
作者&投稿:人明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

七年级英语期末考试试题第一卷选择题(50分)I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is _________ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. We don’t like_________. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies ( )3. _________. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi ( )4. Do you have two ________? A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets C. tennis’ racket D. tennis’ rackets ( )5. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not ( )6. ________this your guitar?A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do ( ) 7. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( ) 8. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars. A. Are B. There C. They’re D. Their ( ) 9. My father usually________ a shower _________the morning. A. take; in B. takes; in C. take; on D. takes; at ( )10. ________you play the violin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )11 ---This is my sister Ann. ---Is _____ a student? A. she B. he C. her D. his ( )12. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has ( ) 13. ---Is that your book? ---Yes, ________. A. it is B. it isn’t C. it’s D. this is ( )14. Miss Wei often helps us ________ our English. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )15. I want __________ the music club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. be joinII.从A、B、C、D中选择最恰当的选项填进文章中去,你会读到一个有意思的故 事。(15分) I like my Chinese teacher very much. He is a 16 man, about 25 years old. He is tall 17 black short hair. He is a very humorous(幽默的) person. He often 18 us jokes(笑话) and 19 to make our class more 20 . In class, he is a very 21 teacher. If we don’t listen to him carefully, he will give us some punishment(惩罚) by 22 us some questions. But after class, he becomes a very good 23 of us. He often talks with the girls and plays 24 with the boys. All of us really like him. He is our 25 teacher. ( )16. A. old B. young C. very old D. aged ( )17. A. and B. for C. with D. at ( )18. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. speak ( )19. A. a story B. storys C. story D. stories ( )20 A. tired B. difficult C. interesting D. boring ( )21. A. busy B. strict C. interested D. wellhome ( )22. A. ask B. asks C. asking D. asked ( )23. A. teacher B. teachers C. friend D. friends ( )24. A. a basketball B. the basketball C. basketballs D. basketball ( )25. A. favorite B. the favorite C. favoritest D. a favoriteIII.经过一学期的英语学习,你的阅读理解能力一定有了很大提高。(20分) ADear Mr. Wang, Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out. He comes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later. He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学). Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中) in this city and he lives near the No. 6 Middle School. He is a very tall man with short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He tells me his telephone number is 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. So you can call him in the evening. ( )26. The author(作者) writes this note(便条) to ______. A. Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang’s wife C. Mr. Wang’s classmate D. me ( )27. Mr. Wang’s classmate is __________. A. a teacher B. a worker C. a farmer D. an actor ( )28. When is Mr. Wang’s classmate often at home? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon. C. At 7:00pm. D. We don’t know. ( )29. How long does Mr. Wang’s classmate stay in the office? A. Ten hours. B. An hour. C. Two hours. D. Half an hour. ( )30. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates. B. Mr. Wang’s classmate is short. C. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in the morning. D. Mr. Wang’s classmate meets Mr. Wang in the morning. B I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. It’s the first class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name ---Shirley. All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up at the same time. ( )31. What do we do in the first English class? A. Tell the teacher our Chinese names. B. Find English names for ourselves. C. See an English film. D. Draw pictures. ( )32. What does our teacher do first? A. He asks every student to make a self-introduction. B. He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us. C. He asks us many difficult questions D. He tells us a story. ( )33. What’s the English name of our English teacher? A. Jack. B. Shirley C. John. D. Tom. ( )34. Where do we write down our English names? A. On the blackboard. B. On the desk. C. On our hands. D. On the paper. ( )35. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The teacher gives every student an English name. B. Our teacher is a young girl. C. Three girls choose(选择)the name “Shirley”. D. The teacher calls our Chinese names in class.IV 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)。36. My mother and father are my p______________.37. I’m a student. I do my h______________ every day.38. C____________ is our homeland(祖国).39. E____________ me, is this your pen?40. Bill’s pants are long, but Emma’s pants are s____________.V选词填短文(15分)song paint classmate .play Saturday sing friend music swim same different pictureI have four good __41____. They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the _42____ class. So we’re _43______ too. Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the ___44____ club. Then she can swim on ___45____or Sundays. Victor wants to join the art club because he is good at __46______. Cindy is a pop music fan. She can sing a lot of __47___. So she wants to join the __48____ club. Leila wants to join the music club because she __49____ the violin very well. And she wants to be a ___50____ when she grows up(长大). I like them.VI任务性阅读(10分)My name is Tommy Wang. T-O-M-M-Y, Tommy, W-A-N-G, Wang. I am a Chinese boy. My telephone number is 85523963. My telephone is white. Look! This is my pencil box. ① It’s big and beautiful. It’s white. What’s in it? This is ② ________ eraser. It’s white. This is a pencil. It’s white. ③ This is a ruler. It’s white, too. I like white. I like green, too. Look! ④ My schoolbag is green. My notebook is green, too. But my favorite color is white. This is my good friend. His name is John. ⑤ He is English. Linda is John’s sister. I like my friend. Like English.51. 把第①处黑体字部分的句子译成汉语。 ___________________________________________________________52. 在第②处填入一个适当的冠词。 ___________________________________________________________53. 把第③处黑体字部分的句子改成复数。 ___________________________________________________________54. 就第④处黑体字部分句子的划线部分提问。 ___________________________________________________________55. 将第⑤处黑体字部分的句子改为同义句。 ___________________________________________________________ VI.书面表达(共15分) 请根据下列提示,写一篇10句话(大约50-70个字左右)的自我介绍。(1)我叫Frank, 今年14岁,是一名Guang Ming Middle School的学生;(2)可参照以下句型:I can …. I like …. My favorite… is/are …. My hobby is …/ My hobbies are …. I go to school …. 七年级英语参考答案笔试部分I 1—15 BACBA BCCBB ABADBII 16—25 BCADC BCCDAIII A: 26—30 AACDC B: 31—35 BBCDC IV 36 parents 37 homework 38 China 39 Excuse 40 short V41friends42same43classmates44swimming45Saturdays46painting47songs 48singing49plays50musician VI51. 它大又漂亮。 52. an 53. These are rulers.54. What color is your schoolbag? 55. He comes from England. 祝你新年快乐,学习更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

