不懂请追问~谢谢!望采纳~ ——丶寒冰烈

柳城县17757242949: John likes swimming and I like swimming,too.(改为同义句)John and I_____ ____ - swimming. -
翠要瓜霜:[答案] John and I__both___ __like___swimming. 两个人都喜欢游泳~ 用both

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