
作者&投稿:原冉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)











出色的音乐,悠扬的旋律为本片唯美忧伤的氛围,又添上了精彩的一笔。故事结束最后的歌曲是由日本著名民谣歌手山崎将义谱曲作词并演唱的《One more time,One more chance》再也无法抑制内心的忧伤。再一次再有一次机会就好,只要再让我拥抱你一次……能一起去看你家门前那美丽的樱花树,我一定一定再也不会和你分离。故事结束在东京拥挤的人群中,人海茫茫,身处同一个城市的原野和明里再无相见的可能,依然爱着原野的澄田在一天天的思恋中逐渐失去了继续爱下去的勇气。没有结果的结束,是大部分初恋最终的去向。还好的是,我们还有继续怀念的权力。还好,我们可以看到如《秒速五厘米》这般温暖却忧伤的故事,好让我们的过去得以重现。




"Oh, I heard it was five centimeters in a second."." "Huh? What?" "the cherry blossoms fall."."

  "I hear that It has a speed of 5 cm per second."
  "Cherry blossom falls at a speet of 5 cm per second."
  Standing at a crossing under the sun,Takaki Tōno stared at the high-speed train before him.It seemed that he had seen a shadowy figure of Akari Shinohara through the train window that flashes, who stood right in front with a pink umbrella.The cherry blossoms were flying indistinctly and slowly, just like the dessert after drinking tea, which tastes sweet in the bitter.
  That year, Takak was ten.
  Her lips are warm and soft which nearly melt his heart. Original surprise and subsequent hesitation are succeeded by a feeling of comforting peace. Just like fingers ran gently over the petals, warmth full of my heart. Neither The sound of snow falling from trees nor the whisper of the wind pass by makes the boy open his eyes. It’s the very place where his heart, spirit and all other deepest sentiment live. He believes that even if the long awful time and space, nothing could separate him from this place.
  That year, Takak was thirteen.
  The fury of the roar, the towering clouds of water vapor column, even the thunder fires used by gods to tear the canopy could be inferior. Takak keeps looking up at the sky, fascinated, paying no attention to the soreness of his neck and the girl by him who nearly dropped a tear. Oh ,that is a distant journey which has to be told in light years, a lonely journey that will never meet a hydrogen atom. Long enough just like thousands if nights when I’m alone, the Deer Island is as bright as the sky of city with colorful lights while glow-worm light r of phone screen in contrast. Messages without a receiver have not been seen or been heard of, like the sick letter which missed in the cold wind at the year of 13 and words that haven’t been told to the girl who is about to go in a leaving train.
  That year, Takak was 17.
  Standing at a crossing under the sun, Takaki Tōno stared at the high-speed train before him.It seemed that he had seen a shadowy figure of Akari Shinohara through the train window that flashes, who stood right in front with a pink umbrella.The cherry blossoms were flying indistinctly and slowly, just like the dessert after drinking tea, which tastes sweet in the bitter. All of this, with how is similar what happened at the year of 13. Not until the airflow lifted up by train disappears, he found nobody in the other side of the crossroad.
  That year, Takak was 27.
  That’s the story Xin Haicheng shared with us in A chain stories about distance, which tells the growth of a boy, much like our own memories hidden inside. As Xin said in the interview, we try our best to play the common life and less dramaticism. It also shows the different emotions of the earth ,and the beauty of the world. We record the real scenes with cartridges so as to make it look more realistic. Each of us once was Takak,or Akari more or less. Part of our experience become lively to be Takak and Akari on the screen.
  The film has a subtitle A chain stories about distanc. Our life inevitably faces distance of time and space and the following distance of emotion. Ruthless time and space will
  consistently reduce our efforts or possibility on strive to break the distance and when we get used to the distance, we are part of it. After finishing watching the film for the first time, I map the sad feelings into a coincidence,such as Takak ‘s letter taken by the wind,or the untimely train at the end. And combined with the subtitles, we can find that they are all metaphorical carrier for"distance" by Xin. Both the emotion which can only be held by thin writing paper,and meeting that cut off by passing train are paper ships drifting in the long river of time. They can temporarily floating on the surface of the water, toward the distant sea, but eventually will be dispersed in the chaos of the water.
  We know the fact well, but could do nothing. We want to fight against only find all these efforts are in vain just like Florida’s endless slavery. Thouth we cannot escape from the passage of time, we can remember something. We want to tell people that they arehere, and shouting in the fact that I do here. This is the reason why the film moves us. In front of the problems that cannot be resolved, we have to make such a fantasy to keep living.
  Maybe living with a speed of five cm per second, I will meet you again.

