A rose is rose which by any other name will smell the same. 从语言学的角度如何评论这句话?

作者&投稿:班姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
A rose is rose which by any other name will smell the same. 从英语语言学的角度如何评论这句话?~

莎士比亚原文是A rose by any other name would smell as sweet。是说玫瑰不管教甚么名字都一样的香, by any other name 是定语修饰a rose, as sweet 后面应该是省略了it originally is的比较状语从句。




That which we call a rose, by any othername would smell as sweet. - Romeo and Juliet ActⅡSceneⅡ




According to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, not too much. "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."


A rose is rose which by any other name will smell the same.
【A rose主语】【 is谓语】【 rose 表语,先行词】【which 定语从句关系词,主语】by any other name【 will smell 谓语】【the same.表语】
=A rose is rose which will smell the same by any other name

1、【谚】 玫瑰易名,馨香如故
3、莎士比亚的一首十四行诗“a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”,本意是"玫瑰不管叫什么名字都能表达我的爱慕之心"现在常被引用在英语语言学上,证明索绪尔的语言的“任意性”这一语言特性。

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" is a quotation from William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, meant to say that the names of things do not matter, only what things are. It means Romeo's name has nothing to do with his value - on one hand - and on the other hand, he could change his name (abandoning his family) in order to become acceptable to her family. The actual quotation is "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and should not be confused with "a rose is a rose is a rose" which is a quotation from Gertrude Stein.

居巢区19511983596: a rose is a rose is a rose这句话到底怎么理解 -
陆府藏青: a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose 是捷尔特茹德•斯坦因的一句诗.意思是“罗斯是玫瑰就像玫瑰就是玫瑰一样”.她首次在英语中连用三个is.所以,A rose is a rose is a rose 的意思是“一朵玫瑰就像一朵玫瑰是一朵玫瑰一样”.

居巢区19511983596: a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose怎么翻译? -
陆府藏青: Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose 是捷尔特茹德•斯坦因的一句诗.意思是“罗斯是玫瑰就像玫瑰就是玫瑰一样”.

居巢区19511983596: a rose is a rose is a rose应该如何理解和翻译? -
陆府藏青:[答案] Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose 是捷尔特茹德•斯坦因的一句诗.意思是“罗斯是玫瑰就像玫瑰就是玫瑰一样”.她首次在英语中连用三个is. 所以,A rose is a rose is a rose 的意思是“一朵玫瑰就像一朵玫瑰是一朵玫瑰一样”.

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陆府藏青: 这是一个强调句式,前半句强调名词,后半句强调所加修饰的形容词.如同A rose is a rose.A rose is a rose is a rose.第一个是名词,每二个是名词,第三个是形容词.这种句式是美国诗人Gertrude Stein最早使用的,旨在强调某些东西!~~它的风...

居巢区19511983596: "a rose is a rose is a rose'' 是什么意思啊
陆府藏青: 省略that啊 A rose is a rose that is a rose. 直译就是:玫瑰就是一支是玫瑰的玫瑰. 换成通顺一点的意译,就是 玫瑰到底还是支玫瑰.

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居巢区19511983596: a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose是什么意思? -
陆府藏青: 一个句子中能有这么多的is吗?语法好象不正确嘛 你这个不会是歌词吧?要真是的把歌名发上来看看

居巢区19511983596: 请问"ROSE"这个英文名字代表什么意思? -
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居巢区19511983596: 求一篇赏析或评论《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》的英文文章250字左右 -
陆府藏青:[答案] 呵呵,又是你啊,老是求英文的赏析或评论哦,是不是学校要求的阿?英文系的?:) 本书大意:“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house i...

居巢区19511983596: rose是什么意思 -
陆府藏青: a. ( 形容词 adjective ) 1. 玫瑰色的,紫红色的;玫瑰香的;用於玫瑰花的,有玫瑰的;玫瑰的 添加例子 n. ( 名词 noun ) 1. 【物】 玫瑰香水;玫瑰香料 添加例子 2. 【事】 红润的面色 添加例子 3. 【物】 玫瑰形图案;(鞋、帽子上的)玫瑰...

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