哪位大仙帮忙人工翻译一下,不要翻译器翻译···· 比较加急·······谢谢各位了·······

作者&投稿:充哈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
哪位大仙帮忙人工翻译一下,不要翻译器翻译···· 比较加急·······谢谢各位了·······~

In the context of globalization, business traveling more frequently, the demand for business English language skills is growing. In this paper, business methods and the British won the English learning experience in these two areas, analysis of how cultivating talent. Learn how to master business English skills and an overview of the method, no foreign language channels. Focusing on the communication skills, can only rely on the accumulation of sun and the moon, followed by paper also describes the learning business English should pay attention. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader understand the importance of learning English and their business, and I hope to read to learn business English in some of the outstanding issues are resolved, and get a deeper understanding.

According to the analysis of the present status of our country's endowment insurance system,we find that the endowment insurance system covers narrow and ageing population is accelerating. so the government :puts forward the system of insisting the society plans as a whole and combining with individual account, extends the emeritus age, holding the system of urban and rural's integration,perfects pension management, improves related legislations and so on.So that reforming and improving our country's endowment insurance system.

First, pay attention to the foundation.

The initial stage must be locked in the "basic" 2 words, not take a snow job.

Basic materials will be repeated review.

The more complex language, the more so.

Tongji university for example a "basic German", true can bore through, have just don't the simple things.

Review one hundred times also isn't much.

Japanese study, in the basic grammar, vocabulary and expressions based on learning into big trouble.

Foundation such as good pass, it can complete general communication between 60% and 80% of the task.

Serious to come, bacon said, some books to completely swallowed digestion is reasonable.

Second, voice and text is a language exchange of two different systems.

For the former, must be more than ten years, dozens of years like one day to read noise.

To form habits, such as buddhist meditation.

Read aloud method: one breath a sentence;


Find cadence;

Moderate speed, or according to the difficult adjustment.

This is a lot of people are stressed, is also the most recommended I method.

Third, writing does not suffer.

Mismanagement of writing, language can only stay in the expression of the lower level.

Fourth, want to improve spoken English, with foreign languages to form the habit of thinking and expression.

To breathe and almost, not made to feel breathing moments.

In addition, build a foreign language environment is very important.

If you can get a living abroad for many years, of course, is the best.

Here are the most familiar Chinese, murphy dashan oral expression, a foreigner can to speak Chinese so well, it is to let person gasp in admiration.

Fifth, stage for learning.

People learn a foreign language had better have the habit of early to bed.

The basic skills of practice or are crucial part of the study on the morning, need a lot of time self-restraint is put in part of the day or night.

Every foreign language into the intermediate level after learn, face will be a long will need at least 10 to 20 years of self-restraint stage, looking after entering the threshold of the advanced stage.

So three years university major study, just so the children from the belly is born, and brought up is to spend huge patience and committed.

Sixth, to mass reading.

First of all want to make clear the difference between intensive and extensive reading.

Seventh, to mass pan-listens.

Graduated from university, only prove finished primary revolution, the high efficiency of self-study.

Middle and senior language learning is to get the best country to practice the language.

To sum up, business English learning, and constantly heard that the reading, writing and translating are we to learn business English, the most solid method

We also need through continuous efforts to expand our knowledge, learning to have to master the attention of business English, business matters with basic inter-disciplinary talent development, only by constantly learning new knowledge, accumulate experience, to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to make business English really achieve tend to be standardized realm

First, pay attention to the foundation. The initial stage must be locked in the "basic" 2 words, not take a snow job. Basic materials will be repeated review. The more complex language, the more so. Tongji university for example a "basic German", true can bore through, have just don't the simple things. Review one hundred times also isn't much. Japanese study, in the basic grammar, vocabulary and expressions based on learning into big trouble. Foundation such as good pass, it can complete general communication between 60% and 80% of the task. Serious to come, bacon said, some books to completely swallowed digestion is reasonable.
Second, voice and text is a language exchange of two different systems. For the former, must be more than ten years, dozens of years like one day to read noise. To form the habit

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