楼德镇中学试题库 2010-10-04 11:29:59 阅读378 评论2 字号:大中小 订阅
( )1. This is _________ alarm clock.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )2. We don’t like_________.
A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies
( )3. _________. Is this your pen?
A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi
( )4. Do you have two ________?
A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets
C. tennis’ racket D. tennis’ rackets
( )5. He _________ his homework at school.
A. doesn’t do B. don’t does
C. isn’t do D. does not
( )6. ________this your guitar?
A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do
( ) 7. Let’s _________ now.
A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( ) 8. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars.
A. Are B. There C. They’re D. Their
( ) 9. My father usually________ a shower _________the morning.
A. take; in B. takes; in C. take; on D. takes; at
( )10. ________you play the violin?
A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When
( )11 ---This is my sister Ann.
---Is _____ a student?
A. she B. he C. her D. his
( )12. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs.
A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has
( ) 13. ---Is that your book?
---Yes, ________.
A. it is B. it isn’t C. it’s D. this is
( )14. Miss Wei often helps us ________ our English.
A. at B. in C. of D. with

( )15. I want __________ the music club.
A. join B. to join C. joins D. be join
I like my Chinese teacher very much. He is a 16 man, about 25 years old. He is tall 17 black short hair. He is a very humorous(幽默的) person. He often 18 us jokes(笑话) and 19 to make our class more 20 . In class, he is a very 21 teacher. If we don’t listen to him carefully, he will give us some punishment(惩罚) by 22 us some questions. But after class, he becomes a very good 23 of us. He often talks with the girls and plays 24 with the boys. All of us really like him. He is our 25 teacher.
( )16. A. old B. young C. very old D. aged
( )17. A. and B. for C. with D. at
( )18. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. speak
( )19. A. a story B. storys C. story D. stories
( )20 A. tired B. difficult C. interesting D. boring
( )21. A. busy B. strict C. interested D. well
( )22. A. ask B. asks C. asking D. asked
( )23. A. teacher B. teachers C. friend D. friends
( )24. A. a basketball B. the basketball C. basketballs D. basketball
( )25. A. favorite B. the favorite C. favoritest D. a favorite
Dear Mr. Wang,
Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out. He comes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later. He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学). Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中) in this city and he lives near the No. 6 Middle School. He is a very tall man with short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He tells me his telephone number is 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. So you can call him in the evening.
( )26. The author(作者) writes this note(便条) to ______.
A. Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang’s wife C. Mr. Wang’s classmate D. me
( )27. Mr. Wang’s classmate is __________.
A. a teacher B. a worker C. a farmer D. an actor
( )28. When is Mr. Wang’s classmate often at home?
A. In the morning B. In the afternoon. C. At 7:00pm. D. We don’t know.
( )29. How long does Mr. Wang’s classmate stay in the office?
A. Ten hours. B. An hour. C. Two hours. D. Half an hour.
( )30. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates.
B. Mr. Wang’s classmate is short.
C. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in the morning.
D. Mr. Wang’s classmate meets Mr. Wang in the morning.

