麻烦帮写一篇大学英语作文Earning a Degree by Working or by Family Support 急急急!!!

作者&投稿:苗阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Over the past decade, whenever the end of large and medium cities in China, a surge of heat will be rushing toward us. Christmas, the Chinese people have a strange only in the movies to see the festival, the Chinese people's attention to a high degree of one. A certain extent, with the improvement of living standards, coupled with restrictions on firecrackers, as well as an increase in vacation travel, Christmas is almost with China's most traditional festivals - Spring Festival - on an equal footing of.

Speaking of Christmas, now 20-year-old young people are very familiar to the state on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, carnival night, know that Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, aware of Santa Claus, should get to know trees, hung a beautiful The lantern, gift bags, know Nazhi socks. In the last week of each year, many young people gather in small groups together to the hotel, bars and even churches to participate in Christmas celebrations, and even a lot of young parents with young children are also involved in the meantime, to experience exotic culture, brought about by the different the concept of pleasure.

Christmas in China as early as this concept, due to the nineteenth century, missionaries bring Christianity to China. In the next hundred years, due to the spread of Christianity in China is not widespread, making the celebration of Christmas did not form a climate in China. Over the last decade, the first foreign Christians working in China increased, in order to allow them the opportunity to spend this festival venue that prompted the Christmas activities gradually increased, and then, more Chinese Christians and non-Christians have also joined in .

For the businessman, the holiday economy is the largest gold growth in recent years, both 51, 11, or Spring Festival, merchants and service industries have become the focus of making profits. And when these traditional holiday cake is divided up, businesses would target similar to Christmas this emerging, and has not been completely divided the interests of growth. As a result, the concept of Christmas as a new object of speculation.

Take Christmas, mainly involved in the crowd, these young people may be a little interested in Christianity, perhaps followed by blending, they may not know what people that Jesus is his father and mother is what kind of people, whether he is born in December 25. They had no interest, interested only be able to blending blending, music, and the and the. To put it plainly, Christmas is a business for profit, but to unscrupulous media speculation as a means to ignorant youth as the main body in order to create a disturbance of mind, crowded the participation of a farce.


Over the past decade, whenever the end of large and medium cities in China, a surge of heat will be rushing toward us.在过去十年里,每当大中城市在中国,一热浪涌年底将急于向我们走来。 Christmas, the Chinese people have a strange only in the movies to see the festival, the Chinese people's attention to a high degree of one.圣诞节,我国人民只有在电影中看到一个奇怪的节日,中国人民关注的一个高度。 A certain extent, with the improvement of living standards, coupled with restrictions on firecrackers, as well as an increase in vacation travel, Christmas is almost with China's most traditional festivals - Spring Festival - on an equal footing of.在一定程度上随着人民生活水平的提高与鞭炮的限制,加上,以及在度假旅游的增加,圣诞节与中国最传统节日 - 春节 - 几乎在平等基础上的。

Speaking of Christmas, now 20-year-old young people are very familiar to the state on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, carnival night, know that Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, aware of Santa Claus, should get to know trees, hung a beautiful The lantern, gift bags, know Nazhi socks.谈到圣诞节,现在20岁的年轻人都非常熟悉的圣诞节前夕,圣诞夜,狂欢夜,给国家知道圣诞纪念耶稣的诞生圣诞老人知道,应该了解树木,挂着美丽的彩灯,礼品袋,知道Nazhi袜子。 In the last week of each year, many young people gather in small groups together to the hotel, bars and even churches to participate in Christmas celebrations, and even a lot of young parents with young children are also involved in the meantime, to experience exotic culture, brought about by the different the concept of pleasure.在每年的最后一周,许多年轻人聚集在小团体一起到酒店,酒吧甚至教堂参加圣诞庆祝活动,甚至有年幼子女的年轻父母很多也同时参与,亲身体验异国情调文化,所带来的乐趣不同的概念。

