蝴蝶效应 古文版影评 求翻译! 急需 周一下午要的

作者&投稿:芒晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求蝴蝶效应影评 要英文~









  The film, great, after reading a person look just like to transfixed.

  There are many fragments, they have become part of the memory, we will try to forget about these clips, just because we can not return to that moment, to change them. If you give me this possibility, let me return to the old crossroads, if I can know in advance that moment brought me a choice and do not want to place the results, I received stopped, turned to another step direction, my history, would not this be more perfect?

  The film not only out of such assumptions may even try to give an unexpected answer:

  Yes, if the butterfly in that moment, no fly away, but just shake a bit wings and the end of the chain in time, will be more of a hurricane out of thin air, worse, no one knows where the wind is blowing to.

  When everything is unknown, we can only console themselves like assumptions we have experienced and participated in the actual change in the world is a result of the best so far, of course, if you think that the worst would feel better if also wish me it. There is an assumption, which is provided in the film that assumption, I might can think of the most frustrating of a kind, and Ji, Wu Lun Genggailishi on any link to cause the Yichang not Yuliao to the disaster, (film only two exceptions, the hero of the match in order to get the prison roommate, while the return to the past, with the nails hurt his hand, and in order to destroy the history of the bomb, but picked up the knife, which After two, the hero went back to the established time and space, not only did not bring a major cataclysmic change, even this benefit). Parole you have the ability to see a better world without their own (as the movie last three minutes of the lens) for as who should feel the loss deeply.

  The tragic hero is hereditary in nature, but unfortunately the end of this seemingly endless era of progress because you can use video to record the process of baby born to an end, even if this life is not aborted, expect the After he grew up, in that their ability to post this, only to be locked in a lunatic asylum or a self-breaking of two paths. Maybe not in this earthly appearance, is the best he can think of outcomes, but, even so, still have a mother for his early departure painful.

  In other words, if a person was able to reverse the historical ability to either wait for his disaster in history, or is their tragedy. The two have the capability, power to the fate of the inevitable, namely, regret and greed - either for their own ever done regretting, either of which is the life of the state is actually dissatisfied with desire change, it is these two emotions so that we produce from time to time to back the urge to change history, but also makes it different from the God of the two emotions.

  The hero of the movie has done covertly a religious proposition, since I brought the existence of only the unfortunate people of the world, then, What happened to the water? Hands nails hero, vaguely suggesting a martyr-like distress. Everyone can produce back in a moment the desire to change history, this is the inevitable human nature. However, this desire can never be reached, so people were able to present the status and relations are known to the world. People busy, or happiness, or hardship, they look forward to the arrival of new life, but knew nothing of the tied to, they could only console themselves one by one like the answer for all the development, generation after generation abide by the order of infinity multiply endlessly down safely.

  Person exists, because people are not God!

江子一,字元贞,济阳考城人,晋散骑常侍统之七世孙也。父法成,天监中 奉朝请。子一少好学,有志操,以家贫阙养,因蔬食终身。起家王国侍郎、朝请。
  启求观书秘阁,高祖许之,有敕直华林省。其姑夫右卫将军朱异,权要当朝,休 下之日,宾客辐凑,子一未尝造门,其高洁如此。稍迁尚书仪曹郎,出为遂昌、 曲阿令,皆著美绩。除通直散骑侍郎,出为戎昭将军、南津校尉。
  弟子四,历尚书金部郎。大同初,迁右丞。兄弟性并刚烈。子四自右丞上封 事,极言得失,高祖甚善之,诏尚书详择施行焉。左民郎沈炯、少府丞顾玙尝奏 事不允,高祖厉色呵责之;子四乃趋前代炯等对,言甚激切,高祖怒呼缚之,子 四据地不受,高祖怒亦止,乃释之。犹坐免职。
  及侯景反,攻陷历阳,自横江将渡,子一帅舟师千余人,于下流欲邀之,其 副董桃生家在江北,因与其党散走。子一乃退还南洲,复收余众,步道赴京师。
  贼亦寻至,子一启太宗曰:“贼围未合,犹可出荡,若营栅一固,无所用武。” 请与其弟子四、子五帅所领百余人,开承明门挑贼。许之。子一乃身先士卒,抽 戈独进,群贼夹攻之,从者莫敢继。子四、子五见事急,相引赴贼,并见害。诏 曰:“故戎昭将军、通直散骑侍郎、南津校尉江子一,前尚书右丞江子四,东宫 直殿主帅子五,祸故有闻,良以矜恻,死事加等,抑惟旧章。可赠子一给事黄门 侍郎,子四中书侍郎,子五散骑侍郎。”侯景平,世祖又追赠子一侍中,谥义子; 子四黄门侍郎,谥毅子;子五中书侍郎,谥烈子。

Many people want to go back to the past, even though the past love and regret of reality, if have regret medicine, it is the most tight drug. Occasionally saw the movie "butterfly effect", is about trying to go back to the past and evan, through some small change to to make the butterfly effect, to lovers, friends and family to bring a better life.