I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. It’s the first class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name ---Shirley. All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up at the same time.
( )31. What do we do in the first English class?
A. Tell the teacher our Chinese names. B. Find English names for ourselves.
C. See an English film. D. Draw pictures.
( )32. What does our teacher do first?
A. He asks every student to make a self-introduction.
B. He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us.
C. He asks us many difficult questions
D. He tells us a story.
( )33. What’s the English name of our English teacher?
A. Jack. B. Shirley C. John. D. Tom.
( )34. Where do we write down our English names?
A. On the blackboard. B. On the desk.
C. On our hands. D. On the paper.
( )35. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The teacher gives every student an English name.
B. Our teacher is a young girl.
C. Three girls choose(选择)the name “Shirley”.
D. The teacher calls our Chinese names in class.
IV 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)。
36. My mother and father are my p______________.
37. I’m a student. I do my h______________ every day.
38. C____________ is our homeland(祖国).
39. E____________ me, is this your pen?
40. Bill’s pants are long, but Emma’s pants are s____________.
song paint classmate .play Saturday sing friend music swim same different picture

I have four good __41____. They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the _42____ class. So we’re _43______ too. Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the ___44____ club. Then she can swim on ___45____or Sundays. Victor wants to join the art club because he is good at __46______. Cindy is a pop music fan. She can sing a lot of __47___. So she wants to join the __48____ club. Leila wants to join the music club because she __49____ the violin very well. And she wants to be a ___50____ when she grows up(长大). I like them.
My name is Tommy Wang. T-O-M-M-Y, Tommy, W-A-N-G, Wang. I am a Chinese boy. My telephone number is 85523963. My telephone is white. Look! This is my pencil box. ① It’s big and beautiful. It’s white. What’s in it? This is ② ________ eraser. It’s white. This is a pencil. It’s white. ③ This is a ruler. It’s white, too. I like white. I like green, too. Look! ④ My schoolbag is green. My notebook is green, too. But my favorite color is white.
This is my good friend. His name is John. ⑤ He is English. Linda is John’s sister. I like my friend. Like English.
51. 把第①处黑体字部分的句子译成汉语。
52. 在第②处填入一个适当的冠词。
53. 把第③处黑体字部分的句子改成复数。
54. 就第④处黑体字部分句子的划线部分提问。
55. 将第⑤处黑体字部分的句子改为同义句。
(1)我叫Frank, 今年14岁,是一名Guang Ming Middle School的学生;
(2)可参照以下句型:I can ….
I like ….
My favorite… is/are ….
My hobby is …/ My hobbies are ….
I go to school ….

III A: 26—30 AACDC
B: 31—35 BBCDC
51. 它大又漂亮。 52. an 53. These are rulers.
54. What color is your schoolbag? 55. He comes from England.