Christmas in China as early as this concept, due to the nineteenth century, missionaries bring Christianity to China.在中国,早在圣诞节这一概念,由于19世纪,传教士把基督教中国。 In the next hundred years, due to the spread of Christianity in China is not widespread, making the celebration of Christmas did not form a climate in China.在未来一百年,由于基督教在中国的传播并不广泛,使得圣诞庆祝活动并没有在中国形成气候。 Over the last decade, the first foreign Christians working in China increased, in order to allow them the opportunity to spend this festival venue that prompted the Christmas activities gradually increased, and then, more Chinese Christians and non-Christians have also joined in .在过去十年中,第一个在中国工作的外国基督教徒增多,为了让他们有机会利用这节场馆,促使圣诞节活动逐渐增多,然后,更多的中国基督教徒和非基督教徒也加入英寸

For the businessman, the holiday economy is the largest gold growth in recent years, both 51, 11, or Spring Festival, merchants and service industries have become the focus of making profits.对于商人,假日经济是近年来最大的黄金增长,同时51,11,或春节,商家和服务行业已成为盈利重点。 And when these traditional holiday cake is divided up, businesses would target similar to Christmas this emerging, and has not been completely divided the interests of growth.而当这些传统节日蛋糕被划分,企业将针对类似的圣诞这种新兴的,并没有完全分化,成长的利益。 As a result, the concept of Christmas as a new object of speculation.因此,作为一个新的投机对象的概念的圣诞节。

Take Christmas, mainly involved in the crowd, these young people may be a little interested in Christianity, perhaps followed by blending, they may not know what people that Jesus is his father and mother is what kind of people, whether he is born in December 25.以圣诞节,主要涉及在人群中,这些年轻人可能比较感兴趣的基督教,其次是混合也许,他们可能不知道的人,耶稣是他的父亲和母亲是什么样的人,他是否在12月出生25。 They had no interest, interested only be able to blending blending, music, and the and the.他们没有兴趣,感兴趣的只是能够混合调配,音乐,和和。 To put it plainly, Christmas is a business for profit, but to unscrupulous media speculation as a means to ignorant youth as the main body in order to create a disturbance of mind, crowded the participation of a farce.简单地说,圣诞节是一个盈利的业务,而是肆无忌惮的媒体作为主体懵懂少年意味着投机,以创造一种思想干扰,挤了一出闹剧的参与。

According to the statistics, only 58% of college graduates could find jobs in their specialties. Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?
One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy. Degree courses offered in these institutions of higher learning are so outdated, irrelevant and impractical that the students themselves find it hard to translate their book knowledge into real job skills. Second, there is an oversupply of graduates in certain specialties.
So many of them can not enter the professions for which they are trained. College graduates are valuable resources in our country. The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention.

Earning a Degree by Working or by Family Support
Some students in the United States work while they are doing their degrees; others receive support from their families. Both methods have advantages. I will argue in favor of family support.
In a society where independence and individual success are valued, a student who earns his degree by working is gready admired. Friends will praise him for his initiative. Future employers will be impressed by his work record.
However, in a society where cooperation and family dependence are valued, a student who receives support is fully understood. Friends will praise him for his efforts on behalf of his family. Future employers will not expect a work record from him.
For my part, I would like to argue in favor of family support. While I study at university, my older brother sends me money every month. When I get my degree and find a good job, I will send my younger sister to a school or university. It may not be the best way, but it is a way that my society approves of.

Earning a Degree by working or by Family support?
Now,there has been a controversy about the students rely on family support or by working to earn a degree.
Some students think they grow up, have the ability to be responsible for their own learning, have the ability to make money to support their studies, so they choose to work to earn tuition.And the other students think they have not the ability to make money, as long as the focus on learning what others do not care,so they chose to rely on family support to earn a degree.
In my opinion,I am more inclined to earn a degree by family support.In fact,it is really a good idea that they earn a degree by working.However, if the arrangement is unreasonable to work time and learning time, and it will affect our studies.students should be school-based,we should spend more time on learning.So I think it is better to earn a degree by family support.

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