
作者&投稿:锁沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Four seasons, literary attainment. Our journey, though, we hard thorns, stormy, also want to challenge - such as helpful as resolute. Black and blue, pieces, because we understand life at least challenge is spent, at least we know only challenge to success in life. Composition
If the time flow, like the sunshine, under trees, we grow slowly and gradually mature. In the past years like a river, and the floods, open the gates to me, so that the first challenge scene again clearly emerge in front of me, like it happened yesterday
It is just the fifth grade, I mind "ambition" can't wait to get a good result, so I try to change their learning methods, listening for each class will be clearly. However, the examination is always not satisfied, the first test scores, but my grades go down. "No doubt, it is not my work!" I think so, and I was not more effort, to work overtime everyday to make up missed lesson, also always works night, with the last rays of sunshine company, and the first rays of the morning, class is waving monkish sorts, only the "heart" learning for learning exam, even only for a time. This way of life, I can run down, but I always believed that there would be a return, paid work a harvest, I'll win the final victory. God always seemed to be against me, and the second test, I still failed. Instant, days, ash, Flowers, thanks, Tea, cold, Heart, cold! Just like a broken wing plane is helpful, could not fly. When he saw the first YouYouRan expression, relaxed, I -- vacant. There are innumerable mark in heart spun: why, why?
Oh, I understand, I want a more than others, but neglect to surpass others to surmount oneself, challenge yourself. Brake, days, fine, Flowers, colourful, The rain stopped, People,! Once again I thought up ahead of the dawn, the victory finally move in the exam, I finally made outstanding achievements.
At that moment, I experienced the bitterness of challenge and pleasant sensation, never lose through difficulties finally saw the sun.
Like light the lamp of snowy day, challenge the deepest heart bloom in the eyes, in anticipation, naturally flush out sincere, confidence and fortitude. But at the moment, the challenge successfully boundless snowflakes into pieces, moist heart at, DiaoKu trees on the green dots, expect the spring.
Facing the challenge, resolute, strong.
The challenge, smiling, will every minute and second, ooze sweat and expectations,
The challenge, like to break the young eagle soar, blue sky!

Students will shout "hero" move to the classroom, I want to say congratulations, just discover throat has no noise.


噢,我明白了,我只想着超越别人,却忽视了要想超越别人却要先超越自己,挑战自己。刹时,天,晴了;花,艳了;雨,停了;人,乐了!我再一次爬了起来,想着胜利的曙光前进 前进 ~终于,我终于在考试中取得了骄人的成绩。

Leaves fall life We've been looking for. The beautiful scenery along the way. No longer waiting, flip, it is a new day. - signature The classroom air is very dirty.

With the fierce competition in our society, we will face more and more challenges.for example,we must get up early in the morning and study hard in response to the pressure of competition . As for me, I have my own ways to deal with challenge, I'm always trying to challenge myself and conquer myself. Only by means of this can I achieve my ambitious goal .I think we must get ready for challenge at any time, because it comes all of a sudden.what's more, we should be courageous enough to face up to it. No pains, no gains. Only through hard work can we achieve success.





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