人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题((((含答案含答案含答案含答案)))) 楼德镇中学试题库 2010-10-04 11:29:59 阅读378 评论2 字号:大中小 订阅 七年级英语期末考试试题七年级英语期末考试试题七年级英语期末考试试题七年级英语期末考试试题 第一卷选择题(50分) I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is _________ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. We don’t like_________. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies ( )3. _________. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi ( )4. Do you have two ________? A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets C. tennis’ racket D. tennis’ rackets ( )5. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not ( )6. ________this your guitar? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do ( ) 7. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( ) 8. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars. A. Are B. There C. They’re D. Their ( ) 9. My father usually________ a shower _________the morning. A. take; in B. takes; in C. take; on D. takes; at ( )10. ________you play the violin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )11 ---This is my sister Ann. ---Is _____ a student? A. she B. he C. her D. his ( )12. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has ( ) 13. ---Is that your book? ---Yes, ________. A. it is B. it isn’t C. it’s D. this is ( )14. Miss Wei often helps us ________ our English. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )15. I want __________ the music club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. be join II.从A、B、C、D中选择最恰当的选项填进文章中去,你会读到一个有意思的故 事。(15分) I like my Chinese teacher very much. He is a 16 man, about 25 years old. He is tall 17 black short hair. He is a very humorous(幽默的) person. He often 18 us jokes(笑话) and 19 to make our class more 20 . In class, he is a very 21 teacher. If we don’t listen to him carefully, he will give us some punishment(惩罚) by 22 us some questions. But after class, he becomes a very good 23 of us. He often talks with the girls and plays 24 with the boys. All of us really like him. He is our 25 teacher. ( )16. A. old B. young C. very old D. aged ( )17. A. and B. for C. with D. at ( )18. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. speak ( )19. A. a story B. storys C. story D. stories ( )20 A. tired B. difficult C. interesting D. boring ( )21. A. busy B. strict C. interested D. well home ( )22. A. ask B. asks C. asking D. asked ( )23. A. teacher B. teachers C. friend D. friends ( )24. A. a basketball B. the basketball C. basketballs D. basketball ( )25. A. favorite B. the favorite C. favoritest D. a favorite III.经过一学期的英语学习,你的阅读理解能力一定有了很大提高。(20分) A Dear Mr. Wang, Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out. He comes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later. He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学). Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中) in this city and he lives near the No. 6 Middle School. He is a very tall man with short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He tells me his telephone number is 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. So you can call him in the evening. ( )26. The author(作者) writes this note(便条) to ______. A. Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang’s wife C. Mr. Wang’s classmate D. me ( )27. Mr. Wang’s classmate is __________. A. a teacher B. a worker C. a farmer D. an actor ( )28. When is Mr. Wang’s classmate often at home? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon. C. At 7:00pm. D. We don’t know. ( )29. How long does Mr. Wang’s classmate stay in the office? A. Ten hours. B. An hour. C. Two hours. D. Half an hour. ( )30. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates. B. Mr. Wang’s classmate is short. C. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in the morning. D. Mr. Wang’s classmate meets Mr. Wang in the morning. B I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. It’s the first class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name ---Shirley. All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up at the same time. ( )31. What do we do in the first English class? A. Tell the teacher our Chinese names. B. Find English names for ourselves. C. See an English film. D. Draw pictures. ( )32. What does our teacher do first? A. He asks every student to make a self-introduction. B. He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us. C. He asks us many difficult questions D. He tells us a story. ( )33. What’s the English name of our English teacher? A. Jack. B. Shirley C. John. D. Tom. ( )34. Where do we write down our English names? A. On the blackboard. B. On the desk. C. On our hands. D. On the paper. ( )35. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The teacher gives every student an English name. B. Our teacher is a young girl. C. Three girls choose(选择)the name “Shirley”. D. The teacher calls our Chinese names in class. IV 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)。 36. My mother and father are my p______________. 37. I’m a student. I do my h______________ every day. 38. C____________ is our homeland(祖国). 39. E____________ me, is this your pen? 40. Bill’s pants are long, but Emma’s pants are s____________. V选词填短文(15分) song paint classmate .play Saturday sing friend music swim same different picture I have four good __41____. They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the _42____ class. So we’re _43______ too. Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the ___44____ club. Then she can swim on ___45____or Sundays. Victor wants to join the art club because he is good at __46______. Cindy is a pop music fan. She can sing a lot of __47___. So she wants to join the __48____ club. Leila wants to join the music club because she __49____ the violin very well. And she wants to be a ___50____ when she grows up(长大). I like them. VI任务性阅读(10分) My name is Tommy Wang. T-O-M-M-Y, Tommy, W-A-N-G, Wang. I am a Chinese boy. My telephone number is 85523963. My telephone is white. Look! This is my pencil box. ① It’s big and beautiful. It’s white. What’s in it? This is ② ________ eraser. It’s white. This is a pencil. It’s white. ③ This is a ruler. It’s white, too. I like white. I like green, too. Look! ④ My schoolbag is green. My notebook is green, too. But my favorite color is white. This is my good friend. His name is John. ⑤ He is English. Linda is John’s sister. I like my friend. Like English. 51. 把第①处黑体字部分的句子译成汉语。 ___________________________________________________________ 52. 在第②处填入一个适当的冠词。 ___________________________________________________________ 53. 把第③处黑体字部分的句子改成复数。 ___________________________________________________________ 54. 就第④处黑体字部分句子的划线部分提问。 ___________________________________________________________ 55. 将第⑤处黑体字部分的句子改为同义句。 ___________________________________________________________ VI.书面表达书面表达书面表达书面表达((((共共共共15分分分分)))) 请根据下列提示,写一篇10句话(大约50-70个字左右)的自我介绍。 (1)我叫Frank, 今年14岁,是一名Guang Ming Middle School的学生; (2)可参照以下句型:I can …. I like …. My favorite… is/are …. My hobby is …/ My hobbies are …. I go to school ….
七年级英语参考答案 笔试部分 I 1—15 BACBA BCCBB ABADB II 16—25 BCADC BCCDA III A: 26—30 AACDC B: 31—35 BBCDC IV36parents37homework38China39Excuse40short V41friends42same43classmates44swimming45Saturdays46painting47songs 48singing49plays50musician VI 51. 它大又漂亮。 52. an 53. These are rulers. 54. What color is your schoolbag? 55. He comes from England