" It is five centimeters per second?"" Eh? What." Cherry blossoms falling speed, five centimeters per second"Tono your tree standing in the sunshine, crossing, stared at present rapid passing trains, seems to think through flash window, see the opposite with small pink umbrella Shinohara clearly looming shadow. The air blowing petals partly hidden and partly visible, like drinking tea after eating dessert, the poor with little sweetness under.That year, the expensive tree ten.The melt is bright soft lips. At first startled at first, then hesitated and finally comforting Enron, like brushing petals gentle fingers, flow in the heart. The blocks of snow falling sound, wind blowing snow voice, do not let the boy opened his eyes. Here is the heart, soul, and all things to deep place, he believed, even long thick to terrible time, nor will he and the local barrier.That year, the expensive tree thirteen.Furious roar, the towering cloud of vapor plume, even the gods open sky thunder fire is also inferior. Your tree absently looking up at the sky, regardless of the neck from soreness, as well as the side that almost cry girl. Oh, that distant to the need to use light counting journey, the lonely to touch a hydrogen atom as a long journey, be on one's own night: Kagoshima City lights shine like the night sky, and compared with the like glimmering fireflies of the mobile phone screen. The recipient of the message is not no one had ever seen, no one hear, just like at the age of 13, the letter disappear in the wind in the thick letter, and will start the train, in the face of their leave face can't say.That year, the expensive tree seventeen.Tono your tree standing in the sunshine, crossing, stared at present rapid passing trains, seems to think through flash window, see the opposite with small pink umbrella Shinohara clearly looming shadow. The air blowing petals partly hidden and partly visible, like drinking tea after eating dessert, the poor with little sweetness under. All of this with thirteen years old that year too similar, are similar, until the train comes up the stream, he saw the other side of the tracks empty crossing.That year, the expensive tree twenty-seven.This is the cat in" five centimeters per second" and we share the story: it is a juvenile slightly sentimental story, also like our inside memories, as he said in interview that:" we just try to hold the field framing, real expression of life. Despite the small waves and dramatic scenes, but also works in full of all kinds of taste and the beauty of life. Footage of the real scene, to make the film look like daily life as close to reality." We are all Ceng Shigui tree, was clearly, more or less. Part of our inner being one of the film frame by frame personality, became a screen on your tree and bright.Movie English subtitle is A chain stories about distance. Our life is inevitably faced with temporal or spatial distance, and subsequent alienation. Unforgiving time and space will continue to dispel we resolve this alienation efforts and possibility, until we have gradually be accustomed to, be a part of this alienation. First read the" second rate", I put this film brings sentimental feelings attributed to" life is a coincidence," such as the expensive tree the wind letter, such as at the end of the train car be inopportune or inappropriate. And combined with the subtitle, these are used as a metaphor of "distance" cat carrier: whether can only rely on thin paper bearing the emotion, or through the train can obstruct meet, is drifting in the turbulent time boats, they can temporarily floating in the water, but moved toward the distant sea, the final will be dissipated in the chaos of the river.We are well aware of this fact, but not change, want to fight against all these efforts are futile, as Sisyphus endless drudgery. However, we cannot escape from the passage of time, we can remember. We want to tell people they did here, want to shout out I do here in fact. This is the" five centimeters per second" can be so moved our reason. In the face of this implacable life predicament, we must have such a fantastic consolation can continue to live.Perhaps to five centimeters per second life, and will be able to meet you again。