Want to return to the past, that not only is you I think different think sudden's, but also on the scientific research topic. I've been thinking, back to the past the "past" is just a refer to, refer to the use of time characterization of a kind of appearance, or all the objects of running a critical point. We know, everything is in motion, the movement of the state or pattern is we use time to record, time was a virtual things, not the past reality, and no future forever. Is all in the changing, so four dimensional space theory with time instead of a dimension, the idea of course should be reserved.

Back to this idea, simple "back to the past", to realize it, must have three elements: one is the environment to go back to the past, everything will return to the so-called "in the past," the critical point; 2 it is we want to fit in with the relative to the environment, and that means we go back to the past can not only after "watch", should also be able to personally participate in activities; Three is that we should have the consciousness, and that means we should keep "now" all thinking, including memory, only in this way can we be the real meaning of "back to the past".

Movie evan through the diary and video such media from spirit of return to the past, to make the people of the shuttle. This of course is virtual. In reality, to realize the real meaning of the said the "back to the past", will face a difficult problem, is how to realize the body (environment) and the separation of thinking reverse movement? All things in sports, or are in our time in accordance with the concept forward movement, if want to go back to the past, see perception to realize to the past things, they have to make these things to "after" movement, also is the reverse movement. In science, although still impossible, but theoretically, since have positive and negative material, positive and negative movement should be also exist. We just don't find or can't perceive. But the problem here, we can realize the premise is reverse sports, but we want to perception, you have to let the brain to continue toward sports, at least to stop reverse movement. Otherwise we even by reverse movement back to the past but can't perception, as I now return to the five, but all of my thinking all memory stay in at that time, I can only feel everything did not change, because I still lies in the surrounding environment according to the time the way together on the rl = do exercise. Only difference, and people will feel this kind of change. "Go back to the past", ultimately, or a may not fact. And still exist two generations paradox, the personal and the environment to tear the practice of science is not enough movement.

Of course, the boundless universe or have, is the so-called space singularities or called worm hole, or existence of the layers of the overlap of space (parallel universe) may be able to implement this movement, let us in the space of cascade back into the past movement a certain point, but then there should be a world at that time of the "I" and now the world of the "I", and can't be replaced, and still can't change that my objective facts (perhaps can affect). Another is to watch from the sidelines. As you can imagine, the future development of science in a relatively closed to outside space achieve reverse movement, so that we can go back to the past, but can be a bystander, because the space we can't touch the characteristics of perception the past space, can not be known in a certain corner of the world see blossom. Maybe, you side with this future (GHOST?) . Maybe the sky that little disc is the future of objects, through the space of flawed occasionally ZhenShen revealed.

Evan fails, he meant to be the world (space), back to the other space made various efforts may be able to stay in the relative space, but ultimately he still chose death, don't give anyone hurt and meaningless changes, it can not damage we know the rules of the universe, perhaps in...... was doomed to all our idea was brought in the narrow era.

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郑维盖柠: 这部电影是一部比较经典的电影,看过太久了,根据记忆跟你解释一下吧.第一个问题:埃文改变了女友的命运,他和女友的生活反生了翻天覆地的变化,他的这个室友已经跟他不是原来那么好的关系了,在他室友眼里他就是个浮夸子弟,整天...

广昌县18797286210: 蝴蝶效应1剧情 -
郑维盖柠: 一和三没有联系~ 关于你的另一个疑问~是这样滴~ 蝴蝶效应1的DVD版总共有三个结局~ 其中一个就是艾什顿库彻演的男主角因为无论选择什么样的过程,最终结果都是带给他身边最爱的人痛苦收场~所以最终他选择从没有出生,也就是楼主说的回到母亲胎中自杀~我最喜欢这个~ 第二个结局是说,男主角选择了从来没有认识过女主角~最后的场景是他跟女主角擦身而过~这个结局貌似在网上下载的蝴蝶效应1里比较常见~ 第三个结局是说,男女主角多年以后重逢了~还彼此说了话~但是没有在一起~ 蝴蝶效应1是部很好的电影~ 觉得后面的续集不会超越了,所以后面两部都仔细没看~ 希望对你有帮助~

广昌县18797286210: 关于影片《蝴蝶效应》 -
郑维盖柠: 第一部大概就是讲男主角从小到大身边发生的一些事,在他成长的某个时间点上会有一段段的记忆空白,他记不起来自己做过些什么,所以他坚持写日记,直到他长大以后,读到以前写过的日记时,穿越时空回到当时的环境,因以前自己或与同...

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