6.人教版七年级上册英语一至九单元重点词组 九年级上册人教版英语第一单元重点语法1. 动词+ by doing”结构的用法;例:I learn English by listening to tapes.. 现在完成时的用法。 例:I have learned a lot that way. 用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。. how引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。 哦 还有就是 我...

英语七年级上册人教版一到10单元单词,老师拜托了 ,
从事英语教学20多年,现为中学高级教师。 向TA提问 私信TA 关注 展开全部 义务教育教科书《英语(Go for it!)》七年级上册单词表Starter Unit 1Good morning!good 好的morning 早晨;上午Good morning! 早上好!hi 嗨;喂 hello 你好;喂 afternoon 下午Good afternoon! 下午好evening 晚上;傍晚Good evening! 晚上...

人教版七年级上册英语重点句型  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 可乐树,是什么树?不知是谁呀 2013-11-06 · TA获得超过803个赞 知道答主 回答量:47 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:21.2万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Starters units1—3 1. ---What’s this in English? ---It’s an ...

人教版新目标七年级上册英语教学计划人教版新目标七年级上册英语教学计划很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 新目标七年级上册英语教学计划 篇1 一、教学目标: 钻研新课标新教材,不断提高教师的知

七年级上册英语单词表汉语人教版(一)go v. 去 movie n. 电影 go to a movie 去看电影 action n. 动作片 comedy n. 喜剧 documentary n. 记录片 thriller n. 恐怖电影或小说 kind n. 种类 singular n. 单数;单数形式 a.单数的 plural n. 复数;复数形式 a.复数的;opera n. 歌剧 Beijing ...

是人教版!就是英语课本后面的单词表,照例写下来就行了,按顺序,分清unit1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8要有音标,翻译再次声明,是人教版的,七年级上册,不要网页,谢谢了!... 注意!!!是人教版!就是英语课本后面的单词表,照例写下来就行了,按顺序,分清unit1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8要有音标,翻译再次声明,是...

2. 七年级上册英语人教版短语归纳改写:- "leave sb by oneself" 改为 "独自留下某人";- "needn't=don't have to" 改为 "不需";- "it's+形容词+to do sth" 改为 "做某事是……的";- "make sb to do sth" 改为 "让某人做某事";- "let sb to do sth" 改为 "让某人做...

七年级英语上册人教版一到五单元重点句子 急求!!!
Unit1 Good morning\/afternoon\/evening\/night! 早上好、下午好、晚上好、晚安 How are you? 你好吗? I'm fine\/I'm OK 我很好 What‘s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?Spell it, please.\/How do you spell it?\/Can you spell it,please? 请拼写它。What color is i...