It is five centimeters per second?"
Eh? What.
Cherry blossoms falling speed, five centimeters per second"
远野贵树Standing in the sunshine, crossing, stared at present rapid passing trains, seems to think through flash window, see the opposite with small pink umbrella Shinohara clearly looming shadow. The air blowing petals partly hidden and partly visible, like drinking tea after eating dessert, the poor with little sweetness under.
That year, 贵树 was ten.
Furious roar, the towering cloud of vapor plume, even the gods open sky thunder fire is also inferior. Your tree absently looking up at the sky, regardless of the neck from soreness, as well as the side that almost cry girl. Oh, that distant to the need to use light counting journey, the lonely to touch a hydrogen atom as a long journey, be on one's own night: Kagoshima City lights shine like the night sky, and compared with the like glimmering fireflies of the mobile phone screen. The recipient of the message is not no one had ever seen, no one hear, just like at the age of 13, the letter disappear in the wind in the thick letter, and will start the train, in the face of their leave face can't say.
that year,贵树 was17
远野贵树Standing in the sunshine, crossing, stared at present rapid passing trains, seems to think through flash window, see the opposite with small pink umbrella Shinohara clearly looming shadow. The air blowing petals partly hidden and partly visible, like drinking tea after eating dessert, the poor with little sweetness under. All of this with thirteen years old that year too similar, are similar, until the train comes up the stream, he saw the other side of the tracks empty crossing.
that year ,贵树 was 27
This is the cat in" five centimeters per second" and we share the story: it is a juvenile slightly sentimental story, also like our inside memories, as he said in interview that:" we just try to hold the field framing, real expression of life. Despite the small waves and dramatic scenes, but also works in full of all kinds of taste and the beauty of life. Footage of the real scene, to make the film look like daily life as close to reality." We are all Ceng Shigui tree, was clearly, more or less. Part of our inner being one of the film frame by frame personality, became a screen on your tree and bright.
Movie English subtitle is A chain stories about distance. Our life is inevitably faced with temporal or spatial distance, and subsequent alienation. Unforgiving time and space will continue to dispel we resolve this alienation efforts and possibility, until we have gradually be accustomed to, be a part of this alienation. First read the" second rate", I put this film brings sentimental feelings attributed to" life is a coincidence," such as the expensive tree the wind letter, such as at the end of the train car be inopportune or inappropriate. And combined with the subtitle, these are used as a metaphor of "distance" cat carrier: whether can only rely on thin paper bearing the emotion, or through the train can obstruct meet, is drifting in the turbulent time boats, they can temporarily floating in the water, but moved toward the distant sea, the final will be dissipated in the chaos of the river.
We are well aware of this fact, but not change, want to fight against all these efforts are futile, as Sisyphus endless drudgery. However, we cannot escape from the passage of time, we can remember. We want to tell people they did here, want to shout out I do here in fact. This is the" five centimeters per second" can be so moved our reason. In the face of this implacable life predicament, we must have such a fantastic consolation can continue to live.
Perhaps to five centimeters per second life, and will be able to meet you again.

Some of the pandas are eating bamboo on the tree, some are swimming in the river and some are rooling on the ground. They are so lovely!

跪求《七秒的记忆》翻译成英文 最准确的答案.
如果我只有七秒的记忆 If my memory lasts for only seven seconds 请告诉我你当时的姓名 Please tell me your name at that moment 当我老去的时候就不会忘记 So when I grow old I still will not forget 那个将我捧在手心的你 You who hold me dear to your heart giving me your best ...

Should eat should drinks, encounters a difficulty do not put toward the heart in, soaks the bath to look the table comfortable second is a second

审计组组员、主管 Su-In Kim 82-2-3781-9093 sinkim@samil.com 本信件中可能包含机要资料,仅供预定收信人阅读使用,禁止其他个人或主体散布、传播及其他任何形式的对本邮件信息的利用行为。如因疏漏,您收到这封邮件,请将其从您的电脑中删除。邮件中的观点、意见仅代表邮件作者本人,不代表PwC....

the race wth 12.91 seconds.It gave the world a big surprise.Liu is looking forward to a new record in 2008.翻译:刘翔在2004年的雅典奥运会上拿到了男子110米跨栏金牌.他用12.91秒的速度结束(并赢得)了比赛.这给予世界一个很大的惊喜.刘期待在2008年的奥运会上创一个全新的记录....


不是的 counting time accurate to the second

I mistook 15 seconds as 15 minutes.

回答:在我想你的24小时1440分钟86400秒里会不会有一秒你也在想我 【During the 24 hours ,1440 minutes, 86400 seconds when I think of you,is there even a second that you are also thinking of me】

September 9 o 'clock on Sunday 25 points of 20 seconds 欢迎采纳!!!

古交市19177884382: 求英文翻译以下《秒五》的片段,谢谢大神! “呐,听说是秒速五厘米呢.” “嗯?什么?” “樱花飘 -
蔚海依力: "Oh, I heard it was five centimeters in a second."." "Huh? What?" "the cherry blossoms fall."."

古交市19177884382: 跪求秒速五厘米的英文版介绍.字数在100字左右就好,不会很复杂.用简单的句子简单的单词翻译就好! -
蔚海依力: Told in three interconnected segments, we follow a young man named Takaki through his life as cruel winters, cold technology, and finally, adult obligations and responsibility converge to test the delicate petals of love. 这段文字属英文版上的介绍.应该是最权威的.

古交市19177884382: 秒速五厘米英文简介 -
蔚海依力: Shinkai Makoto is a real visionary. His ability to construct such rich and detailed artistic presentations is phenomenal. Anime has several directors that are talented and evidently passionate about constructing a stimulating visual effort pulsating with ...

古交市19177884382: 请翻译以下有关秒速五厘米的英文 -
蔚海依力: Although tohno expensive tree height to want to target, but does not understand this is what urges.虽然tohno贵树高想要的目标,但不理解这就是冲动.To become adult through their own answer, described the heart of stray title for -- 成为成人通过...

古交市19177884382: 求翻译 《秒速五厘米的》 -
蔚海依力: What kind of speed I should use to life, to meet with youI know that, after that we can't stay together, block in front of us is great Pang life, the barrier is an expanse of time among us, makes us incapable of action.If the cherry blossoms fall, speed is5 ...

古交市19177884382: 秒速五厘米,言叶之庭,你的名字经典句子 要英文版英文版英文版谢谢 -
蔚海依力: The speed of Sakura falls is five centimeters per second. How much speed should I use to meet you?-five centimeters perRaindrop falls at a speed of ten meters per second. How much speed should I use to save you?-The court of Yan ...

古交市19177884382: 英语翻译是关于秒速5厘米的.这是我要说的,麻烦尽量口语化,不需要精确翻译,大致意思到就行了,不需要写得很美,通顺就行了,要翻译的是:接下来我... -
蔚海依力:[答案] Next let's talk about the explaination of 5cm per second: 5cm per second is not a high speed,or we can even say it's a very low speed. But if we keep this speed for 13 years,the distance it passes is equal to the distance to half of rounding the earth,which ...

古交市19177884382: 麻烦会日文的大大帮翻译下《秒速5厘米》的几个场景的文字啊!
蔚海依力: 第一幅图只能看到开始的两个字 “远い”是“遥远的” 和第二行的“约束の”是“约定的” 第二幅图的字是在太小了...看不到 = = 第三幅图前面的太模糊了,清楚的只能看到最后一行.“あなたはきっと大丈夫”意思是 “你肯定没关系的”

古交市19177884382: 秒速5厘米结局是好还是坏 -
蔚海依力: 新海诚给了我们一个童话的开头,却给了我们一个青春故事的结尾. 新海诚的片子里,始终离不开“距离”这个主题.而秒速也是一样.如果说《星之声》是长度的距离,《云之彼端,约定之地》是一个世界和另一个世界的距离.那么《秒速五...

古交市19177884382: 求哪位大虾帮忙翻译下这篇文章!!! -
蔚海依力: Film opening 30 minutes, no attraction for me, as the only al pacino commander of the blind, thought the acting was a film star by acting and success, however, the ne...

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