句型和词组 ( 七年级上 Go for it)Starter Us1-3 1. Good morning\/afternoon \/evening, Bob! 早上 \/ 下午 \/ 晚上好, Bob!2. Good morning to you. 祝你早上好。3. --How are you? 你好吗?—I’m fine, thanks. How are you? 我很好,谢谢。你好吗?---I’m OK. 我...

跪求!人教版七年级上册英语课文及翻译(所有课文) 提示该问答中所提及的号码未经验证,请注意甄别。1个回答 #热议# 孩子之间打架 父母要不要干预?pengjigui 高赞答主 2011-08-21 · 点赞后记得关注哦 知道大有可为答主 回答量:3.1万 采纳率:20% 帮助的人:3.7亿 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 ...

明山区17110312982: 七年级上册期末英语试卷(人教版) -
伊颜云芝: 人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题(含答案)楼德镇中学试题库 2010-10-04 11:29:59 阅读378 评论2 字号:大中小 订阅 七年级英语期末考试试题第一卷选择题(50分)I.单项选择.(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is _________ alarm ...

明山区17110312982: 人教版初一上册期末英语试卷和答案和复习材料 -
伊颜云芝: 基础知识 (70分) V、单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分) 根据下列句子的语境及相关信息,选择最佳答案.31. Get up, it's time _____ school. A. for B. to go C. at D. go to32. Look! They _____ the soccer match on TV. A. watch B. are watching ...

明山区17110312982: 七年级上英语期末检测试卷及答案不要打印的! -
伊颜云芝:[答案] 七年级上学期期末考试英语试题考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分请将答案写在答卷纸上,不要忘记了!听力部分(25分)一、请仔细听,选出你所听到的字母和单词.(5分)( ) 1. A. R B. I C. A D. H( ) 2. A. MBA B. CBC C. ...

明山区17110312982: 人教版初一上册英语期末复习题 -
伊颜云芝:[答案] 人教版初一英语上册期末试题及答案听力部分略I.单项选择.(每小题1分,计15分)( )1. This is _________ alarm clock.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. We don't like_________.A. broccoli B. br...

明山区17110312982: 初一英语上学期期末考试题(完形填空)急!!!!!!!!! -
伊颜云芝: Listen,everyone.(1B)are the arrangements(2D)the trip.We're going to meet tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. and take (3C)to the park.(4A)we'll walk to the campsite.We'll (5D)there in about two (6B). We're going to(7A)to our school on Sunday.We'...

明山区17110312982: 七年级英语上册期末考试卷电子测试(含听力)—自动打分 -
伊颜云芝: 抱歉,我没有听力. 一,单项选择.(15分) 1.( )My ____ is Yang.So you can call me Miss Yang. A.first name B.last name. C.given name D full name 2.( )His family ______watching俯弗碘煌鄢号碉铜冬扩 TV. A.is all B.are all C.all is D.all are 3.( )...

明山区17110312982: 初一上册期末英语试卷 -
伊颜云芝: 笔试部分 一、选择填空(15分) ( )1. The teacher with a girl ______ into the classroom. A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come ( )2. The music teacher teaches ______. A. we to sing B. us to sing C. our sing D. our singing ( )3. There are ...

明山区17110312982: 求新目标初一上册期末英语测试题不要听力,含答案、分值(满分一百分) -
伊颜云芝:[答案] 喜爱的颜色、食品、电影和学科等.不少于是60个词. January 7th, 2004 Dear Jim, I know you want to have a pen pal in China. I hope you can write to me soon. Yours. Li Dong 初一英语参考答案 Listening I.1—5 CBADD II.comedies scary usually thinks ...

明山区17110312982: 七年级上册英语5—7单元卷子人教版,满分120, -
伊颜云芝:[答案] 七年级上册 Test For Unit 5 一 单项选择(15) ( )1 ----Do you have a ball?----Yes,____________ A .I am B.it is C.you do D.I do 解析:D,用Do提问,用do回答.( )2 ----______ your son have a key?----No,h...

明山区17110312982: 人教版初一英语试卷 -
伊颜云芝:[答案] 第四单元的 人民教育出版社 Each correct answer counts for two points.?A. Listening ComprehensionPART 1 Listen to the conversation. Number the words in the order you hear them.?dresser CD...

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